Three different problems are selected for the comparison of results obtained by two different neutron flux density spectrum unfolding codes, LOUHI and SAND-II. In the first two problems, a light-water-reactor-type spectrum is considered. For both problems the same input spectrum, the same reaction rates, and the same neutron cross-section data library (ENDF/B-IV) is used. The third problem deals with the betatron-associated neutron flux density spectrum using LOUHI and SAND-II codes in the same way. This technique proved to be very useful in finding in a very practical way the problematic reaction rates, like 27Al(n, α)24Na, 48Ti(n, p)48Sc, 115In(n, n)115mIn, 127I(n, 2n)126I, and 232Th(n, f), in neutron spectrum unfolding.