The neutron-capture resonance integral of 233Pa has been measured by irradiating cadmium-covered thorium wires, and, after suitable chemical separations, determining the quantity of 234U produced. Results are reported for two methods of measuring the irradiating flux. Monitor wires of cobalt in aluminum alloy give integrated fluxes based upon a value of 72.0 b for the resonance integral of 59Co. Alternatively, measurements of the 233U produced by the irradiations give integrated fluxes based upon an effective resonance integral of 36.5 b measured for the 232Th wires. The experiments provide 233Pa resonance integral results of 846 ± 43 b employing cobalt-monitored fluxes, and 837 ± 43 b employing thorium-monitored fluxes. These results, which have an average value of 842 ± 35 b, include the l/ν component of the cross section, and are appropriate for a 1/E spectrum and a perfect filter with a low energy cutoff of 0.50 eV.