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Fuel Cycle & Waste Management
Devoted to all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including waste management, worldwide. Division specific areas of interest and involvement include uranium conversion and enrichment; fuel fabrication, management (in-core and ex-core) and recycle; transportation; safeguards; high-level, low-level and mixed waste management and disposal; public policy and program management; decontamination and decommissioning environmental restoration; and excess weapons materials disposition.
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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
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Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
February 2025
Latest News
Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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Review of the Los Alamos FRX-C Experiment
Richard E. Siemon, W. Thomas Armstrong, Daniel C. Barnes, R. Richard Bartsch, Robert E. Chrien, James C. Cochrane, Waheed N. Hugrass, Ralph W. Kewish, Jr., Phillip L. Klingner, H. Ralph Lewis, Rulon K. Linford, Kenneth F. McKenna, Richard D. Milroy, Donald J. Rej, James L. Schwarzmeier, Charles E. Seyler, Eugene G. Sherwood, Ross L. Spencer, Michel Tuszewski
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 13-37
Technical Paper |
Review of Experimental Spheromak Research and Future Prospects
Masaaki Yamada
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 38-47
Technical Paper |
Formation of Field-Reversed Configurations Using Scalable, Low-Voltage Technology
Alan L. Hoffman, Richard D. Milroy, John T. Slough, Loren C. Steinhauer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 48-57
Techical Paper |
Inductive Sustainment of Spheromaks
Alan C. Janos, Masaaki Yamada
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 58-68
Technical Paper |
Helical Quadrupole Field Stabilization of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma
S. Shimamura, Yasuyuki Nogi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 69-74
Technical Paper |
Numerical Calculation of Equilibria for the Field-Reversed Configuration
D. E. Shumaker
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 75-82
Technical Paper |
Hydrodynamic Confinement of Thermonuclear Plasmas Trisops VIII (Plasma Liner Confinement)
Daniel R. Wells, Paul Edward Ziajka, Jack L. Tunstall
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 83-96
Technical Paper |
A Deuterium-Tritium Ignition Ramp for an Advanced Fuel Field-Reversed Configuration Reactor
Robert M. Zubrin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 97-100
Technical Paper |
Conceptual Design of a Cassette Compact Toroid Reactor (The Zero-Phase Study) — Quick Replacement of the Reactor Core
Masahiro Nishikawa, Takefumi Narikawa, Masatami Iwamoto, Kenji Watanabe
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 101-115
Technical Paper |
Design of a Translating Field-Reversed Configuration Reactor
George C. Vlases, D. S. Rowe, the Firebird Design Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 116-135
Technical Paper |
Conceptual Design of a Moving-Ring Reactor
Adrian C. Smith, Jr., Gustav A. Carlson, William S. Neef, Jr., Clinton P. Ashworth, Kenneth E. Abreu, Hans H. Fleischmann, Kenneth R. Schultz, Clement P. C. Wong, Dilip K. Bhadra, R. Lewis Creedon, Edward T. Cheng, George R. Hopkins, William Grossmann, Jr., David M. Woodall, Terry Kammash
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 136-170
Technical Paper |
Simple Liquid-Metal Blankets for Linear Magnetic Fusion Reactors
W. K. Terry, E. B. Paperman+
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 1 | January 1986 | Pages 171-187
Technical Paper |
Cost Assessment of a Generic Magnetic Fusion Reactor
J. Sheffield, R. A. Dory, S. M. Cohn, J. G. Delene, L. Parsly, D. E. T. F. Ashby, W. T. Reiersen
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 199-249
Overview | Economic |
Deuterium-Tritium Fuel Self-Sufficiency in Fusion Reactors
M. A. Abdou, E. L. Vold, C. Y. Gung, M. Z. Youssef, K. Shin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 250-285
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
Uncertainties in Prediction of Tritium Breeding in Candidate Blanket Designs Due to Present Uncertainties in Nuclear Data Base
M. Z. Youssef, M. A. Abdou
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 286-307
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
An Assessment of Tritium Breeding Requirements Based on the Tritium Fuel Cycle
J. Jung
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 308-319
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
Low-Temperature Plasma Near a Tokamak Reactor Limiter
Bastiaan J. Braams, Clifford E. Singer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 320-327
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Reactivation Coefficient of Muon-Catalyzed Deuterium-Tritium Fusion and Its Enhancement
Hiroshi Takahashi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 328-339
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Sputtering Performance of a Pumped Limiter for an Ignition Tokamak
Jeffrey N. Brooks
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 340-344
Technical Paper | Divertor System |
Transmission of Fast Neutrons Through an Iron Sphere
Nolan E. Hertel, R. H. Johnsons, Bernard W. Wehring, John J. Dorning
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 345-361
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Taonic and Monopolic Exotic Systems in the Context of Fusion
Lali Chatterjee, V. P. Gautam
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 2 | March 1986 | Pages 362-365
Technical Note | Plasma Engineering |
Inertial Confinement Fusion Development Options: Facility Characteristics and Schedules from a Reactor Physics Viewpoint
James A. Blink
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 381-390
Technical Paper | ICF Chamber Engineering |
Transport Effects of Interacting Hot and Cold Electrons in Laser-Heated Plasmas
P. M. Campbell
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 391-400
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
The Performance of the Poloidal Divertor Experiment Neutral Beam Wall Armor
H. W. Kugel, H. P. Eubank, T. A. Kozub, M. D. Williams, M. Ulrickson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 401-407
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
The Elusive Isobaric Reactor
Robert G. Mills
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 408-421
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Conceptual Design of a Movingring Reactor: KARIN-I
The Working Group on KARIN-I, A. Mohri, Y. Fujii-E, K. Ikuta, H. Momota, H. Naitou, Y. Nomura, Y. Tomita, M. Ohnishi, K. Yoshikawa, S. Inoue, M. Nishikawa, S.-Inoue Itoh, K. Kitamura, S. Nagao, H. Nakashima, M. Iwamoto, Y. Gomay, M. Kumagai, Y. Kawakita, Y. Suzuki, K. Okamoto, H. Matsunaga, H. Yoshizawa
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 422-451
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
A Parametric Study of Water-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket Designs
Balabhadra Misra, Grover D. Morgan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 452-458
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Conceptual Design of a Deuterium-3He Fueled Tandem Mirror Reactor Satellite/Breeder System
Geoffrey W. Shuy, Ali E. Dabiri, Husam Gurol
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 459-475
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactors |
Engineering Aspects of The HT-6M Tokamak
HT-6M Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 476-480
Technical Paper | Experimetal Device |
Pulse Discharge Cleaning for Open-Ended Systems
Harold R. Garner, Takashi Aoki
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 481-483
Technical Paper | Experimental Device |
Tritium Control in a Helium-Cooled Ceramic Blanket for a Fusion Reactor
Mario Dalle Donne, Stefan Dorner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 484-491
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
Drastic Reduction of Computing Time in Dynamic Simulation for Hydrogen Isotope Distillation Columns
Masahiro Kinoshita
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 492-498
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
A Proposed Direct ρR Measurement by Charged-Particle Activation
A. D. Krumbein, Y. Paiss, H. Zmora, M. Rosenblum
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 499-502
Technical Note | ICF Target |
Tritium Release from a Lithium Ceramic: Interpretation of the Trio Experiment
Mario Dalle Donne
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 503-505
Technical Note | Tritium System |
A Zirconium-Cobalt Compound as the Material for a Reversible Tritium Getter
Takanori Nagasaki, Satoshi Konishi, Hiroji Katsuta, Yuji Naruse
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 9 | Number 3 | May 1986 | Pages 506-509
Technical Note | Tritium System |