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Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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The ARIES Advanced and Conservative Tokamak Power Plant Study
C. E. Kessel, M. S. Tillack, F. Najmabadi, F. M. Poli, K. Ghantous, N. Gorelenkov, X. R. Wang, D. Navaei, H. H. Toudeshki, C. Koehly, L. EL-Guebaly, J. P. Blanchard, C. J. Martin, L. Mynsburge, P. Humrickhouse, M. E. Rensink, T. D. Rognlien, M. Yoda, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, M. D. Hageman, B. H. Mills, J. D. Rader, D. L. Sadowski, P. B. Snyder, H. St. John, A. D. Turnbull, L. M. Waganer, S. Malang, A. F. Rowcliffe
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 1-21
Technical Paper |
ARIES-ACT1 System Configuration, Assembly, and Maintenance
X. R. Wang, M. S. Tillack, C. Koehly, S. Malang, H. H. Toudeshki, F. Najmabadi, ARIES Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 22-48
Technical Paper |
Design and Analysis of the ARIES-ACT1 Fusion Power Core
M. S. Tillack, X. R. Wang, D. Navaei, H. H. Toudeshki, A. F. Rowcliffe, F. Najmabadi, ARIES Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 49-74
Technical Paper |
Physics Basis for An Advanced Physics and Advanced Technology Tokamak Power Plant Configuration: ARIES-ACT1
C. E. Kessel, F. M. Poli, K. Ghantous, N. N. Gorelenkov, M. E. Rensink, T. D. Rognlien, P. B. Snyder, H. St. John, A. D. Turnbull
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 75-106
Technical Paper |
Neutronics Characteristics and Shielding System for ARIES-ACT1 Power Plant
L. EL-Guebaly, L. Mynsberge, ARIES-ACT Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 107-124
Technical Paper |
Plasma Heat-Flux Dispersal for ACT1 Divertor Configurations
M. E. Rensink, T. D. Rognlien
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 125-141
Technical Paper |
Experimental Evaluation of the Thermal Hydraulics of Helium-Cooled Divertors
M. Yoda, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, D. L. Sadowski, B. H. Mills, J. D. Rader
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 142-157
Technical Paper |
Thermomechanical Analysis for An All-Tungsten ARIES Divertor
James P. Blanchard, Carl Martin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 158-166
Technical Paper |
ARIES-ACT1 Safety Design and Analysis
Paul W. Humrickhouse, Brad J. Merrill
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 167-178
Technical Paper |
Activation and Environmental Aspects of ARIES-ACT1 Power Plant
L. EL-Guebaly, L. Mynsberge, C. Martin, D. Henderson, ARIES-ACT Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 179-192
Technical Paper |
ARIES-ACT2 DCLL Power Core Design and Engineering
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 193-219
Technical Paper |
Physics Basis for a Conservative Physics and Conservative Technology Tokamak Power Plant: ARIES-ACT2
C. E. Kessel, F. M. Poli
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 1 | January 2015 | Pages 220-239
Technical Paper |
Concept of DT Fuel Cycle for a Fusion Neutron Source
Sergey S. Anan'ev, Alexander V. Spitsyn, Boris V. Kuteev, Pavel N. Shirnin, Nikolay T. Kazakovsky, Dmitry I. Cherkez
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 241-244
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Trapping State of Hydrogen Isotopes in Carbon and Graphite Investigated by Thermal Desorption Spectrometry
H. Atsumi, T. Tanabe, T. Shikama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 245-249
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Organically Bound Tritium Analysis in Environmental Samples
N. Baglan, S. B. Kim, C. Cossonnet, I. W. Croudace, M. Fournier, D. Galeriu, P. E. Warwick, N. Momoshima, E. Ansoborlo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 250-253
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
The Field Experiments on the HTO Washout from the Atmosphere
A.V. Golubev, S.V. Mavrin, V.N. Golubeva, A.V. Stengach, Yu.S. Balashov, V.P. Kovalenko, I.I. Solomatin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 254-257
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Multi-Purpose Hydrogen Isotopes Separation Plant Design
H.A. Boniface, N.V. Gnanapragasam, D.K. Ryland, S. Suppiah, I. Castillo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 258-261
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Zeolite Membrane Cascade for Tritium Extraction and Recovery Systems
O. Borisevich, D.Demange, M. Kind, X. Lefebvre
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 262-265
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Experimental Investigation on Hydrogen Cryogenic Distillation Equipped with Package Made by ICIT
Anisia Bornea, Marius Zamfirache, Liviu Stefan, Ioan Stefanescu, Anisoara Preda
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 266-269
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Complex Software Dedicated for Design and Simulation of LPCE Process for Heavy Water Detritiation
Anisia Bornea, Catalin Petrutiu, Marius Zamfirache
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 270-273
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Status of the Neutrino Mass Experiment KATRIN
Lutz Bornschein, Beate Bornschein, Michael Sturm, Marco RÖllig, Florian Priester for the KATRIN collaboration
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 274-277
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Proposal for Secondary Enclosure Setup for Experiments to Expose Plasma Facing Materials to Tritiated Plasma in Visioni
W.E.K. Broeckx, K. Dylst, A. Bornea, M. Zamfirache
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 278-281
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Current Status of Tritium Calorimetry at TLK
András Bükki-Deme, Catalin G. Alecu, Beate Kloppe, Beate Bornschein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 282-285
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Mass Transfer Model Liquid Phase Catalytic Exchange Column Simulation Applicable to any Column Composition Profile
Anthony Busigin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 286-289
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Classification Methodology for Tritiated Waste Requiring Interim Storage
D. Canas, C. Decanis, K. Liger, D. Dall'ava, J. Pamela
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 290-295
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Replacement of Tritiated Water from Irradiated Fuel Storage Bay
I. Castillo, H. Boniface, S. Suppiah, B. Kennedy, A. Minichilli, T. Mitchell
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 296-299
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Experimental Study of the Tritium Distribution in the Effluents Resulting from the Sodium Hydrolysis
Aurelien Chassery, Helene Lorcet, Joel Godlewski, Karine Liger, Christian Latge, Xavier Joulia
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 300-303
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Development of Tritium Technologies at KAERI
Hongsuk Chung, Daeseo Koo, Jungmin Lee, Jongchul Park, Sung-Paal Yim, Churl Yoon, Jongmyoung Lim, Wooseok Choi, Hongjoo Ahn, Sei-Hun Yun, Ki Jung Jung, Heeseok Kang, Intae Kim, Seungwoo Paek
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 304-307
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
CAPER as Central and Crucial Facility to Support R&D with Tritium at TLK
D. Demange, E. Fanghänel, S. Fischer, T.L. Le, F. Priester, M. Röllig, M. Schlösser, K.H. Simon
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 308-311
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Micro-Channel Catalytic Reactor Integration in Caper and R&D on Highly Tritiated Water Handling and Processing
D. Demange, I. Cristescu, E. Fanghänel, M. Glugla, N. Gramlich, T.L. Le, R. Michling,H. Moosmann, W.M. Shu, K.H. Simon, R. Wagner, S. Welte, R.S Willams
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 312-315
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Investigation of Durability of Optical Coatings in Highly Purified Tritium Gas
Sebastian Fischer, Kerstin Schönung, Beate Bornschein, Rolf Rolli, Vera Schäfer, Michael Sturm
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 316-319
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Measurement of Tritium Penetration Through Concrete Material Covered by Various Paints Coating
Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, R. Kurata, S. Fukada, T. Takeishi, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 320-323
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Management of Tritium in European Spallation Source
Daniela Ene, Kasper Andersson, Mikael Jensen, Sven Nielsen, Gregory Severin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 324-327
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Development of a Tritium Recovery System from Candu Tritium Removal Facility
Mirela Drăghia, Gheorghe Paşca, Florina Porcariu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 328-331
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Light Water Detritiation
O.A. Fedorchenko, I.A. Alekseev, S.D. Bondarenko, T.V. Vasyanina
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 332-335
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Development of a Wide-range Tritium-concentration Detector
Fu Jun, Liao Zhe, Wang Lei, Li Shicheng, Song Jiangfeng, Luo Deli
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 336-338
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Correlation of Rates of Tritium Migration Through Porous Concrete
Satoshi Fukada, K. Katayama, T. Takeishi, Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 339-342
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Progresses in Tritium Accident Modelling in the Frame of IAEA EMRAS II
D. Galeriu, A. Melintescu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 343-348
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
HTO Washout Model: on the Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Washout Coefficient
Alexey Golubev, Yuri Balashov, Sergey Mavrin, Valentina Golubeva, Dan Galeriu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 349-352
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Spatial Distribution of HTO Activity in Unsaturated Soil Depth in the Vicinity of Long-term Release Source
Alexey Golubev, Valentina Golubeva, Sergey Mavrin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 353-356
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
First Calibration Measurements of an FTIR Absorption Spectroscopy System for Liquid Hydrogen Isotopologues for the Isotope Separation System of Fusion Power Plants
R. Größle, A. Beck, B. Bornschein, S. Fischer, A. Kraus, S. Mirz, S. Rupp
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 357-360
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Retention in Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels
Y. Hatano, V. Kh. Alimov, A. V. Spitsyn, N. P. Bobyr, D. I. Cherkez, S. Abe, O. V. Ogorodnikova, N. S. Klimov, B. I. Khripunov, A. V. Golubeva, V. M. Chernov, M. Oyaidzu, T. Yamanishi, M. Matsuyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 361-364
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Recent Progress on Tritium Technology Research and Development for a Fusion Reactor in Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Takumi Hayashi, Hirofumi Nakamura, Yoshinori Kawamura, Yasunori Iwai, Kanetsugu Isobe, Masayuki Yamada, Takumi Suzuki, Rie Kurata, Makoto Oyaizu, Yuki Edao, Toshihiko Yamanishib
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 365-370
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Thermal Enhancement Cartridge Heater Modified (Tech Mod) Tritium Hydride Bed Development Part I – Design and Fabrication
J. E. Klein and E. G. Estochen
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 371-374
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Thermal Enhancement Cartridge Heater Modified Tritium Hydride Bed Development. Part II – Experimental Validation of Key Conceptual Design Features
K. J. Heroux, G. A. Morgan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 375-378
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficients in F82H by Hydrogen Depth Profiling with a Tritium Imaging Plate Technique
M. Higaki, T. Otsuka, K. Tokunaga, K. Hashizume, K. Ezato, S. Suzuki, M. Enoeda, M. Akiba
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 379-381
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Percolation Behavior of Tritiated Water Into a Soil Packed Bed
Takuya Honda, Kazunari Katayama, Keiichiro Uehara, Toshiharu Takeishi, Satoshi Fukada
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 382-385
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Evaluation of Tritium Release Properties of AdvancedTritium Breeders
Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Kentaro Ochiai, Yuki Edao, Yoshinori Kawamura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 386-389
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Nuclear Waste Calorimeter for Very Large Drums With 385 Litres Sample Volume
G. Jossens, C. Mathonat, F.Bachelet
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 390-393
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Numerical Comparison of Hydrogen Desorption Behaviors of Metal Hydride Beds Based on Uranium and on Zirconium-Cobalt
Sunghyun Kyoung, Haneul Yoo, Hyunchul
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 394-399
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Effect of Delivery Condition on Desorption Rate of ZrCo Metal Hydride Bed for Fusion Fuel Cycle
Hyun-Goo Kang, Sei-Hun Yun, Dongyou Chung, Yun-hee Oh, Min Ho Chang, Seungyon Cho, Hongsuk Chung, Kyu-Min Song
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 400-403
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Comparative Testing of Various Flow-Cell Detectors Fabricated using CaF2 Solid Scintillator
T. Kawano, H. Ohashi, Y. Hamada, E. Jamsranjav
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 404-407
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Effect of Air on Energy and Rise-Time Spectra Measured by Proportional Gas Counter
T. Kawano, S. Isozumi, Y. Isozumi, M. Tosaki, M.Tanaka, T. Sugiyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 408-411
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
A Uranium Bed with Ceramic Body for Tritium Storage
Alexander S. Khapov, Sergey K. Grishechkin, Vladimir G. Kiselev
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 412-415
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Inert Blanketing of a Hydride Bed Using Typical Grade Protium
J. E. Klein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 416-419
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Accountancy in Fusion Systems
J. E. Klein, E. A. Clark, C. D. Harvel, D. A. Farmer, M. L. Moore, L. L. Tovo, A. S. Poorea
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 420-423
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
A Low Tritium Hydride Bed Inventory Estimation Technique
J. E. Klein, K. L. Shanahan, P. J. Foster, R. A. Baker
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 424-427
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Behavior of Tritium in the Vacuum Vessel of JT-60U
Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Yuji Torikai, Makiko Saito, Vladimir Alimov, Naoyuki Miya, Yoshitaka Ikeda
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 428-431
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Forthcoming Revision to the Department of Energy Tritium Handling and Safe Storage Guide
William W. Weaver
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 432-434
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Hydriding Performances and Modeling of a Small-Scale ZrCo Bed
Daeseo Koo, Jungmin Lee, Jongchul Park, Hyun-Goo Kang, Min Ho Chang, Sei-Hun Yun, Seungyon Cho, Ki Jung Jung, Seungwoo Paek, Hongsuk Chunga
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 435-438
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient Depending on Superficial Velocity of Hydrogen Isotopes Flowing in Column Packed with Zeolite Pellets at 77.4 K
Kenji Kotoh, Kotaro Kubo, Shoji Takashima, Sho-taro Moriyama, Masahiro Tanaka, Takahiko Sugiyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 439-442
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Characterization of Commercial Proton Exchange Membrane Materials after Exposure to Beta and Gamma Radiation
S.N. Thomson, R. Carson, A. Ratnayake, C. Muirhead, H. Li, I. Castillo, H. Boniface, S. Suppiah, J. Robinson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 443-446
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Modeling and Validating Tritium Transfer in a Grassland Ecosystem in Response to 3H Releases
Sèverine Le Dizés, Denis Maro, Marianne Rozet, Didier Hèbert
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 447-450
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Conceptual Design and Optimization for Jet Water Detritiation System Cryo-distillation Facility
X. Lefebvre, A. Hollingsworth, A. Parracho, P. Dalgliesh, B. Butler, R. Smith, JET EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 451-454
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Limitation of Tritium Outgassing from Tritiated Solid Waste Drums
K. Liger, P. Trabuc, X. Lefebvre, M. Troulay, C. Perrais
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 455-458
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Mechanical Properties and Permeabilty of Hydrogen Isotopes Through CrNi35WTiAL Alloy, Containing Radiogenic Helium
I.P. Maksimkin, А.А. Yukhimchuk, I.Ye. Boitsov, I.L. Malkov, R.К. Musyaev, А.Yu. Baurin, Е.V. Shevnin, А.V. Vertey
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 459-462
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Membrane Reactor for Water Detritiation: a Parametric Study on Operating Parameters
Jèrèmy Mascarade, Karine Liger, Xavier Joulia, Michéle Troulay, Xuan-Mi Meyer, Christophe Perrais
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 463-466
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Hydrogen Permeation Behavior Through F82H at High Temperature
Shohei Matsuda, Kazunari Katayama, Motoki Shimozori, Satoshi Fukada, Hiroki Ushida, Masabumi Nishikawa
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 2 | March 2015 | Pages 467-470
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Isotope Effects on Desorption Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotopes Implanted Into Stainless Steel by Glow Discharge
Masao Matsuyama, Masamitsu Kondo, Nobuaki Noda, Masahiro Tanaka, Kiyohiko Nishimura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 471-474
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Permeation Characterization of Materials for Fusion and Generation IV Very High Temperature Reactors
S. Thomson, K. Pilatzke, K. McCrimmon, I. Castillo, S. Suppiah
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 475-478
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Preparatory Steps for a Robust Dynamic Model for Organically Bound Tritium Dynamics in Agricultural Crops
A. Melintescu, D. Galeriu, S. Diabaté, S. Strack
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 479-482
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Capture and Isotopic Exchange Method for Water and Hydrogen Isotopes on Zeolite Catalysts up to Technical Scale for Pre-Study of Processing Highly Tritiated Water
Robert Michling, Adalbert Braun, Ion Cristescu, Helmut Dittrich, Manfred Glugla, Nando Gramlich, Nancy Lohr, Wataru Shu, Scott Willms
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 483-486
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Evaluation of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Methodology on Adsorbents for Tritium Removal
Gregg A. Morgan, S. Xin Xiao
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 487-490
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Production of Highly Tritiated Water for Tritium Exposure Studies
C. Muirhead, K. Pilatzke, A. Tripple, N. Philippi, K. McCrimmon, I. Castillo, H. Boniface, S. Suppiah
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 491-494
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Correlation of Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen Isotopes on Mordenite Adsorbents Using Reactive Vacancy Solution Theory
Kenzo Munakata, Ayano Nakamura, Yoshinori Kawamura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 495-498
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Adsorption Characteristics of Water Vapor on Gear-Pellet and Honeycomb-Pellet Types of Adsorbents Containing A-Type Zeolite
Ayano Nakamura, Kenzo Munakata, Keisuke Hara, Syodai Narita, Takahiko Sugiyama, Kenji Kotoh, Masahiro Tanaka, Tatsuhiko Uda
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 499-502
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Measurement of Uptake and Release of Tritium by Tungsten
M. Nakayama, Y. Torikai, M. Saito, R.-D. Penzhorn, K. Isobe, T. Yamanishi, H. Kurishita
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 503-506
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
High Level Tritiated Water Monitoring by Bremsstrahlung Counting Using a Silicon Drift Detector
Simon Niemes, Michael Sturm, Robert Michling, Beate Bornschein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 507-510
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Behavior of Tritium Permeation Induced by Water Corrosion of Alpha Iron Around Room Temperature
Teppei Otsuka, Kenichi Hashizume
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 511-514
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
In-Situ Observation of Sputtered Particles for Carbon Implanted Tungsten During Energetic Hydrogen Isotope Ion Implantation
Yasuhisa Oya, Misaki Sato, Hiromichi Uchimura, Naoko Ashikawa, Akio Sagara, Naoaki Yoshida, Yuji Hatano, Kenji Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 515-518
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Effect of Tritium on Corrosion Behavior of Chromium in 0.01 N Sulfuric Acid Solution
M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 519-522
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Evaluation of the Response of Tritium-In-Air Instrumentation to HT in Dry and Humid Conditions and to HTO Vapor
Hilary Phillips, Edwin Privas, Julian Dean
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 523-526
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Development and Testing of a Prototype Modular Tritium and Carbon-14 Gas Environmental Monitoring System
Hilary Phillips, Marc Parisot, Julian Dean, Lauren Perrie, John Sephton
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 527-530
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Reliability and Availability Requirements Analysis for DEMO: Fuel Cycle System
Tonio Pinna, Fabio Borgognoni
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 531-534
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Probing of the Neutrino Magnetic Moment at the Level of 10-12 μB with an Intense Tritium Source of (Anti)neutrino and Helium Target (Project)
V. P. Martemyanov, A. A. Yukhimchuk, V. V. Popov, V. I. Aleshin, V. G. Tarasenkov, V. G. Tsinoev, A. A. Sabelnikov, V. V. Baluev, A. N. Golubkov, V. G. Klevtsov, A. V. Kuryakin, D. T. Sitdikov, L. N. Bogdanova
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 535-538
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Post Service Examination of Turbomolecular Pumps After Stress Testing with kg-Scale Tritium Throughput
Florian Priester, Marco Röllig
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 539-542
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Processing for the European Test Blanket Systems: Current Status of the Design and Development Strategy
I. Ricapito, P. Calderoni, Y. Poitevin, A. Aiello, M. Utili, D. Demange
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 543-546
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Enhanced Sensitivity of Raman Spectroscopy for Tritium Gas Analysis Using a Metal-Lined Hollow Glass Fiber
Simone Rupp, Timothy M. James, Helmut H. Telle, Magnus Schlösser, Beate Bornschein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 547-550
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Preheating Temperature Effect on Tritium Retention in VPS-W
Misaki Sato, Hiromichi Uchimura, Kensuke Toda, Tomonori Tokunaga, Hideo Watanabe, Naoaki Yoshida, Yuji Hatano, Ryuta Kasada, Takuya Nagasaka, Akihiko Kimura, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 551-554
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Raman Spectroscopy at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe
Magnus Schlösser, Beate Bornschein, Sebastian Fischer, Timothy M. James, Florian Kassel, Simone Rupp, Michael Sturm, Helmut H. Telle
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 555-558
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
How To Make Raman-Inactive Helium Visible in Raman Spectra of Tritium-Helium Gas Mixtures
Magnus Schlösser, Oskari Pakari, Simone Rupp, Sebastian Mirz, Sebastian Fischer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 559-562
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Highly Tritiated Water Processing by Isotopic Exchange
W. M. Shu, I. Cristescu, R. Michling, D. Demange, R. S. Willms, M. Glugla
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 563-566
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Simulation of Cryogenic Molecular Sieve Bed Adsorber of Hydrogen Isotopes Recovery System for Indian LLCB-TBM
V. Gayathri Devi, Amit Sircar, B. Sarkar
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 567-570
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
The AGHS at JET and Preparations for a Future DT Campaign
Robert Smith, JET EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 571-575
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Design and Tritium Permeation Analysis of China HCCB TBM Port Cell
Song Jiangfeng, Huang Guoqiang, Huang Zhiyong, Chen Chang’an, Luo Deli
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 576-579
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Thermal Release of 3He from Tritium Aged LaNi4.25Al0.75 Hydride
Gregory C. Staack, Mark L. Crowder, James E. Klein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 580-583
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Separative Analyses of a Chromatographic Column Packed with a Core-Shell Adsorbent for Lithium Isotope Separation
Takahiko Sugiyama, Kei Sugiura, Youichi Enokida, Ichiro Yamamoto
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 584-587
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Handling Experience at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
S. Suppiah, K. McCrimmon, S. Lalonde, D. Ryland, H. Boniface, C. Muirhead, I. Castillo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 588-591
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Removal from Tritiated Water by Organic Functionalized SBA-15
Akira Taguchi, Yuki Kato, Rie Akai, Yuji Torikai, Masao Matsuyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 592-595
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Contamination and Decontamination of Sealing Oil for Vacuum Pump
Toshiharu Takeishi, Kenji Kotoh, Yoshiya Kawabata, Jun-ichi Tanaka, Shingo Kawamura, Masayuki Iwata
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 596-599
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Development of a Tritium Monitor Combined with an Electrochemical Tritium Pump Using a Proton Conducting Oxide
Masahiro Tanaka, Takahiko Sugiyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 600-603
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Microwave-Assisted Regeneration of Synthetic Zeolite Used in Tritium Removal Systems
Masahiro Tanaka, Sadatsugu Takayama, Saburo Sano
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 604-607
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Enhanced Capacity and Stability for the Separation of Cesium in Electrically Switched Ion Exchange
A. F. Tawfic, S. E. Dickson, Y. Kim, W. Mekky
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 608-611
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Investigation of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reaction Rate in Mixed Gas (H2 and D2) at Pressure up to 200 MPa Using Raman Spectroscopy
V. V. Tikhonov, A. A. Yukhimchuk, R. K. Musyayev, A. I. Gurkin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 612-614
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Release from SS316 Under Vacuum Condition
Y. Torikai, R.-D. Penzhorn
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 615-618
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Trapping on the Plasma Irradiated Tungsten Surface
Y. Torikai, V. Kh. Alimov, K. Isobe, M. Oyaidzu, T. Yamanishi, R.-D. Penzhorn, Y. Ueda, H. Kurishita, V. Philipps, A. Kreter, M. Zlobinski, TEXTOR Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 619-622
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Combustion Water Purification Techniques Influence on OBT Analysis Using Liquid Scintillation Counting Method
C. Varlam, I. Vagner, I. Faurescu, D. Faurescu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 623-626
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Source Term Evaluation for Accident Transients in the Experimental Fusion Facility ITER
F. Virot, M. Barrachin, F. Cousin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 627-630
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Dismantling of the PETRA Glove Box: Tritium Contamination and Inventory Assessment
R. Wagner, D. Demange, E. Fanghänel, T. L. Le, M. Schwarz, K.-H. Simon
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 631-634
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe: Administrative and Technical Framework for Isotope Laboratory Operation
S. Welte, U. Besserer, D. Osenberg, J. Wendel
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 635-638
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
In-Line Chemical Sensor Deployment in a Tritium Plant
J. S. Wright, R. D. Torres, B. Peters, D. T. Hope, L. L. Tovo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 639-642
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Recent Advances in SRS on Hydrogen Isotope Separation Using Thermal Cycling Absorption Process
Xin Xiao, L. Kit Heung, Henry T. Sessions
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 643-646
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
The Permeation Behavior of Deuterium Through 1Cr18Ni9Ti Stainless Steel with TiN+TiC+TiN Multiple Films
Xiong Yifu, Song Jiangfeng, Luo Deli, Lei Qianghua, Chen Chang’an
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 647-649
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Energy Density Dependence of Hydrogen Combustion Efficiency in Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Plasma
T. Yoshida, N. Ezumi, K. Sawada, Y. Tanaka, M. Tanaka, K. Nishimura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 650-653
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Measurement of Tritium with Plastic Scintillator Surface Improvement with Plasma Treatment
Yuri Yoshihara, Etsuko Furuta, Ryu-ichiro Ohyama, Shigeaki Yokota, Yuka Kato, Tomoyuki Yoshimura, Kiyoshi Ogiwara
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 654-657
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Study on Hydrogen Isotopes Permeation in Fluidized State of Liquid Lithium-Lead
Shunsuke Yoshimura, Ryosuke Yoshimura, Makoto Okada, Satoshi Fukada, Yuki Edao
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 658-661
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Application of Nonporous Alumina Based Ceramics as Structural Material for Devices Handling Tritium at Elevated Temperatures
A. A. Yukhimchuk, A. S. Khapov, I. P. Maksimkin, V. V. Baluev, I. E. Boitsov, A. V. Vertey, S. K. Grishechkin, V. G. Kiselev, I. L. Malkov, R. K. Musyaev, V. V. Popov, D. T. Sitdikov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 662-665
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Status of Efforts on Fundamental and Applied Studies with Tritium at RFNC-VNIIEF
A. A.. Yukhimchuk, R. I. Ilkaev
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 666-670
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Key Technologies for Tritium Storage Bed Development
S.-H. Yun, M. H. Chang, H.-G. Kang, D. Y. Chung, Y. H. Oh, K. J. Jung, H. Chung, D. Koo, S. H. Sohn, K.-M. Song
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 671-676
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Acquired Experience Resulting from Transforming a Chemical Installation to a Nuclear
Marius Zamfirache, Liviu Stefan, Anisia Bornea, Ioan Stefanescu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 677-680
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
Permeation of Hydrogen in Hastelloy C-276 Alloy at High Temperature
Dongxun Zhang, Wei Liu, Yuan Qian, Ji Que
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 3 | April 2015 | Pages 681-684
Proceedings of TRITIUM 2013 |
One-Dimensional Analysis of ECRH-Assisted Plasma Start-Up in JT-60SA
Kazuyoshi Hada, Kazunobu Nagasaki, Kai Masuda, Shinji Kobayashi, Shunsuke Ide, Akihiko Isayama, Ken Kajiwara
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 693-704
Technical Paper |
Radial Resolution Evaluation for Oblique-View Electron Cyclotron Emission for ITER
P. V. Subhash, Y. Ghai, S. K. Amit, A. M. Begum, P. Vasu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 705-717
Technical Paper |
Development of ITER Equatorial EC Launcher Components Toward the Final Design
K. Takahashi, K. Kajiwara, Y. Oda, K. Sakamoto, T. Omori, M. Henderson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 718-731
Technical Paper |
Recent Progress in the Development of Helium-Cooled Divertor for DEMO
Prachai Norajitra, Widodo Widjaja Basuki, Radmir Giniyatulin, Caroline Hernandez, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Igor V. Mazoul, Marianne Richou, Luigi Spatafora
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 732-744
Technical Paper |
High Heat Flux Removal Using a Hypervapotron—I: High Heat Flux–Side Controlling Parameters
Ronald D. Boyd
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 745-753
Technical Paper |
High Heat Flux Removal Using a Hypervapotron—II: Hypervapotron Wall Controlling Parameters
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 754-761
Technical Paper |
Automation of NIF Target Characterization and Laser Ablation of Domes Using the 4pi System
L. C. Carlson, E. L. Alfonso, H. Huang, A. Nikroo, M. E. Schoff, M. N. Emerich, T. Bunn, N. A. Antipa, J. B. Horner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 762-770
Technical Paper |
High-Dose Neutron Irradiation Performance of Dielectric Mirrors
N. A. P. Kiran Kumar, K. J. Leonard, G. E. Jellison, L. L. Snead
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 771-783
Technical Paper |
Influence of Interfacial Oxidation on the High-Heat-Flux Performance of HIP-Manufactured Flat-Type W/Cu Plasma-Facing Components for EAST
S. X. Zhao, Q. Li, W. J. Wang, C. Li, D. D. Zhang, R. Wei, S. G. Qin, Y. L. Shi, L. J. Peng, N. J. Pan, Y. Xu, G. H. Liu, T. J. Wang, D. M. Yao, G.-N. Luo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 784-791
Technical Paper |
Microwave-Induced Flash Vaporization of Volatile Media: A Preliminary Thrust Generation Study for the Waveguide Pellet Acceleration Concept
P. B. Parks, N. Alexander, C. Moeller, R. Callis
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 67 | Number 4 | May 2015 | Pages 792-801
Technical Paper |