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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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Plasma Facing Materials for the JET ITER-Like Wall
C. Thomser, V. Bailescu, S. Brezinsek, J. W. Coenen, H. Greuner, T. Hirai, J. Linke, C. P. Lungu, H. Maier, G. Matthews, Ph. Mertens, R. Neu, V. Philipps, V. Riccardo, M. Rubel, C. Ruset, A. Schmidt, I. Uytdenhouwen, Jet Efda Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 1-8
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Overview of R&D on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components in China
G.-N. Luo, Q. Li, J. M. Chen, X. Liu, W. Liu, Z. J. Zhou, D. M. Yao
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 9-15
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Experimental Simulation of Vertical Displacement Events and Thermal Shock Scenarios on Different Beryllium Grades
M. Roedig, V. Barabash, R. Eaton, T. Hirai, I. Kupriyanov, J. Linke, X. Liu, A. Schmidt, Zh. Wang
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 16-20
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
R&D Activities Regarding ITER Blanket First Wall in Korea
B. Y. Kim, H. J. Ahn, J. S. Bak, S. K. Kim, D. W. Lee
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 21-28
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Fabrication of a 1/6-Scale Mock-Up for the Korea TBM First Wall in ITER
Jae Sung Yoon, Suk Kwon Kim, Eo Hwak Lee, Seungyon Cho, Dong Won Lee
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 29-33
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
CFC and W Monoblock First Wall Concepts for Fusion Reactor
Yu. Igitkhanov, B. Bazylev, I. Landman
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 34-38
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
In Situ Characterization of Dust Mobilized by Laser Cleaning Methods and Loss of Vacuum Accidents
F. R. A. Onofri, S. Barbosa, M. Wozniak, J. Mroczka, D. Vrel, C. Grisolia
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 39-45
PFC and FW Materials Issues | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Tritium Adsorption on Tungsten and Boron Carbide Coatings Deposited by Vacuum Plasma Spraying
X. B. Zheng, M. Matsuyama, Y. R. Niu, Yi Zeng, H. Ji, L. P. Huang
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 46-49
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
On the Mechanism of the Disproportionation of ZrCo Hydrides
N. Bekris, M. Sirch
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 50-55
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Kinetics of Tritium Release from Thermal Neutron-Irradiated Li0.17Pb0.83
Makoto Kobayashi, Akiko Hamada, Katsushi Matsuoka, Masato Suzuki, Junya Osuo, Yuki Edao, Satoshi Fukada, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 56-60
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Tritium Retention in First Wall Tile Gaps of JT-60U
Masafumi Yoshida, Tetsuo Tanabe, Takao Hayashi, Tomohide Nakano, Junnichi Yagyu, Yasuhiko Miyo, Kei Masaki, Kiyoshi Itami
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 61-65
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Removal of Deuterium Retained in B, Ti, and TiO2 by Neon Glow Discharge
Y. Yamauchi, Y. Kosaka, Y. Nobuta, T. Hino, K. Nishimura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 66-70
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Adsorption Behavior of Hydrogen and Deuterium on Natural Mordenite Adsorbent at 77 K
Kenzo Munakata, Yoshinori Kawamura
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 71-76
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Progress of Tritium Extraction and Measurement Methods Development from Liquid Breeder Blanket in Korea
Eo Hwak Lee, Suk Kwon Kim, Jae Sung Yoon, Dong Won Lee, Seungyon Cho
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 77-82
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Pd/ZrO2 Catalyst for the Oxidation Process of Tritiated Organic Substances Produced in Fusion Plants
Yasunori Iwai, Katsumi Sato, Toshihiko Yamanishi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 83-88
Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Materials Challenges for Diagnostics Beyond ITER
E. R. Hodgson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 89-96
Diagnostics | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Impact of Thermo-Oxidative Wall Conditioning on the Performance of Diagnostic Mirrors for ITER
A. Litnovsky, M. Matveeva, D. L. Rudakov, C. P. Chrobak, S. L. Allen, A. W. Leonard, P. L. Taylor, C. P. C. Wong, B. W. N. Fitzpatrick, J. W. Davis, A. A. Haasz, P. C. Stangeby, U. Breuer, V. Philipps, S. Möller
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 97-103
Diagnostics | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Laser Damage Investigations of Optical Elements for ITER Divertor Thomson Scattering System
A. V. Gorshkov, S. V. Akhtyrskiy, I. S. Bel'bas, E. E. Mukhin, A. G. Razdobarin, S. Yu. Tolstyakov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 104-109
Diagnostics | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Two-Component Tungsten Powder Injection Molding for Mass Production of He-Cooled DEMO Divertor Parts
Steffen Antusch, Marcus Müller, Prachai Norajitra, Gerald Pintsuk, Volker Piotter, Hans-Joachim Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, Tobias Weingärtner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 110-115
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Two Different Medium-Scale First Wall Fabrication Experiments at KIT for ITER Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed Test Blanket Module
A. von der Weth, P. Freiner, H. Neuberger, J. Rey
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 116-121
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Procedures for Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue Verifications of Nuclear Components
Mauro Dalla Palma, Pierluigi Zaccaria
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 122-128
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Development of Functional Scales for Joining of Divertor Components Based on Electrochemical Plating Technology
W. Krauss, N. Holstein, J. Lorenz, J. Konys
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 129-133
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Technological Study on Manufacturing of Multifinger Module of He-Cooled DEMO Divertor and Investigation of NDE Method
P. Norajitra, M. Richou, L. Spatafora
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 134-138
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Effects of Carbon Impurity on Microstructural Evolution in Irradiated -Iron
Yosuke Abe, Tomoaki Suzudo, Shiro Jitsukawa, Tomohito Tsuru, Takashi Tsukada
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 139-144
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Development of the Toughness-Improved Reduced-Activation F82H Steel for DEMO Reactor
K. Shiba, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, T. Nakata
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 145-149
PFC and FW Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Lithium Titanate Particles in Gas-Solid Packed Fluidized Beds
D. Mandal, D. Sathiyamoorthy, M. Vinjamur
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 150-156
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Numerical Analysis of MHD Flow in a Poloidal Channel of the Chinese DFLL-TBM with a Flow Channel Insert
Hongli Chen, Tao Zhou, Zi Meng, Yican Wu, FDS Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 157-163
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Thermo Fluid Dynamics Tests on the Single Channel Prototypes for the SPIDER Grids
Andrea Rizzolo, Piero Agostinetti, Mauro Breda, Moreno Maniero, Diego Marcuzzi, Modesto Moressa, Matteo Valente
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 164-170
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Preliminary Study on the Melting and Reaction of Liquid Metal Breeders for a Korean Test Blanket Module in ITER
Dong Won Lee, Jae Sung Yoon, Ki Sok Jung, Suk Kwon Kim, Eo Hwak Lee, Seungyon Cho
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 171-179
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Investigation of Uranium Content in Russian Federation Beryllium
I. B. Kupriyanov, A. A. Borisov, N. G. Gorlevskaja
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 180-184
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Fabrication of Li4SiO4 Pebbles Using Slurry Droplet Wetting Method for Solid Breeding Material
Yi-Hyun Park, In-Keun Yu, Mu-Young Ahn, Seungyon Cho, Duck Young Ku
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 185-189
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Neutronic Assessment of Candidate Materials for TF Coils Shielding in a DEMO Fusion Reactor Based on a DCLL Blanket
J. P. Catalán, J. Sanz, F. Ogando, R. Pampin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 190-195
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Determination of the 6Li Content in the LiPb of a Neutronics Mock-Up of the European HCLL TBM
A. Klix, Ch. Adelhelm, U. Fischer, D. Gehre, T. Kaiser
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 196-203
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Material Improvement of Hydrogen Isotope Permeation Monitor for Liquid Lithium
Juro Yagi, Akihiro Suzuki, Takayuki Terai, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Hiroo Kondo, Mizuho Ida, Takuji Kanemura, Tomohiro Furukawa, Yasushi Hirakawa
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 204-209
Blanket Materials Technology | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Overview of Materials Research and IFMIF/EVEDA Under the Broader Approach Framework
Takeo Nishitani, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Susana Clement Lorenzo, Nadine Baluc, Kimio Hayashi, Noriyoshi Nakajima, Haruyuki Kimura, Masayoshi Sugimoto, Roland Heidinger, Pascal Garin, Hiroshi Matsumoto
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 210-218
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
IFMIF/EVEDA: Adjustment of Scope and Recent Technical Achievements
Pascal Garin, Masayoshi Sugimoto, IFMIF/EVEDA Integrated Project Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 219-225
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Dose Rate Analyses for the High Energy Beam Transport Section of IFMIF
Keitaro Kondo, Ulrich Fischer, Volker Heinzel, Axel Klix, Arkady Serikov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 226-232
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Status of the McDeLicious Approach for the D-Li Neutron Source Term Modeling in IFMIF Neutronics Calculations
S. P. Simakov, U. Fischer, K. Kondo, P. Pereslavtsev
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 233-239
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Radioprotection Analysis for the High Energy Beam Transport Line of the Accelerator Facility of IFMIF
F. Ogando, A. Mayoral, R. Juarez, A. Delgado, F. Mota, K. Kondo, M. García, P. Sauvan, J. Sanz, A. Ibarra, J. Mollá
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 240-245
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Analysis of Test Matrix and Design Status of Test Modules in IFMIF
E. Wakai, T. Kikuchi, T. Yokomine, M. Yamamoto, M. Soldaini, A. Polato
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 246-251
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Residual Dose Rate Analysis for the IFMIF/EVEDA Prototype Accelerator
Daniel López, Javier Sanz, Francisco Ogando
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 252-257
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Engineering Design of Contact-Type Liquid Level Sensor for Measuring Thickness Variation of Liquid Lithium Jet in IFMIF/EVEDA Lithium Test Loop
Takuji Kanemura, Hiroo Kondo, Sachiko Yoshihashi-Suzuki, Eiji Hoashi, Nobuo Yamaoka, Hiroshi Horiike, Tomohiro Furukawa, Mizuho Ida, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Izuru Matsushita, Eiichi Wakai
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 258-264
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Sensitivity to Nuclear Data in the Radioprotection Design of the LIPAC (IFMIF/EVEDA) Beam Dump
M. García, F. Ogando, P. Sauvan, J. Sanz, D. López, B. Brañas
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 265-271
IFMIF | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
R&D of DRAGON Series Lithium-Lead Loops for Material and Blanket Technology Testing
Yican Wu, Qunying Huang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Sheng Gao, Yong Song
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 272-275
Fusion Technology Facilities | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Material Irradiation Laboratory of the Technofusion Project: Preliminary Radioprotection Assessment
A. Mayoral, J. Sanz, D. López, R. Vila
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 276-282
Fusion Technology Facilities | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Fusion Nuclear Science Facility-AT: A Material and Component Testing Device
C. P. C. Wong, V. S. Chan, A. M. Garofalo, R. Stambaugh, M. E. Sawan, R. Kurtz, B. Merrill
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 283-288
Fusion Technology Facilities | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
The Suitability of the Materials Test Station for Fusion Materials Irradiations
E. J. Pitcher, C. T. Kelsey IV, S. A. Maloy
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 289-294
Fusion Technology Facilities | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Tritium Release from PbLi Natural Convection Loop Under Neutron Irradiation
Akihiro Suzuki, Juro Yagi, Masaru Nagura, Daisuke Komiyama, Takayuki Terai
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 1 | July-August 2012 | Pages 295-299
Fusion Technology Facilities | Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Part A: Fusion Technology |
Test Results of ITER Correction Coil Short Samples CCCN1 and CCCN2
Huajun Liu, Yu Wu, Pierluigi Bruzzone, Feng Long, Yi Shi, Jinglin Chen, Zhibin Ren, Min Yu
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 311-315
Technical Paper |
A New Pellet Injection System for HL-2A
H. B. Xu, G. L. Zhu, D. Q. Liu, I. Vinyar, M. J. Wang, A. Lukin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 316-321
Technical Paper |
Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Coupling of Lower Hybrid Waves on Tore Supra
M. Goniche, B. Frincu, A. Ekedahl, V. Petrzílka, G. Berger-By, J. Hillairet, X. Litaudon, M. Preynas, D. Voyer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 322-332
Technical Paper |
Angular Properties of Lithium Titanate Particles - An Experimental Study
D. Mandal, M. Vinjamur, D. Sathiyamoorthy
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 333-338
Technical Paper |
Phase Congruency Image Classification for MARFE Detection on JET with a Carbon Wall
T. Craciunescu, A. Murari, I. Tiseanu, J. Vega, JET-EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 339-346
Selected Paper from the Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 1) |
Active Learning Using Conformal Predictors: Application to Image Classification
Lázaro Emílio Makili, Jesús A. Vega Sánchez, Sebastián Dormido-Canto
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 347-355
Selected Paper from the Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 1) |
Modeling Fusion Data in Probabilistic Metric Spaces: Applications to the Identification of Confinement Regimes and Plasma Disruptions
Geert Verdoolaege, Giorgos Karagounis, Andrea Murari, Jesús Vega, Guido Van Oost, JET-EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 356-365
Selected Paper from the Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 1) |
A New Method to Identify the Equilibria Compatible with the Measurements Using the Technique of the -Nets
F. S. Zaitsev, S. Matejcik, A. Murari, E. P. Suchkov, JET-EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 2 | October 2012 | Pages 366-373
Selected Paper from the Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 1) |
A Simple Technique for Increasing the Temperature Range of a Cryogenic Frozen-Gas Pellet Injector for Operation with Various Gases
K. J. Caspary, B. E. Chapman, S. P. Oliva, S. T. A. Kumar
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 375-378
Technical Paper |
Dynamically Similar Studies of the Thermal Performance of Helium-Cooled Finger-Type Divertors With and Without Fins
B. H. Mills, J. D. Rader, D. L. Sadowski, M. Yoda, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 379-388
Technical Paper |
Mode Content Analysis for ECH Transmission Lines by Burn Pattern and Nonlinear Optimization
K. Ohkubo, S. Kubo, T. Shimozuma, Y. Yoshimura, H. Igami, S. Kobayashi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 389-402
Technical Paper |
Automated Analysis of Edge Pedestal Gradient Degradation During ELMs
S. González, J. Vega, A. Murari, A. Pereira, JET-EFDA Contributors
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 403-408
Selected Paper from Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 2) |
A Parallel Grad-Shafranov Solver for Real-Time Control of Tokamak Plasmas
M. Rampp, R. Preuss, R. Fischer, K. Hallatschek, L. Giannone
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 409-418
Selected Paper from Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 2) |
Integrated Diagnostics Design
Andreas Dinklage, Rainer Fischer, Robert Wolf
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 419-427
Selected Paper from Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 2) |
Imaging of Turbulent Structures and Tomographic Reconstruction of GyM Plasma Emissivity
D. Iraji, D. Ricci, G. Granucci, S. Garavaglia, I. Furno, A. Cremona, D. Minelli
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 62 | Number 3 | November 2012 | Pages 428-435
Selected Paper from Seventh Fusion Data Validation Workshop 2012 (Part 2) |