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Reactor Physics
The division's objectives are to promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical phenomena characterizing nuclear reactors and other nuclear systems. The division encourages research and disseminates information through meetings and publications. Areas of technical interest include nuclear data, particle interactions and transport, reactor and nuclear systems analysis, methods, design, validation and operating experience and standards. The Wigner Award heads the awards program.
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April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Fusion Science and Technology
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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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Radio-Frequency-Assisted Current Startup in the Fusion Engineering Device
Stanley K. Borowski, Y-K. Martin Peng, Terry Kammash
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 7-29
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
Nonspherical Pellet Ablation in Tokamak Plasma
Gerardo G. Zavala, Terry Kammash
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 30-34
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Computer Simulation on Double Layers for Inertial-Electrostatic Confinement of Plasma
Inki Oh, William L. Schrader, Robert W. Bass
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 35-43
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Numerical Simulation of the Plasma Current Quench Following a Disruptive Energy Loss
Dennis J. Strickler, Y-K. Martin Peng, John B. Miller, Kristin E. Rothe, Jeff A. Holmes
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 44-51
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
The Reactor Plasma Physics of Tandem Mirror Startup and Fractional Power Operation
Robert W. Conn, Farrokh Najmabadi, Frank D. Kantrowitz, Marc A. Firestone, Dan M. Goebel, Tak Kuen Mau
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 52-63
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Direct Integration Method for Numerical Solution of the Radiation Transport Equation in Axisymmetric Toroidal Geometry
Toshio Ida, Shunsuke Kondo, Yasumasa Togo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 64-82
Technical Paper | Shielding |
Time-Dependent Energy Deposition in Inertial Confinement Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactors
Allen L. Camp, Gary W. Cooper
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 83-92
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Neutron Multiplication Measurement in BeO for 14-MeV Neutrons
Vijay R. Nargundkar, Tejen Kumar Basu, Om Prakrash Joneja, Madhukar Ramchandra Phiske, Sripad Krishnaji Sadavarte
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 93-96
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Neutronics Analysis of Deuterium-Tritium-Driven Experimental Hybrid Blankets
Sümer Şahi̇n, Anil Kumar
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 97-108
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
An Engineering Evaluation of Organic Coolants for Tokamak Fusion Power Reactors
Jacob B. Romero
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 109-117
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Transport of Beryllium-7 in a Lithium Loop
Hiroji Katsuta, R. P. Anantatmula, Rebecca A. Bechtold, William F. Brehm
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 118-124
Technical Paper | Material Engineering |
Heavy Ion Injection for Electric Field Generation in Tokamaks
Wesley B. Downum, George H. Miley
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 125-127
Technical Note | Plasma Engineering |
Summary of the Third International Symposium on the Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, November 14–18, 1983
Krsto Prelec
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Page 128
Department | Meeting Report |
Summary of the Eleventh European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany, September 5–9, 1983
H. Conrads, G. Fuchs, R. R. Weynants
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 128-133
Department | Meeting Report |
Summary of the Tenth Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 5–9, 1983
R. B. Fleming, Editor
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 1 | July 1984 | Pages 133-137
Department | Meeting Report |
Status and Plans for U.S. and International Radio-Frequency Experiments on Fusion Devices
Owen C. Eldridge, Jr., Daniel J. Hoffman, Peter J. Kortman
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 145-173
Overview | Radio-Frequency Technology |
Covariant Electrodynamics of Conducting Media
Horst E. Wilhelm
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 174-180
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Trail—A Tokamak Rail Gun Limiter
Wen-Shi Yu, James R. Powell, John A. Fillo, John L. Usher
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 181-194
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Direct Method for the Estimation of Modeling Perturbations in the Simulation of Fusion Blankets
Magdi Ragheb, Otto Lazareth
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 195-224
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
(Deuterium-Deuterium)-Driven Experimental Hybrid Blankets and Their Neutronic Analyses
Anil Kumar, Sümer Şahin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 225-239
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Tritium Breeding Benchmark Calculations for a Li17Pb83 Blanket with Steel Structure
Jin Hua Huang, Mohamed E. Sawan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 240-252
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
Strength Analysis of the Poloidal Field Coil for Nuclear Fusion Equipment
Hiroyuki Kojima, Hiroshi Miyata, Hiroshi Kimoto, Susumu Hioki, Teruhiro Takizawa, Masayuki Furuyama
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 253-264
Technical Paper | Magnet System |
Point Design for Deuterium-Deuterium Compact Reversed-Field Pinch Reactors
Ali E. Dabiri, Donald R. Dobrott, Husam Gurol, Dalton D. Schnack
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 265-272
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Reduced Activation Calculations for the Starfire First Wall
Frederick M. Mann
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 273-287
Technical Paper | First-Wall Technology |
Interfacing the Tandem Mirror Fusion Reactor to a Hydrogen Thermochemical Plant
Myron A. Hoffman Lawrence, D. S. Rowe
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Pages 288-304
Technical Paper | Nonelectrical Application |
Summary of the Course and Workshop on Mirror-Based and Field-Reversed Approaches to Magnetic Fusion, Varenna, Italy, September 7–17, 1983
Roberto Pozzoli
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P1 | September 1984 | Page 305
Department | Meeting Report |
The Fusion Programme of the European Community
Ch. Maisonnier
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 317-321
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Overview of Japanese Fusion Program
A. Miyahara
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 322-326
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
The United States Program for Magnetic Fusion Energy
R. J. Dowling, J. F. Clarke, S. E. Berk
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 327-334
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Construction and Startup Tests of Princeton TFTR
P. J. Reardon
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 335-350
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Design and Construction of the Vacuum Vessel for the Tandem Mirror Fusion Test Facilitya
J. W. Gerich
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 351-356
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
On the Fabrication of a Uniform Thick Fuel Layer Inside a Cryogenic Inertial Confinement Fusion Targeta
Kyekyoon Kim
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 357-363
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Vacuum Measurements on the Tandem Mirror Experiments Upgrade (TMX-U) Fusion Experimenta
M. O. Calderon, A. L. Hunt, D. D. Lang, W. E. Nexsen, W. L. Pickles, W. C. Turner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 364-371
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Application of Railgun Principle to High-Velocity Hydrogen Pellet Injection for Magnetic Fusion Reactor Refuelinga
K. Kim, J. Honig
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 372-377
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Injection of Deuterium Pellets
H. Sørensen, P. Andersen, S. A. Andersen, V. Andersen, A. Nordskov-Nielsen, B. Sass, K.-V. Weisberg
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 378-383
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Progress Report on Pump Limiter Developments for the TEXTOR Tokamak: ALT-I
A. E. Pontau, M. E. Malinowski A. A. Ver Berkmoes, S. E. Guthrie, D. M. Goebel, G. A. Campbell, R. W. Conn, J. B. Whitley, R. D. Watson, W. B. Gauster, B. L. Doyle, K. H. Dippel, K. H. Finken, G. Fuchs
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 384-392
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Time Resolved Surface Temperature Measurements of the DITE MkII Bundle Divertor Target Plate Using a Scanning Infrared Camera
D. H. J. Goodall, G. E. Austin, J. M. Weaver
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 393-398
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
rf Glow Discharge Cleaning in the DITE Tokamak
J. Burt, S. J. Fielding, G. M. McCracken, G. Mezey, D. D. R. Summers†
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 399-404
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
In Situ Cleaning of Probe Surfaces by Pulsed Laser Heating
J. A. Tagle&, A. Pospieszczyk
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 405-410
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Atomic Hydrogen Interaction with Carbon
O. Auciello, A. A. Haasz, P. C. Stangeby
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 411-413
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Secondary Electron Yield of Graphite and TiC Coatings
Emilio Franconi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 414-419
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Compositional Changes in Surface Region of Sic Single-Crystal Due to Hydrogen and Helium Ion Irradiation
S. Fukuda, M. Mohri, T. Yamashina
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 420-423
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Chemical Shift of Graphite Basal Face Due to keV-Deuterium Bombardment
Y. Gotoh
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 424-427
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Solubility and Diffusivity Measurements of Protium and Deuterium in Inconel 625
G. Gervasinia, J. Camposilvan, F. Reiter
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 428-433
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Narrow Band, Near UV, High Repetition Rate Laser Induced Fluorescence System for use as an Edge Diagnostic in Fusion Machines
C. E. Young, D. M. Gruen, M. J. Pellin, W. F. Calaway
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 434-446
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
The use and Production of Suprathermal Atomic Beams for the Diagnostics of the Scrape Off Layer of Tokamaks
Y.T. Lie, A. Pospieszczyk, J.A. Tagle
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 447-452
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Measurements of Edge Temperature and Density Profiles in the DITE Tokamak, Using a Voltage Scanned Heat Flux Probe
S.K. Erents
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 453-458
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Impurity Deposition and Surface Erosion on Probes in the Bundle Divertor of DITEa
G. Mezeyb, J.W. Partridge, G.M. McCracken
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 459-464
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Influence of Erosion and Redeposition Processes on the Lifetime of Impurity Control Components: An Assessment for TiC Coatings
J.N. Brooks†, M. Kaminsky††
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 465-474
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Light Ion Sputtering of Metals and Low Z Compounds as Studied with the Monte-Carlo Code Trim
J. P. Biersack
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 475-482
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Recent Progress of a Surface Exfoliation Mechanism Under Ion Bombardment
K. Kamada
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 483-490
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Surface Erosion Effects of Candidate Fusion Materialsa
B. Navinsek
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 491-498
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Characterization of Two Stainless Steel Surfaces by AES and SEM Concerning Reactions with Thermal Atomic Hydrogen
T. Banno, S. Baba, A. Kinbara
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 499-502
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Phenomenology of Bulk Gettering
R. J. Knize, J. L. Cecchi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 503-510
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
A Fundamental Study of Cryopumping Systems with Charcoal Sorption Panel
T. Satake, M. Hashiba, M. Mohri, T. Yamashina, N. Ohsako, Y. Hayashi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 511-515
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Study on Development of Double Metal-Sealed Gate Valve for the JT-60 Radio Frequency Heating System
M. Minami, Mitsubishi Heavy, H. Morita, Mitsubishi Heavy, T. Nagashima, T. Imai
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 2P2 | September 1984 | Pages 516-521
Technical Paper | Selected papers from the Ninth International Vacuum Congress and the Fifth International Conference on Solid Surfaces (Madrid, Spain, September 26-October 1, 1983) |
Alpha-Driven Currents in Tokamak Reactors
Michael J. Gouge, Lee M. Hively, Dilip K. Bhadra
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 537-542
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Thermonuclear Burning in a Tokamak Plasma with Polarized Nuclei
YA. Kolesnichenko, D. Anderson, M. Lisak
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 543-547
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Performance Estimates of Photoneutralized Negative-Ion Beams
Joel H. Fink
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 548-553
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
Negative Molecular Ion-Particle Beam Source
M. J. Lavan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 554-563
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
Effects of Helium on Separation Characteristics of Cryogenic Distillation Column Cascade for Fusion Reactor
Masahiro Kinoshita
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 564-573
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
An Efficient Simulation Procedure Especially Developed for Hydrogen Isotope Distillation Columns
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 574-583
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
The Fusion Breeder — an Early Application of Nuclear Fusion
James A. Maniscalco, David H. Berwald, Ralph W. Moir, Joseph D. (J. D.) Lee, Edward Teller
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 584-596
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Commercial Tokamak Reactors with Resistive Toroidal Field Magnets
L. Bromberg, D. R. Cohn, D. L. Jassby
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 597-604
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Safety Assessment of the Mars Tandem Mirror Reactor
Husam Gurol, Ali E. Dabiri
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 605-615
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Radiation Safety Criteria for Maintenance and Waste Management in the Mirror Advanced Reactor Study
R. Carroll Maninger, David W. Dorn
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 616-624
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Experimental Results from Hydrogen/Deuterium Distillations at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly
Robert H. Sherman, John R. Bartlit, D. Kirk Veirs
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 625-628
Technical Note | Tritium System |
A Cryogenic Distillation Column Cascade for a Fusion Reactor
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 629-633
Technical Note | Tritium System |
Summary of the National Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Handling in Hostile Environments, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 24–27, 1984
Donald C. Hampson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 6 | Number 3 | November 1984 | Pages 634-635
Department | Meeting Report |