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ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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Progress in U.S. Fusion Safety and Environmental Activities over the Last Decade
David Petti, Kathryn McCarthy
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 1-23
Technical Paper |
Plasma-Deposited Beryllium Carbide Coatings for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion
Wu-Sheng Shih, R. B. Stephens, W. J. James
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 24-31
Technical Paper |
A Numeric Study of the Dependence of the Surface Temperature of Beta-Layered Regions on Absolute Thickness
Peter S. Ebey, Thomas J. Asaki, James K. Hoffer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 32-37
Technical Paper |
An Experimental Examination of the Loss-of-Flow Accident Phenomenon for Prototypical ITER Divertor Channels of Y = 0 and Y = 2
Theron D. Marshall, Jimmie M. McDonald, Lee C. Cadwallader, Don Steiner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 38-53
Technical Paper |
Adsorption Isotherms for Tritium on Various Adsorbents at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature
Yoshinori Kawamura, Mikio Enoeda, R. Scott Willms, Peter M. Zielinski, Richard H. Wilhelm, Masataka Nishi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 54-61
Technical Paper |
Development of a Tritium Cleanup System for a Large Helical Device Using Nonvolatile Getter Materials
Takao Kawano, Yoichi Sakuma, Toshiki Kabutomori, Mamoru Shibuya
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 62-67
Technical Paper |
The Effect of Pulse Operation on Tritium Permeation and Inventory in ITER's Plasma-Facing Components
Christos Housiadas, Adolfo Perujo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 68-73
Technical Paper |
Free-Surface Shear Layer Instabilities on a High-Speed Liquid Jet
Kazuhiro Itoh, Yoshiyuki Tsuji, Hideo Nakamura, Yutaka Kukita
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 74-88
Technical Paper |
KDAS: General-Purpose Data Acquisition System Developed for KAIST-Tokamak
Seong-Heon Seo, Wonho Choe, Hong-Young Chang, Seung-Ho Jeong
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 1 | January 2000 | Pages 89-95
Technical Paper |
Heat Transfer to Liquid Lithium in a Straight Duct in the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field and a Gravity Field
Asad Majid
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 103-109
Technical Paper |
Design of the KSTAR Divertor
BongJu Lee, David Hill, K. H. Im, L. Sevier, Jung-Hoon Han, Bastiaan J. Braams
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 110-123
Technical Paper |
Concentrating Low-Level Tritiated Water Through Isotope Exchange
Betty S. Jorgensen, Robert C. Dye, Lawrence R. Pratt, Maria A. Gomez, Julie E. Meadows
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 124-130
Technical Paper |
Study on Kinetic Control Mechanisms for ITER-Like Plasmas
Heimo Bürbaumer, Gerald Kamelander
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 131-145
Technical Paper |
Investigating the Unknown Nuclear Reaction in a Low-Energy (E < 330 keV) p + Ti2Hx Experiment
Tieshan Wang, Zhiguo Wang, Jingen Chen, Genming Jin, Yubo Piao
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 146-150
Technical Paper |
Nuclear Fusion for Bose Nuclei Confined in Ion Traps
Yeong E. Kim, Alexander L. Zubarev
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 151-156
Technical Paper |
Novel Hydrogen Compounds from a Potassium Carbonate Electrolytic Cell
Randell L. Mills
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2 | March 2000 | Pages 157-182
Technical Paper |
Energy for Future Centuries: Will Fusion be an Inexhaustible, Safe and Clean Energy Source?
J. Ongena, G. Van Oost
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 3-15
Introduction |
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Research in Europe Competence in Advanced Physics and Technologies
Hardo Bruhns
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 16-23
Introduction |
Thermonuclear Burn Criteria
Eckhard Rebhan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 24-32
Introduction |
Magnetic Fields and Plasmas
T.J. Schep
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 35-47
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Guiding Center Motion
H.J. de Blank, T.J. Schep
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 48-55
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Fusion Machines
R. R. Weynants
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 56-62
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Stellarator Kinetic Theory
H. Maaßberg, W7-AS Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 63-70
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Stellarators (Experiment)
D.A. Hartmann
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 71-78
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Plasma Equilibrium in Tokamaks
J.P. Goedbloed
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 79-84
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Operational Limits in Tokamak Machines and Limiting Instabilities
H. R. Koslowski
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 85-92
Basic Theory, Fusion Machines |
Basic Principles of Kinetic Equations for Particles, Waves, and Magnetic Field Lines
Karl H. Spatschek
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 95-111
Kinetic Theory |
Kinetic Theory of Plasma Waves - Part I: Introduction
P.U. Lamalle
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 112-117
Kinetic Theory |
Kinetic Theory of Plasma Waves: Part II Homogeneous Plasma
E. Westerhof
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 118-127
Kinetic Theory |
Kinetic Theory of Plasma Waves - Part III: Inhomogeneous Plasma
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 128-131
Kinetic Theory |
Plasma Heating by Neutral Beam Injection
R. Koch
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 135-144
Plasma Heating and Current Drive |
The Coupling of Electromagnetic Power to Plasmas
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 145-154
Plasma Heating and Current Drive |
The Ion Cyclotron, Lower Hybrid and Alfven Wave Heating Methods
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 155-162
Plasma Heating and Current Drive |
Plasma Heating and Current Drive: Electron Cyclotron Waves
J.A. Hoekzema
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 163-169
Plasma Heating and Current Drive |
Current Drive
D.W. Faulconer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 170-179
Plasma Heating and Current Drive |
Classical Transport in Weakly Coupled Magnetized Plasmas
B. Weyssow
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 183-189
Instabilities and Transport |
Neoclassical Transport Theory
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 190-198
Instabilities and Transport |
Stochastic Methods and Anomalous Transport
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 199-206
Instabilities and Transport |
Introduction to MHD Instabilities
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 207-216
Instabilities and Transport |
Toroidal Theory of MHD Instabilities
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 217-228
Instabilities and Transport |
Drift Waves and Vortices
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 229-238
Instabilities and Transport |
Drift Waves in Confined Axisymmetric Toroidal Plasmas
André L. Rogister
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 239-248
Instabilities and Transport |
Degraded Confinement and Turbulence in Tokamak Experiments (Revised version 1997)
F.C. Schüller
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 249-261
Instabilities and Transport |
Radial Electric FIELDS & Their Importance for Confinement
G. Van Oost
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 262-270
Instabilities and Transport |
Phenomenology and Theory of Transport in Fusion Plasmas
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 271-286
Instabilities and Transport |
Theoretical Models for the H-Mode Transport Barrier
A. L. Rogister
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 287-295
Instabilities and Transport |
Anomalous Transport Due to Magnetic Turbulence
Niek Lopes Cardozo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 296-304
Instabilities and Transport |
Transport Studies Using Perturbative Experiments
G.M.D. Hogeweij
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 305-312
Instabilities and Transport |
Numerical Transport Codes
J.P.H.E. Ongena, M. Evrard, D. McCune
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 313-323
Instabilities and Transport |
Introduction to Plasma Diagnostics
A.J.H. Donné
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 327-335
Plasma Diagnostics |
Plasma Edge Characterization and Diagnostics
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 336-343
Plasma Diagnostics |
Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnositcs
C.J. Barth
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 344-351
Plasma Diagnostics |
Plasma Spectroscopy
Frans G. Meijer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 352-359
Plasma Diagnostics |
Microwave and Far Infrared Diagnostics
A. Krämer-Flecken
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 360-367
Plasma Diagnostics |
Atomic Beam Diagnostics
B. Schweer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 368-375
Plasma Diagnostics |
Diagnostics for Fluctuation Measurements
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 376-387
Plasma Diagnostics |
Edge Plasma Physics Overview
Ulrich Samm
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 391-399
Edge Plasma Physics |
Plasma Wall Interaction and its Control by Wall Conditioning
V. Philipps
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 400-412
Edge Plasma Physics |
Edge Physics, Divertors, Pump Limiters
K.H. Finken
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 413-420
Edge Plasma Physics |
The Dynamic Ergodic Divertor (DED)
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 421-425
Edge Plasma Physics |
Radiation Phenomena at the Plasma Edge
M.Z. Tokar
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 426-433
Edge Plasma Physics |
Helium Removal and Recycling
D. Reiter
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 434-442
Edge Plasma Physics |
Overview of Tokamak Results
Bernhard Unterberg, Ulrich Samm
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 445-454
Present State of Fusion |
Heating, Confinement and Extrapolation to Reactors
J. Ongena, A.M. Messiaen
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 455-466
Present State of Fusion |
Advanced Tokamak Concepts and Reactor Designs
A.A.M. Oomens
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 467-473
Present State of Fusion |
Summary on Inertial Fusion Energy
I. Hofmann
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 2T | March 2000 | Pages 477-478
Special Lecture |
Modeling of Surface Deformations During Plasma Disruptions
Georgios Tsotridis
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 185-197
Technical Paper |
Electrical Parameters of a Conducting Vacuum Vessel with a Rectangular Cross Section
Long Wang
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 198-210
Technical Paper |
QUATOS: A University-Scale Test of the Quasi-Toroidal Stellarator Concept
Christopher Watts, Rex F. Gandy, James D. Hanson, Gregory J. Hartwell, Stephen F. Knowlton, Paul Garabedian, Antonino Carnevali
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 211-224
Technical Paper |
The Effect of Gamma-Ray Transport on Afterheat Calculations for Accident Analysis
Susana Reyes, Jeffery F. Latkowski, Javier Sanz
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 225-230
Technical Paper |
Modeling an Unmitigated Quench Event in an ITER Toroidal Field Magnet
Brad J. Merrill
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 231-246
Technical Paper |
Experimental Results of Transmutation of Elements Observed in Etched Palladium Samples by an Excimer Laser
Vincenzo Nassisi, Maria L. Longo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 247-252
Technical Paper |
Neutron Drop: Condensation of Neutrons in Metal Hydrides and Deuterides
Hideo Kozima
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 37 | Number 3 | May 2000 | Pages 253-258
Technical Paper |