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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
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The Influence of Impurities on the Molten Depths in Simulated Plasma Disruptions
G. Tsotridis, I. Goded
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 7-16
Technical Paper | First-Wall Technology |
Study on a Method to Recover Tritium from Blanket Sweep Gas
Masabumi Nishikawa, Ken-Ichi Tanaka, Mitsuru Uetake
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 17-26
Technical Paper | Tritium System |
Basic Requirements for a 1000-MW(electric) Class Tokamak Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor and Its Blanket Concept
Akiyoshi Hatayama, Masatada Ogasawara, Michinori Yamauchi, Kunihiko Okano, Yuzo Fukai, Tomoaki Yoshida, Tadasu Takuma, Kenji Yamaji
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 27-45
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Muon-Catalyzed Fusion — An Energy Production Perspective
Shalom Eliezer, Zohar Henis
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 46-73
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Waste Disposal Assessment of HYLIFE-II Structure
J. D. Lee
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 74-78
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Safety and Environmental Comparisons of Stainless Steel with Alternative Structural Materials for Fusion Reactors
Ann P. Kinzig, John P. Holdren, Paul J. Hibbard
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 79-104
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Evidence for Neutron Production During Heavy Water Electrolysis on Palladium Electrode
S. Blagus, M. Bogovac, A. Drašner, M. Vuković
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 1 | August 1994 | Pages 105-109
Technical Paper | Nuclear Reaction in Solid |
Ion Pumping from a Mirror Trap by an External Rotating Field
Nikita V. Shabrov, Vladimir I. Khvesjuk
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 117-124
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Effect of Neutral Beam Heating on the Dynamics of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
M. Naguib Aly, H. H. Abou-Gabal
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 125-132
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Energy Flows in a Quasi-Isobaric Fusion Reactor: Part III, Radio-Frequency Heating
S. Chaturvedi, R. G. Mills
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 133-144
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
Computer Simulation of the Reionization Effects for the ASDEX-Upgrade Neutral Beam Injector
A. Stäbler, J. Sielanko, S. Götz, E. Speth
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 145-152
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
A Simplified Analytical Method to Estimate the Bismuth Build-Up and the Polonium Activity in LiPb-Bearing Blankets of a Fusion Reactor
Sergei Zimin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 153-167
Technical Paper | Blanket Engineering |
A Proposal for a Material Irradiation Test Reactor Based on a Steady-State Subignited Tokamak Plasma
Yuichi Ogawa, Nobuyuki Inoue, Kunihiko Okano
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 168-178
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Tritium Generation and Large Excess Heat Evolution by Electrolysis in Light and Heavy Water-Potassium Carbonate Solutions with Nickel Electrodes
Reiko Notoya, Yohichi Noya, Toshiyuki Ohnishi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 179-183
Technical Paper | Electrolytic Device |
Plasma Dynamics in a Magnetically Insulated Target for Inertial Fusion
N. Aslan, T. Kammash
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 2 | September 1994 | Pages 184-191
Technical Paper | ICF Target |
A Mechanism for the Generation of Double Solutions in the Modeling of Reactor Exhaust, and the Possibility of Lost Solutions
E. S. Hotston
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 203-221
Technical Paper | Divertor System |
Energy Measurement of Fast Ions Trapped in the Toroidal Field Ripple of Tore Supra
V. Basiuk, A. Bécoulet, T. Hutter, G. Martin, A. L. Pecquet, B. Saoutic
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 222-226
Technical Paper | Experimental Device |
Interpretation of Sawtooth-Induced Changes of Neutron Emission in Joint European Torus Neutral Beam Injection Experiments
D. Anderson, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, M. Lisak, F. Wising, Yu. V. Yakovenko
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 227-233
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Vertical Displacements and Position Control in Tokamaks
B. Lehnert
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 234-243
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Neutron Emission Studies During the Electrolysis of Deuterium by Using BaCeO3 Solid Electrolyte and Palladium Electrodes
Jacob Jorné
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 244-247
Technical Paper | Nuclear Reaction in Solid |
Conversion of Tritium Gas to Tritiated Water by Cement Materials
Shigeo Numata, Yasuhiko Fujii, Makoto Okamoto
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 248-254
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Confinement Constraints of Electron Cyclotron Heating Models
Ren-Chu Chin, Shih-Hai Li
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 255-260
Technical Paper | Plasma Heating System |
Anomalous Reactions During Arcing Between Carbon Rods in Water
R. Sundaresan, J. O'M. Bockris
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 261-265
Technical Note | Nuclear Reaction in Solid |
Verification of the George Oshawa Experiment for Anomalous Production of Iron from Carbon Arc in Water
M. Singh, M. D. Saksena, V. S. Dixit, V. B. Kartha
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P1 | November 1994 | Pages 266-270
Technical Note | Nuclear Reaction in Solid |
Overview of the Design of In-Vessel Components for ITER
R.R. Parker, the ITER Joint Central Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 273-283
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The ITER In-Vessel System
D. C. Lousteau, In collaboration with the ITER Joint Central Team, the Garching Co-center
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 284-291
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Assembly Plans for ITER
Frederick A. Puhn, Akira Oikawa
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 292-299
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Review of ITER Blanket Designs
L. Green, M.D. Carelli, F. Stefani, G. Dave Morgan, V. Dennis Lee, R. Mattas
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 300-315
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Evaluation of Pumping and Fueling Requirements for the ITER EDA
W. A. Houlberg, S. E. Attenberger
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 316-321
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Sensitivity of ITER MHD Global Stability to Edge Pressure Gradients
J.T. Hogan, A. Martynov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 322-326
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
ITER Design: Physics Basis for Size, Confinement Capability Power Levels and Burn Control
Nermin A. Uckan, J. Hogan, W. Houlberg, J. Galambos, L.J. Perkins, S. Haney, D. Post,† S. Kaye
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 327-330
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Toward a Design for the ITER Plasma Shape and Stability Control System
D.A. Humphreys, J.A. Leuer, A.G. Kellman, S.W. Haney, R.H. Bulmer, L.D. Pearlstein, A. Portone
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 331-339
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Mission and Physics Design of the Tokamak Physics Experiment
G. H. Neilson, D. B. Batchelor, P. K. Mioduszewski, D. J. Strickler, R. J. Goldston, S.C. Jardin, J. M. Bialek, C. E. Kessel, S. S. Medley, J. A. Schmidt, R. H. Bulmer, D. N. Hill, W. M. Nevins, K. I. Thomassen, P. T. Bonoli, M. Porkolab, P. A. Politzer, P. H. Edmonds
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 343-350
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The TPX Configuration
T.G. Brown
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 351-354
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Engineering Design of the Tokamak Physics Experiment
John A. Schmidt
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 355-360
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Heating and Current Drive Systems for TPX
David Swain, Paul Goranson, Al von Halle, Stefano Bernabei, Nevell Greenough
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 361-365
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Power Supplies and Quench Protection for the Tokamak Physics Experiment
Charles L. Neumeyer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 366-370
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The TPX Vacuum Vessel and In-Vessel Components
P. Heitzenroeder; J. Bialek; R. Ellis; C. Kessel; S. Liew
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 371-375
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
TPX Remote Maintenance and Shielding
Mark J. Rennich; Bradley E. Nelson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 376-380
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
An Overview of the TPX Neutronics and Shielding Aspects
S. L. Liew, L. P. Ku
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 381-385
Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Deuterium-Tritium Experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
J. Hosea, J. H. Adler, P. Alling, C. Ancher, H. Anderson, J.L. Anderson,a) J.W. Anderson, V. Arunasalam, G. Ascione, D. Ashcroft, C.W. Barnes,a) G. Barnes, S. Batha,b) M.G. Bell, R. Bell, M. Bitter, W. Blanchard, N.L. Bretz, C. Brunkhorst, R. Budny, T. Burgess,c) H. Bush,e) C.E. Bush,c) R. Camp, M. Caorlin, H. Carnevale, S. Cauffman, Z. Chang,f) C.Z. Cheng, J. Chrzanowski, J. Collins, G. Coward, M. Cropper, D.S. Darrow, R. Daugert, J. DeLooper, H. Duong,h) L. Dudek, R. Durst,f) P.C. Efthimion, D. Ernst,d) J. Faunce, R. Fisher, R.J. Fonck,f) E, Fredd, E. Fredrickson, N. Fromm, G.Y. Fu, H.P. Furth, V. Garzotto, C. Gentile, G. Gettelfinger, J. Gilbert, J. Gioia, T. Golian, N. Gorelenkov,i) B. Grek, L.R. Grisham, G. Hammett, G.R. Hanson,c) R.J. Hawryluk, W. Heidbrink,j) H.W. Herrmann, K.W. Hill, H. Hsuan, A. Janos, D.L. Jassby, F.C. Jobes, D.W. Johnson, L.C. Johnson, J. Kamperschroer, J. Kesner,d) H. Kugel, S. Kwon,e) G. Labik, N.T. Lam,f) P.H. LaMarche, E. Lawson, B. LeBlanc, M. Leonard, J. Levine, F.M. Levinton,b) D. Loesser, D. Long, M.J. Loughlin,k) J. Machuzak,d) D.K. Mansfield, M. Marchlik,e) E. S. Marmar,d) R. Marsala, A. Martin, G. Martin, V. Mastrocola, E. Mazzucato, R. Majeski, M. Mauel,l) M.P. McCarthy, B. McCormack, D.C. McCune, K.M. McGuire, D.M. Meade, S.S. Medley, D.R. Mikkelsen, S.L. Milora,c) D. Mueller, M. Murakami,c) J.A. Murphy, A. Nagy, G.A. Navratil,l) R. Nazikian, R. Newman, T. Nishitani,m) M. Norris, T. O'Connor, M. Oldaker, J. Ongena,n) M. Osakabe,o) D.K. Owens, H. Park, W. Park, S.F. Paul, Yu.I. Pavlov,p) G. Pearson, F. Perkins, E. Perry, R. Persing, M. Petrov,q) C.K. Phillips, S. Pitcher,r) S. Popovichev,p) R. Pysher, A.L. Qualls,c) S. Raftopoulos, R. Ramakrishnan, A. Ramsey, D.A. Rasmussen,c) M.H. Redi, G. Renda, G. Rewoldt, D. Roberts,f) J. Rogers, R. Rossmassler, A.L. Roquemore, E. Ruchov,j) S.A. Sabbagh,l) M. Sasao,o) G. Schilling, J. Schivell, G.L. Schmidt, R. Scillia, S.D. Scott, T. Senko, R. Sissingh, C. Skinner, J. Snipes,d) P. Snook, J. Stencel, J. Stevens, T. Stevenson, B.C. Stratton, J.D. Strachan, W. Stodiek, E. Synakowski, W. Tang, G. Taylor, J. Terry,d) M.E. Thompson, J.R. Timberlake, H.H. Towner, A. von Halle, C. Vannoy, R. Wester, R. Wieland, J.B. Wilgen,c) M. Williams, J.R. Wilson, J. Winston, K. Wright, D. Wong,r) K.L. Wong, P. Woskov,d) G.A. Wurden,a) M. Yamada, A. Yeun,r) S. Yoshikawa, K.M. Young, M.C. Zarnstorff, S.J. Zweben
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 389-398
Magnetic Fusion Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
JET Divertor Assembly and Early Operation
The JET Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 399-405
Magnetic Fusion Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Recent Results and Future Prospects on the JT-60U Tokamak
H. Yoshida, the JT-60 Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 406-417
Magnetic Fusion Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Recent DIII-D Results
Peter I. Petersen for the DIII-D Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 418-426
Magnetic Fusion Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tritium Processing and Management During D-T Experiments on TFTR
P.H. La Marche, J.L. Anderson, C.A. Gentile, R.J. Hawryluk, J. Hosea, M. Kalish, T. Kozub, H. Murray, A. Nagy, S. Raftopoulos, R.L. Rossmassier, R.A.P. Sissingh, J. Swanson, F. Tulipano, M. Viola, D.R. Voorhees, R.T. Walters, the TFTR Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 427-433
Magnetic Fusion Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
LHD Magnet System Design and Construction
O. Motojima
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 437-444
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Superconducting Coil System of the Advanced Modular Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
W. Maurer, the Wendelstein 7-X Technical Group
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 445-452
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Study of the Tokamak-15 Superconducting Toroidal Field Coil (STFC) Heating Under the Quench
I.O. Anashkin, S.V. Kabanovsky, A.N. Chudnovsky, P.P. Khvostenko, A.N. Vertiporokh, D.P. Ivanov, I.A. Posadsky
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 453-457
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Superconducting Magnet System for the Tokamak Physics Experiment
Dwight D. Lang, R.J. Bulmer, M.R. Chaplin, T.G. O'Connor, D.S. Slack, R. L. Wong, J. P. Zbasnik, J.H. Schultz, N. Diatchenko, D.B. Montgomery, R.D. Pillsbury, Jr., P. W. Wang, L. Myatt, T. G. Brown, J. C. Citrolo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 458-464
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Magnet Design for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Richard J. Thome
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 465-472
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Design of Poloidal Field Systems for TF Coil Shear Minimization
L. Bromberg, C. G. Bathke, C. Kessel, P. Titus
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 473-477
Fusion Magnet System | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Study of SiC/SiC Fiber Composite Stability in Thermochemical Conditions Relevant to Fusion Technology
A. Donato, L.F. Moreschi, M.L. Apicella, A. Mignone, S. Casadio, C.A. Nannetti, E. Scafé
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 481-485
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Loads for Pulsed Power Cylindrical Implosion Experiments
W. Anderson, E. Armijo, B. Barthell, J. Bartos, H. Bush, L. Foreman, F. Garcia, P. Gobby, V. Gomez, V. Gurule, D. Hatch, B. Henneke, R. Manzanares, J. Moore, G. Reeves, G. Rivera, M. Salazar, L. Salzer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 486-492
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Innovative Design and Material Solutions of Thermal Contact Layers for High Heat Flux Applications in Fusion Devices
G. Federici, R. Matera, S. Chiocchio, J. Dietz, G. Janeschitz, D. Driemeyer, J. Haines, M. Tillack, M. Ulrickson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 493-497
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Modification and Final Alignment of the TFTR Bumper Limiter
M. D. McSmith, G. D. Loesser, D. K. Owens
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 498-502
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Development of Plasma Facing Components with Functionally Gradient Layers
M. Morimoto, F. Kudough, M. Onozuka, H. Tsunoda, M. Toyoda
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 503-506
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tritium Release from JT-60U Vacuum Vessel Following High-Power Heated Deuterium Operations
N. Miya, M. Nemoto, N. Toyoshima
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 507-511
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Probabilistic Analysis of Divertor Plate Lifetime in Tokamak Reactors
Ruxandra P. Golinescu, Mujid S. Kazimi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 512-516
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Erosion of Plasma-Facing Components Under Simulated Disruption-Like Conditions Using an Electrothermal Plasma Gun
M.A. Bourham, J.G. Gilligan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 517-521
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Radiation Transport Effects in Divertor Plasmas Generated During a Tokamak Reactor Disruption
Robert R. Peterson, Joseph J. MacFarlane, Ping Wang
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 522-526
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Upgrade of the Vapor Shield Modeling Code MAGFIRE
Eric Tucker, John Gilligan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 527-531
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Plasma Disruption Modeling and Simulation
A. Hassanein
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 532-539
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Evaluation of Erosion and Lifetime of ITER Divertor Candidate Materials and Relevant Data from Recent Experiments in the PISCES-B MOD Facility
Y. Hirooka, J. Won, S. Keller, R. Boivin, M. Khandagle, J. N. Brooks
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 540-545
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Results from Computational and Experimental Modeling of Runaway Electron Damage on Plasma Facing Components
K. A. Niemer, J. G. Gilligan, C. D. Croessmann
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 546-550
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Design Probabilistic Approach to Define Fusion Materials Data Base Requirements
R. E. Kothmann, L. Green, M. D. Carelli, M. J. Manjoine, R. E. Wootton
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 551-557
Fusion Material and Plasma-Facing Component | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Fast Frequency-Step-Tunable Gyrotrons for Plasma Heating and Fusion Diagnostics
O. Dumbrajs, J. Heikkinen
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 561-565
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Evaluation of Current Drive Requirements and Operating Characteristics of a High Bootstrap Fraction Advanced Tokamak Reactor
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 566-571
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Analog Feedback Control of RFP Plasma: Implementation and First Results in the RFX Experiment
Pietro Fiorentin, Elena Gaio, Giuseppe Marchiori, Roberto Piovan, Vanni Toigo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 572-576
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Comparison and Experimental Validation of Different Methods for Eddy Current Calculation in the RFX Conducting Shell
Pietro Fiorentin, Giuseppe Marchiori, Giuseppe Zollino
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 577-581
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Startup and Shutdown of the PULSAR Tokamak Reactor†
K.A. Werley, C.G. Bathke
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 582-587
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
TF-Ripple Loss Reduced Alpha Heating
Thomas Hladschik, Klaus Schoepf
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 588-592
Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Plasma Engineering | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Helium Transport and Exhaust Studies in DIII-D
M. R. Wade, J. T. Hogan, D. L. Hillis, R. Maingi†, M. M. Menon, K. H. Burrell, R. J. Grocbncr, M. A. Mahdavi, W. P. West, D. F. Finkenthal‡, the DIII-D Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 595-602
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
ITER Divertor Research and Development Activities
D. Driemeyer, D. Bowers, J. Davis, D. Kubik, H. Mantz, M. McSmith, T. Rigney, C. Baxi, L. Sevier, M. Carelli, L. Green, D. Ruzic, D. Hayden, M. Gabler, J. Yuen
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 603-610
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Simpler, Safer, Higher Performance Cooling System Arrangement for Water Cooled Divertors
M. D. Carelli, R. E. Kothmann, L. Green, N. J. Zhan, F. Stefani, R.M. Roidt
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 611-617
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Diagnostics Modules for Tokamak Disruption Experiments
M.L. Nahm, C.D. Buchanan, M.A. Bourham, J.G. Gilligan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 618-622
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Design of the PISCES-Upgrade Facility
Lester M. Waganer, Russell Doerner
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 623-627
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Concept Development and Performance Assessment of the Power Exhaust Structure of the ITER Divertor
S. Chiocchio, G. Federici, G. Janeschitz, R. Tivey, C. Baxi, J. R. Haines, M. A. Ulrickson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 628-633
Divertor Experiment and Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Electrothermal Plasma Gun as a Pellet Injector
R.W. Kincaid, M.A. Bourham
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 637-641
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Development of an ITER Pellet Fueling System in Russia
Boris V. Kuteev, Igor V. Viniar, Vladimir Yu. Sergeev, Lev D. Tsendin, Vladimir G. Kapralov, Pavel Yu. Koblents, Andrey A. Lovtsius, Michae A. Parshin, Pavel V. Reznichenko, Sergei V. Skoblikov, Alexander P. Umov, Victor N. Skripunov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 642-648
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Electromagnetic Launch of mm-Size Pellets to Great Velocities
E.M. Drobyshevski, B.G. Zhukov, R.O. Kurakin, V.A. Sakharov, A.M. Studenkov
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 649-653
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Measurement of Capacity Coefficient of Inclined Liquid Phase Catalytic Exchange Column for Tritiated Water Processing
Hideki Yamai, Satoshi Konishi, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Kenji Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 654-658
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Use of Magnesium for Recovering Hydrogen Isotopes from Tritiated Water
R. Scott Willms, Satoshi Konishi, Kenji Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 659-663
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Recovery of Tritium by Cryogenic Molecular Sieve Bed in Breeding Blanket Interface Condition
Mikio Enoeda, Yoshinori Kawamura, Kenji Okuno, Masabumi Nishikawa, Ken-ichi Tanaka
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 664-667
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Improvements in ZrCo Based Tritium Storage Media
Satoshi Konishi, T. Nagasaki, T. Hayashi, K. Okuno
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 668-672
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Evidence of Tritiated Organic Evolution from Stainless Steel Surfaces
A.B. Antoniazzi, W.T. Shmayda
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 673-678
Plasma Fueling and Fuel Cycle | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Implosion Experiment by GEKKO XII and Scaling to Ignition and Burn
Sadao Nakai
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 681-686
Inertial Confinement Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Review of Drive Symmetry Measurement and Control Experiments on the Nova Laser System
J. M. Mack, A. A. Hauer, N. D. Delamater, W. W. Hsing, R. G. Watt, D. A. Baker, D. B. Harris, G. R. Magelssen, J. M. Wallace, L. Suter, D. Ress, L. Powers, O. Landen, R. Thiessen, D. Phillion, P. Amendt
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 687-695
Inertial Confinement Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Hohlraum Manufacture for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Larry R. Foreman, Peter Gobby, Jacob Bartos, P. Michael Brooks, Harry Bush, Veronica Gomez, Norman Elliott, Joyce Moore, Gerald Rivera, Mike Salazar, Lee Salzer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 696-701
Inertial Confinement Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Performance of the NIF Prototype Beamlet
Bruno M. Van Wonterghem, John R. Murray, D. Ralph Speck, John H. Campbell
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 702-707
Inertial Confinement Experiment | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Directions for the U.S. ICF Program
Marshall M. Sluyter
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 711-716
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Overview of the Nike KrF Laser Program
John D. Sethian, Robert H. Lehmberg, Carl J. Pawley, Alban V. Deniz, Stephen E. Bodner, Edgar A. McLean, Mark S. Pronko, John Hardgrove, Malcolm W. McGeoch, Kent A. Gerber, Stephen P. Obenschain, John A. Stamper, Thomas H. Lehecka
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 717-721
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Upgrade to the OMEGA Laser System
T. R. Boehly, R. S. Craxton, T. H. Hinterman, P. A. Jaanimagi, J. H. Kelly, T. J. Kessler, R. L. Kremens, S. A. Kumpan, S. A. Letzring, R. L. McCrory, S. F. B. Morse, W. Seka, S. Skupsky, J. M. Soures, C. P. Verdon
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 722-729
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
ILSE Heavy Ion Accelerator
Edward P. Lee
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 730-737
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Glass Laser System, Gekko XII Upgrade for ICF Ignition
M. Nakatuska, H. Azechi, T. Jitsuno, T. Kanabe, S. Matsuoka, M. Miyanaga, M. Tada, S. Nakai
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 738-744
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Laboratory Microfusion Capability Phase II Study
Gary L. McAllister
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 745-752
Future Inertial Confinement Fusion Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The National Ignition Facility Project
J. A. Paisner, E. M. Campbell, W. J. Hogan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 755-766
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Laser Design Basis for the National Ignition Facility
J.T. Hunt, K.R. Manes, J.R. Murray, P.A. Renard, R. Sawicki, J.B. Trenholme, W. Williams
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 767-771
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Area Design Basis and System Performance for the National Ignition Facility
M. Tobin, V. Karpenko, K. Hagans, A. Anderson, J. Latkowski, R. Warren, R. Wavrik, R. Garcia, J. Boyes
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 772-779
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
X-Ray and Debris Ion Spectra Emanating from NIF Targets
Robert R. Peterson, Gregory A. Moses, Joseph J. MacFarlane, Ping Wang
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 780-784
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Area Chamber System Design for the National Ignition Facility
Richard Wavrik, Frank Dempsey, Andrew Anderson, John Boyes, Rojelio Garcia, Michael Tobin, Craig Olson, Victor Karpenko, Jeffrey Latkowski
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 785-790
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Plasma Electrode Pockels Cells for the Beamlet and NIF Lasers
Mark A. Rhodes, B. Woods, J. DeYoreo, J. Atherton
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 791-798
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Power Conditioning for the National Ignition Facility
Douglas W. Larson, Robert Anderson, John Boyes
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 799-803
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
X-Ray Response of National Ignition Facility First Surface Materials
Andrew T. Anderson, Michael T. Tobin, Per F. Peterson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 804-808
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Response of the National Ignition Facility Target Chamber Walls to the Microexplosion of a Fusion Target
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 809-813
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
TSUNAMI Analysis of National Ignition Facility 2-D Gas Dynamics Phenomenon
Xiang M. Chen, Per F. Peterson, Michael T. Tobin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 814-818
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Los Alamos Contribution to Target Diagnostics on the National Ignition Facility
J.M. Mack, D.A. Baker, S.E. Caldwell, R.E. Chrien, B.H. Failor, S.R. Goldman, A.A. Hauer, R.G. Hockaday, J.A. Oertel, W.K. Thorn, R.G. Watt, C.S. Young
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 819-828
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Area Acquisition and Control System Survivability for the National Ignition Facility
Karla Hagans, Pete Stathis, Jay Wiedwald, Don Campbell
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 829-832
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Alignment in the National Ignition Facility
Charles S. Vann, Erlan S. Bliss, James E. Murray
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 833-836
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Area Structural Support Systems Design to Achieve the Micron-Level Stability Requirement of the National Ignition Facility (NIF)
D.S. Ng, V.P. Karpenko, R. Wavrik
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 837-841
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Neutronics and Shielding Analysis of the National Ignition Facility
Jeffery F. Latkowski, Michael T. Tobin, M. S. Singh
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 842-846
National Ignition Facility | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Evolution of Light Ion Driven Fusion Power Plants Leading to the LIBRA-SP Design
G. L. Kulcinski, R. R. Peterson, G. A. Moses, D. Bruggink, P. Cousseau, R. L. Engelstad, Y.-M. Lee, H. Y. Khater, E. G. Lovell, J. J. MacFarlane, E. A. Mogahed, S. Rutledge, M. E. Sawan, I. N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, L. J. Wittenberg
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 849-856
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Use of the National Ignition Facility for the Development of Inertial Fusion Energy
M. Tobin, G. Logan, A. Anderson, T. Diaz De La Rubia
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 857-867
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Near Symmetrically Illuminated Direct Drive Laser Fusion Power Reactor - SIRIUS-P
I. N. Sviatoslavsky, G. L. Kulcinski, G. A. Moses, D. Bruggink, R. L. Engelstad, H. Y. Khater, E. M. Larsen, E. G. Lovell, J. J. MacFarlane, E. A. Mogahed, R. R. Peterson, M. E. Sawan, P. Wang, L. J. Wittenberg
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 868-872
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Automated Target Production for Inertial Fusion Energy
Michael J. Monsler, Wayne R. Meier
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 873-880
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Parametric Target Chamber Simulations for the Inertial Fusion Energy Integrated Test Facility
Robert R. Peterson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 881-885
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Radiation Transport Effects in the Target Chamber Gas of the Laser Fusion Power Reactor SIRIUS-P
J. J. MacFarlane, R. R. Peterson, P. Wang, G. A. Moses
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 886-890
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Three-Dimensional Thermal and Structural Analysis of the First Wall in the SIRIUS-P Reactor
Elsayed A. Mogahed
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 891-895
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Target Injection Methods for Inertial Fusion Energy
Ronald W. Petzoldt, Ralph W. Moir
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 896-905
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Coupling of Radiation Transport with the Gas Dynamics for HYLIFE-II Analysis
Xiang M. Chen, Virgil E. Schrock, Per F. Peterson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 906-911
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Fitted Equations of State for Flibe Gas
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 912-916
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Scale Modeling of Oscillating Sheet Jets for the HYLIFE-II Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor
Christopher J. Cavanaugh, Per F. Peterson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 917-921
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Light Ion Beam Approach to ICF Energy Production
R. E. Olson, M. G. Mazarakis, C. L. Olson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 922-925
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor, Reactor Target, and Driver | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Portable Cylindrical Electrostatic Fusion Device for Neutronic Tomography
Yibin B. Gu, Jalal B. Javedani, George H. Miley
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 929-932
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Radiation Shielding for TFTR DT Diagnostics
L. P. Ku, D. W. Johnson, S. L. Liew
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 933-937
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Impurity Pellet Injection Systems for Tokamak Diagnostics and Burn Control
Boris V. Kuteev, Vladimir Yu. Sergeev, Sergey M. Egorov, Vladimir G. Kapralov, Konstantin V. Khlopenkov, Igor V. Miroshnikov, Dmitriy V. Polyakov, Pavel V. Reznichenko, Peter T. Lang, Klaus P. Büchl, Paul Cierpka, Rudolf S. Lang, Shigeru Sudo
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 938-944
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Conceptual Design for a Fast Neutron Ionization Chamber for Fusion Reactor Plasma Diagnostics
W. C. Sailor, Cris W. Barnes, G. A. Wurden, R. E. Chrien
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 945-948
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
FMIF Conceptual Design Activities
Lawrence Green, Joe Lance, John Rathke, Michael Reusch, Alan Todd, David Bruhwiler, Ed Piechowiak, Jerry Bazinet, Scott Thomson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 949-957
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Coupled Diffusion-Transport Calculations of Fusion Reactor Activations
C. E. Annese, E. Greenspan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 958-962
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
TFTR Radiation Contour and Shielding Efficiency Measurements During D-D Operations
H. W. Kugel, G. Ascione, S. Elwood, J. Gilbert, D. Hwang, M. Lewis, J. Levine, L.-P. Ku, K. Rule, F. Hajnal, N. Azziz, P. Goldhagen, G. Klemic, P. Shebell
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 963-970
Fusion Diagnostic and Neutronic Experiment and Analysis | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Post Accident Afterheat Generation & Dissipation in Fusion Reactors
F. Andritsos, M. Zucchetti
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 973-977
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Corrosion Radioactive Products in a Primary Cooling System of the ITER Plant: A Preliminary ORE Evaluation
Sandro Sandri, Dan Gabriel Cepraga, Sergio Ciattaglia, Gilio Cambi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 978-982
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Interactions Between an Organic Coolant and Drops of Molten Lithium
Lloyd S. Nelson, Joseph D. Krueger, Michael L. Corradini
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 983-987
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Scaling Equations to Model Variations in Operating Conditions for Activation Calculations
S.K. Ho
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 988-992
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Oxide Aerosols Produced from a Tungsten Alloy for Fusion Reactors
D. L. Hagrman, D. A. Petti, G. R. Smolik, K. A. McCarthy
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 993-997
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Design, Operation, and Application of the LLNL Portable Tritium Processing System
T. C. Reitz, P. A. Smuda, M. A. Benapfl
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 998-1002
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
National Ignition Facility Environmental Protection Systems
J. Mark Mintz, Thomas C. Reitz, Michael T. Tobin
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1003-1008
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Radiological Safety Optimization Study for Compact Fusion Machines
Pietro Corsaro, Giovanni Del Tin, Massimo Zucchetti
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1009-1013
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Vanadium Recycling
T. J. Dolan, G. J. Butterworth
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1014-1020
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Vacuum Component Reliability Estimates for Experimental Fusion Facilities
L. C. Cadwallader
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1021-1024
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
LOCA Temperature/Hydrogen Generation Parametric Study for ITER TAC4 Design
M. J. Gaeta, B. J. Merrill, D. A. Petti
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1025-1029
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Technology Issues for Decommissioning the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
P.T. Spampinatoa, J.C. Commanderb, G.R. Walton
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1030-1033
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Progress in the Development of Methodology for Fusion Safety Systems Studies
S.K. Ho1, G. Cambi2, S. Ciattaglia3, Y. Fujii-e4, Y. Seki5
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1034-1042
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tritium Technology and Safety at Jet
A C Bell, the JET Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1043-1050
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Fusion Safety Regulations in the US: Progress and Trends
John DeLooper
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1051-1058
Tritium Technology, Safety, Environment, and Remote Maintenance | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Recent Designs for Advanced Fusion Reactor Blankets
Dai-Kai Sze, The ARIES Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1061-1068
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
European Blanket Development for a DEMO Reactor
S. Malang, M. Dalle Donne, L. Anzidei, L. Giancarli, E. Proust
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1069-1078
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
European Reference Design of the Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead Blanket for a Demonstration Reactor
L. Giancarli, L. Baraer, B. Bielak, M. Eid, M. Fütterer, E. Proust, X. Raepsaet, J.F. Salavy, L. Sedano, Y. Severi, J. Quintric-Bossy, C. Nardi, L. Petrizzi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1079-1085
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tritium Production-Rate Measurement Techniques Developed at FNS/JAERI
Hiroshi Maekawa, Fujio Maekawa, Yukio Oyama, Chikara Konno, Yujio Ikeda, Kouichi Tsuda, Seiya Yamaguchi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1086-1091
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
GERAPH: A Novel Approach to the General Solution of Pulsed History Activation Problems
P. P. H. Wilson, J. E. Sisolak, D. L. Henderson
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1092-1097
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Spectrum Weighting Function Method for In-Situ Fast Neutron and Gamma-Ray Response Measurements in Fusion Integral Experiments with an NE213 Scintillation Detector
Yukio Oyama, Kazunori Sekiyama, Hiroshi Maekawa
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1098-1102
Fusion Blanket, Shield, and Neutronic Technology | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Advanced Fission and Fossil Plant Economics-Implications for Fusion
Jerry G. Delene
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1105-1110
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Lessons Learned from the Tokamak Advanced Reactor Innovation and Evaluation Study (ARIES)
R. A. Krakowski, C. G. Bathke, R. L. Miller, K. A. Werley
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1111-1118
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
DEMO & Commercial Fusion Reactors Extrapolated from the ITER and Advanced Physics & Materials Data Bases
Weston M. Stacey
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1119-1121
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Prospects for Toroidal Fusion Reactors
John Sheffield, John D. Galambos
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1122-1126
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Advanced Stellarator Power Plants
Ronald L. Miller
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1127-1132
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tokamak Power Plant Burn Cycle Options
David A. Ehst
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1133-1140
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Assessment of First Wall Lifetime in D-3He and D-T Reactors with Impact on Reactor Availability
M. E. Sawan, I. N. Sviatoslavsky
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1141-1145
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
CFFTP Fusion Pilot Plant Scoping Study
P. Gierszewski1, G. Williams2, J. Blevins1, H. Brunnader1, P. Cumyn3, B. Dean4, J. Galambos5, C. Holloway6, R. Kelly7, A. Natalizio1, S. Smith4
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1146-1150
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Robust Burn Control of Fusion Reactors with Modulation of Refueling Rate
W. Hui, B. Bamieh & G. H. Miley
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1151-1157
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Improvement in Fusion Reactor Performance Due to Ion Channeling
G. A. Emmert, L. A. El-Guebaly, G. L. Kulcinski, J. F. Santarius, I. N. Sviatoslavsky, D. M. Meade
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1158-1162
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
A Comparison of Steady-State ARIES and Pulsed PULSAR Tokamak Power Plants
C. G. Bathke, the ARIES Research Team
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1163-1168
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Improvements to the HYLIFE-II Inertial Fusion Power Plant Design
Ralph W. Moir
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1169-1177
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
HYLIFE-II Reactor Chamber Design Refinements
Palmer A. House
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1178-1195
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Minimum Size Q=1 and Ignited Spherical Tokamak Devices
John Galambos, Y.-K. M. Peng, John Haines
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1196-1202
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
The Flow-through Z-Pinch for Fusion Energy Production
Charles W. Hartman, James L. Eddleman, Ralph Moir, U. Shumlak
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1203-1206
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Tokamak Transmutation of (Nuclear) Waste (TTW): Parametric Studies
R. A. Krakowski, E. T. Cheng, Y.-K. M. Peng
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1207-1215
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Design, Construction and Commissioning of SGPR, the Fast Protection System of RFX
Pierpaolo Collarin, Francesco Trevisan, Massimo Guarnieri
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1216-1220
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Initial Results on High Enthalpy Plasma Generation in a Magnetized Coaxial Source
R. M. Mayo, M. A. Bourham, R. W. Caress, D. C. Black, M. E. Glover
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 3P2 | November 1994 | Pages 1221-1225
Fusion Power Reactor, Economic, and Alternate Concept | Proceedings of the Eleventh Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy New Orleans, Louisiana June 19-23, 1994 |
Implications of Fusion Plasma Studies to Other Collective Nonequilibrium Systems
F. Pegoraro
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1243-1249
Technical Paper | Plasma Engineering |
Phenomenological Inelastic Constitutive Equations for SiC and SiC Fibers Under Irradiation
A. El-Azab, N. M. Ghoniem
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1250-1264
Technical Paper | Material Engineering |
Transport of Energetic Ion and Electron Energy Through the Vapor Shield During a Tokamak Plasma Disruption
E. Tucker, J. Gilligan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1265-1274
Technical Paper | First-Wall Technology |
Problems and Methods of Activation Calculations for Experimental and Next-Step Fusion Devices
Massimo Zucchetti
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1275-1287
Technical Paper | Safety/Environmental Aspect |
Comprehensive Safety Analysis Code System for Nuclear Fusion Reactors II: Thermal Analyses During Plasma Disruptions for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
T. Honda, K. Maki, T. Okazaki, T. Uda, Y. Seki, I. Aoki, T. Kunugi
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1288-1295
Technical Paper | Safety Environmental Aspect |
Beam Direct Converter with Varying Magnetic Field
Mamoru Matsuoka, Masanori Araki, Makoto Mizuno†
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1296-1303
Technical Paper | Energy Storage, Switching, and Conversion |
Study of Deuterium Charging in Palladium by Electrolysis of Heavy Water
A. De Ninno, V. Violante
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1304-1310
Technical Paper | Electrolytic Device |
Neutronic Investigation of a Power Plant Using Peaceful Nuclear Explosives
Sümer Şahın, Ralph W. Moir, Sabahattin Ünalan
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1311-1325
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |
Inherent Characteristics of Fusion Power Systems: Physics, Engineering, and Economics
R. W. Bussard, N. A. Krall
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 26 | Number 4 | December 1994 | Pages 1326-1336
Technical Paper | Fusion Reactor |