Number 1

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors (Romano Toschi, Max Chazalon, Folker Engelmann, Jos Nihoul, Jürgen Raeder, Ettore Salpietro, Folker Engelmann, M. F. A. Harrison, Raffaele Albanese, Kurt Borrass, O. De Barbieri, E. S. Hotston, Aldo Nocentini, Jean-Georges Wégrowe, Giorgio Zambotti, Max Chazalon, Paul Dinner, Neil Mitchell, Ettore Salpietro, Ettore Salpietro, Federico Casci, Flaviano Farfaletti-Casali, Friedrich Fauser, Hartmut Gorenflo, Luciano Ingala, Thomas Kaltner, Gianbattista Malavasi, Joseph Minervini, Neil Mitchell, Rudolf Pöhlchen, Max Chazalon, Jean-Louis Boutard, Michael Ian Budd, Antonino Cardella, Wolfgang Dänner, Paul Dinner, Dain Evans, Markus Iseli, Bernard Libin, Frans Moons, Jos Nihoul, Marc A. Vassiliadis, Gottfried Vieider, Chung Hsiung Wu, Ezio Zolti, Ettore Salpietro, Raffaele Albanese, Enzo Coccorese, Raffaele Martone, Neil Mitchell, Guglielmo Rubinacci, Max Chazalon, Ettore Salpietro, Federico Casci, Flaviano Farfaletti-Casali, Clive Holloway, Giabattista Malavasi, Neil Mitchell, Eckhard Theisen, A. Suppan, Jean-Georges Wégrowe, Folker Engelmann, Flaviano Farfaletti-Casali, Frans Moons, Paul Dinner, Max Chazalon, Dain Evans, Friedrich Fauser, Markus Iseli, Chung Hsiung Wu, Bernard Libin, Jean-Louis Boutard, Max Chazalon, Rolf Bünde, Werner Gulden, Jürgen Raeder, Kurt Borrass, William R. Spears)
  • Comments (George Miley)
  • Preface: Next European Torus (Romano Toschi)
  • Guest Editor's Comments (Ehud Greenspan)
  • Review Editor's Comments (L. John Perkins)

Number 2P1

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors (N. G. Basov, E. G. Gamaly, V. B. Rozanov, G. V. Sklizkov, Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Shinji Kouda, Yasushi Yamamoto, Kouichi Maeda, Christopher B. Wallace, Mark A. Prelas, C. Christopher Klepper, Taner Uckan, Peter K. Mioduszewski, Robert T. McGrath, P. Hertout Nermin A. Uckan, Ubaldo R. Carretta, Ettore Minardi, Thomas C. Simonen, Archer H. Futch, Thomas B. Kaiser, Robert T. McGrath, C. Christopher Klepper, Taner Uckan, Peter K. Mioduszewski, Vijay R. Nargundkar, Tejen Kumar Basu, Om Prakash Joneja, M. Barra Caracciolo, C. Alvani, S. Casadio, Rene J. LeClaire, Jr., A. A. Harms)
  • The JET Project and the Prospects for Controlled Nuclear Fusion (Donald J. Grove)
  • Superconducting Magnets (Roger Boom, Y. M. Eyssa)

Number 2P2A

Number 2P2B