Neutron cross sections of the stable lithium isotopes 6Li and 7Li were of interest in the 1940s and 1950s in part because of their reactions, which form tritium using moderated neutrons on 6Li and higher-energy neutrons on either isotope. Lithium remains of interest today for use as a blanket and shielding material in fusion reactors, where it can be used to breed tritium for a self-sustaining fuel cycle. During the Manhattan Project, the resonance in the 6Li(n,t) reaction was discovered and later became important for enhancing tritium production for nuclear technologies. The dominant natural isotope 7Li was and remains of interest because of the expense of enriching 6Li. It has been oft reported that the 1954 Castle Bravo nuclear test had a yield twice as large as expected because the nuclear explosive device designers had not properly accounted for the benefits from the 7Li isotope in the fuel; we note that this explanation is false.