ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy
The mission of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy Division (NNPD) is to promote the peaceful use of nuclear technology while simultaneously preventing the diversion and misuse of nuclear material and technology through appropriate safeguards and security, and promotion of nuclear nonproliferation policies. To achieve this mission, the objectives of the NNPD are to: Promote policy that discourages the proliferation of nuclear technology and material to inappropriate entities. Provide information to ANS members, the technical community at large, opinion leaders, and decision makers to improve their understanding of nuclear nonproliferation issues. Become a recognized technical resource on nuclear nonproliferation, safeguards, and security issues. Serve as the integration and coordination body for nuclear nonproliferation activities for the ANS. Work cooperatively with other ANS divisions to achieve these objective nonproliferation policies.
Meeting Spotlight
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 2025)
February 3–6, 2025
Amelia Island, FL|Omni Amelia Island Resort
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Jan 2025
Jul 2024
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
February 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
Ontario eyes new nuclear development
A 1,300-acre site left undeveloped on the shores of Lake Ontario four decades ago could see new life as the home to a large nuclear facility.
G. J. Hartwell, S. F. Knowlton, J. D. Hanson, D. A. Ennis, D. A. Maurer
Fusion Science and Technology | Volume 72 | Number 1 | July 2017 | Pages 76-90
Technical Paper |
Articles are hosted by Taylor and Francis Online.
The Compact Toroidal Hybrid (CTH) is a low-aspect-ratio (), low-beta (%) torsatron with a major radius of . CTH is operable as a pure stellarator, but most research on this device is conducted with hybrid discharges in which a toroidal plasma current is driven in order to study magnetohydrodynamic instabilities and disruptions in current-carrying stellarator plasmas. The vacuum helical field of CTH is produced by a continuously wound helical coil with poloidal and toroidal periodicities of and , respectively. The maximum on-axis toroid al magnetic field is . The helical coil encloses a circular vacuum vessel of major radius = 0.75 m with a circular cross section of minor radius 0.29 m. A toroidal plasma current up to 80 kA is produced with an ohmic heating (OH) transformer. The average plasma radius is typically 0.20 m. Five independently controllable magnet coil sets produce the base stellarator magnetic field configuration. With 15-kW electro.n cyclotron heating at the fundamental frequency, densities of and electron temperatures of 20 eV are achieved. With the addition of OH, densities reach with temperatures of . Ten motor/generator power supplies provide up to 10 MW of power to energize the magnet set providing the equilibrium field, and a capacitor bank provides the pulsed current for the OH system. Design considerations, constraints, and construction techniques of the CTH magnet coils, vacuum vessel, and support structure are discussed, and an operational overview is given.