Organization Membership Application / Renewal

The Main Representative is the person to receive benefits (including subscriptions, discounts, invitations, etc.).

Select Free Professional Divisions Memberships

Organization Member Dues Structure

Number of Employees Involved in Nuclear Activities

Company Dues

1 – 5
6 – 10
11 – 50
51 – 100
101 – 500
501 – 1,000
1,001 and over
* Plus a voluntary 15% for CNSTI

Note: Membership is on an anniversary basis.

* The Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information (CNSTI) is the ANS public outreach initiative. It fosters interest in and understanding about nuclear through a K-12 education program, policy maker workshops, the website, and other public engagement activities.

Contact Person for Invoicing (if different from above)

Subscription Access

Your membership includes online access to ANS Publications for your staff. Please submit the Electronic Contract to


ANS appreciates the support of its Organization Members, and recognizes them in various ways throughout the year. Please submit your logo to Preferred logo format: Vector/EPS files. Also accepted: PNG or JPG files (300 dpi or higher).

By completing this application, I certify that our organization is actively engaged in the nuclear field and we will adhere to the bylaws, rules and procedures of the American Nuclear Society relevant to Organization Members.