ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Radiation Protection & Shielding
The Radiation Protection and Shielding Division is developing and promoting radiation protection and shielding aspects of nuclear science and technology — including interaction of nuclear radiation with materials and biological systems, instruments and techniques for the measurement of nuclear radiation fields, and radiation shield design and evaluation.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Mar 2025
Jan 2025
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
April 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
State legislation: Illinois bill aims to lift state’s remaining nuclear moratorium
A bill that would fully repeal the state’s entire moratorium on new nuclear projects survived a key deadline in the Illinois General Assembly last week.
To stay afloat in the spring legislative session, bills needed to be assigned to committee by March 21, and state Sen. Sue Rezin’s Senate Bill 1527 now sits with the Senate’s Energy and Public Utilities committee for review.
ANS makes teaching nuclear science a little less intimidating and empowers educators to ensure student success. We produce webinars and workshops led by professionals, academics, and researchers on a range of nuclear-related topics, from nuclear energy and radiation to nuclear science across the curriculum. Virtually or in-person, ANS supports educators in inspiring students about nuclear science and technology.
Sign up for news of events, classroom resources, and more!
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ANS offers in-person workshops and free webinars to allow educators to learn directly from nuclear experts in the field. Check out the recordings of our latest webinars below.
Unlocking the Invisible: An Introduction to Scintillators, Semiconductors, and Gamma Spectroscopy
Join us for a deep dive into the world of radiation detection and explore the science behind scintillators and semiconductors, key components in detecting and measuring radiation. Through a live demonstration of gamma spectroscopy, participants gained an understanding of how these tools are used in fields ranging from medical imaging to environmental monitoring.
Exploring Background Radiation: K-12 Classroom InvestigationsNuclear science experiments don’t need exotic equipment. You can create an engaging background radiation lab exploration with a vacuum cleaner and a coffee filter. Candace Davison, former Assistant Director for Education and Outreach and Coordinator of the Gamma Irradiation facility at Penn State, shows how to collect and detect radon in your classroom.
In the lab with nuclear scientists: Critical and Sub-critical AssembliesImagine a reactor that doesn't produce power. These "critical assemblies" are essential in conducting experiments using fissionable materials. Learn how they are used by scientists at Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, and Sandia national laboratories.
Build a Nucleus: K-12 Classroom Investigations
Learn about Build a Nucleus, a new simulation from the University of Colorado Boulder’s PhET Interactive Simulations. The simulation's creator, Luisa Vargas Suarez of PhET, demonstrates Build a Nucleus’s capabilities and the classroom investigations and learning goals it supports.
Microreactors:Nuclear Power in a Small, Modular PackageMicroreactors are big news in clean energy technology. Learn what they are, how they work, and their benefits from Piyush Sabharwall, senior staff nuclear research scientist and technical lead for the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy's Microreactor R&D Program at Idaho National Laboratory.
Radioisotopes:Nuclear Applications Beyond EnergyJulie Ezold, Californium-252 Program Manager at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN, presents background on radioisotopes, how they are made, and their uses for applications beyond nuclear energy.
Decoding Radioactive Decay: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and More
Whether you're new to teaching radioactive decay or looking for a refresher, Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar makes this complex topic easier to understand
Integrating Energy Systems for a Greener FutureShannon Bragg-Sitton, Director of the Integrated Energy and Storage Systems Division at Idaho National Laboratory, presented Department of Energy research about optimizing energy sources through integrated systems.
Measuring Radiation:K-12 Classroom InvestigationsAmber Johnson, director of the University of Maryland Radiation Facilities and Senior Reactor Operator, demonstrates inquiry-based activities for measuring radiation..
Visualizing Radiation: Making Radiation Real with Cloud Chambers
Candace Davison, former Assistant Director for Education and Outreach and Coordinator of the Gamma Irradiation facility at the Penn State Radiation Science and Engineering Center, shows how to set up and use cloud chambers successfully.
What About the Waste? Managing the Nuclear Fuel CycleMary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, a professor at Idaho State University and former ANS president, explains the nuclear fuel cycle.
Nuclear Energy: Fission, Fusion, and the Future:Learn the basics and the latest in nuclear energy from Eric Loewen, chief consulting engineer for GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and ANS President 2011-2012.
Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World
Our Navigating Nuclear curriculum, developed in partnership with Discovery Education and the U. S. Department of Energy, provides the highest standard in nuclear science education. The standards-aligned grab-and-go resources make teaching and learning nuclear science engaging at all grade levels. Every resource includes a comprehensive educator guide to ensure educators can teach each topic with confidence.
Discover Navigating Nuclear
Nuclear Ambassadors
We can also bring our members into your classroom—virtually or in person—through our Nuclear Ambassadors. Contact us at to schedule a visit from a Nuclear Ambassador.
Last modified October 23, 2024, 9:54am CDT