Power & Operations

TVA puts $150 million toward SMRs as NRC backs quality assurance plan

August 27, 2024, 12:00PMNuclear News

The Tennessee Valley Authority’s board of directors approved $150 million in additional funding to continue design work and TVA’s plans for small modular reactors at its Clinch River site near Oak Ridge, Tenn. With that decision late last week and an initial $200 million investment announced in early 2022, TVA has put a total of $350 million toward the development of SMRs at the site.

Crude oil transportation: Pick your poison

August 26, 2024, 3:16PMNuclear NewsJames Conca
The 2015 CSX Transportation crude oil train derailment and fire in Mount Carbon, W. Va. (Photo: CPO Angie Vallier/U.S. Coast Guard)

We all know that nuclear energy is the best energy source available—the safest and most reliable with the lowest life-cycle carbon footprint and the lowest environmental impact of any source, according to the latest UN report (unece.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/LCA_final.pdf).

WNA report: Nuclear power generation increased globally in 2023

August 23, 2024, 12:03PMNuclear News

The World Nuclear Association's annual World Nuclear Performance Report provides up-to-date details about the nuclear power sector for both existing nuclear electricity generators and reactors under construction.

Average capacity factor of nuclear reactors increased by 1 percent—reaching 81.5 percent—last year. The report, published on August 20, shows that nuclear generation increased by 58 terawatt-hours in 2023, providing 2,602 TWh, or 9 percent, of the world’s electricity production.

Experts needed for National Academies workshop on new nuclear investments

August 22, 2024, 7:17AMNuclear News

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is forming an ad hoc committee to hold a two-day workshop titled “Pathways for New Nuclear Development” and is open to recommendations from the public through August 30. NASEM is seeking five or six volunteer experts to discuss the “real and perceived risks of new nuclear projects and their projected timelines” as committee members and is also looking for potential speakers, participants, and peer reviewers for any publications that could be produced following the workshop.

NRC begins special inspection at Michigan’s Cook nuclear plant

August 20, 2024, 7:03AMNuclear News
The Donald C. Cook nuclear power plant. (Photo: ANS Michigan-Ohio Section)

Federal regulators began an investigation this week at the Donald C. Cook nuclear plant around the circumstances of multiple diesel generator failures. The facility continues to operate safely.

Modeling physical security can help lower costs for nuclear power plants

August 19, 2024, 7:00AMNuclear NewsCory Hatch
The MASS-DEF framework with prevention actions and timelines modeled in EMRALD software interacting with force-on-force (FoF) simulation and thermal hydraulics models. The risk-informed modeling in the MASS-DEF framework integrates physical security effectiveness analysis with safety measures, such as time to core damage. (Graphic: INL)

Today’s nuclear power plants are the nation’s largest source of carbon-free energy, but they come with high operating and maintenance costs.

Competition from other sources, especially natural gas, coupled with low electricity prices, has resulted in the closure of some plants in the last decade due to economic reasons.

One way to alleviate these economic pressures is to reduce the cost of operating nuclear power plants, including the costs associated with physical security.

FirstEnergy agrees to $20 million settlement in Ohio bribery case

August 15, 2024, 3:00PMNuclear News

The State of Ohio and FirstEnergy reached a settlement this week to avoid prosecution in an ongoing corruption investigation involving the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants.

In 2021, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Ohio charged the energy company with conspiring “with public officials and other individuals and entities to pay millions of dollars to public officials in exchange for specific official action for FirstEnergy Corp.’s benefit.”

FirstEnergy will pay $19.5 million to the attorney general’s office within five business days and will pay $500,000 for an independent consultant to review and confirm unspecified “changes and remediation efforts” within the company. The company will also cooperate with investigators for two years or until the investigation, litigation, or prosecution is complete.

Plans for the Bruce C project in Ontario open for public comment

August 14, 2024, 12:20PMNuclear News
The Bruce site currently hosts eight CANDU reactors. (Photo: Bruce Power)

As Bruce Power continues predevelopment work, public input is being sought on the potential Bruce C nuclear power expansion project in Ontario.

Bruce Power recently submitted its initial project description to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada for an expansion that would add up to 4,800 MWe. Earlier this year, the Canadian government announced up to C$50 million ($36.8 million) in funding for the Bruce C project, which would be Canada’s first major expansion of a large nuclear plant in decades.

New Ohio board part of momentum for state-driven nuclear development

August 14, 2024, 7:14AMNuclear News

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine recently made new appointments—including American Nuclear Society members Raymond Cao of Ohio State University and Alicia Walls of BWX Technologies—to the Ohio Nuclear Development Authority.

The nine-member governor-appointed board was created in June 2023 by state lawmakers aimed at boosting research and development of advanced nuclear reactors, commercial isotope production, and nuclear waste reduction and storage technology. The group has initial funding of $750,000.

Fire reported at Zaporizhzhia as Ukrainian troops advance toward Russia’s Kursk plant

August 12, 2024, 3:22PMNuclear News
Screenshot from a video released by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy shows a fire that broke out at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on August 11, 2024.

Thick, black smoke pouring from one of the cooling towers at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant over the weekend raised alarm about safety at the facility as the military conflict with Russia continues.

On-site staff from the International Atomic Energy Agency witnessed the smoke and reported hearing multiple explosions at Zaporizhzhia, which is the largest nuclear plant in Europe and one of the largest worldwide.

Bruce Power refurbishment project ahead of schedule

August 8, 2024, 12:01PMNuclear News
The Bruce Power nuclear power plant. (Photo: Bruce Power)

Bruce Power has announced the completion of its Unit 3 reactor removal—a milestone on its Major Component Replacement (MCR) project aimed at extending the Bruce plant’s operational life through 2064.

A Clean Energy Powerhouse: The Digital I&C Systems Modernizing Nuclear

August 1, 2024, 4:47PMSponsored ContentCurtiss-Wright
Digital safety systems require fewer equipment racks, reducing the total data center footprint.

The fight against climate change demands urgent action, and nuclear power—with its proven ability to generate vast amounts of electricity with near-zero carbon emissions—is critical to solving the world’s clean energy dilemma.

Currently, there are more than 440 operational nuclear reactors worldwide, with dozens more under construction and many countries looking to nuclear power for their clean energy future. The global nuclear fleet encompasses a range of reactor designs, from boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressure water reactor (PWR) workhorses to innovative small modular reactors (SMRs).

The key to unlocking this carbon-free powerhouse? Modernizing existing nuclear plants with digital I&C systems.

NextEra Energy considering Duane Arnold plant restart

July 26, 2024, 12:00PMNuclear News
The Duane Arnold Energy Center in Palo, Iowa. (Photo: NextEra Energy)

The Duane Arnold nuclear power plant in Iowa could see new life, according to NextEra Energy chief executive officer John Ketchum.

“There would be opportunities and a lot of demand from the market if we were able to do something with Duane Arnold,” Ketchum said on Wednesday this week during the company’s second-quarter earnings call.

America’s voting public shows inertia on climate change, but nuclear support is up

July 23, 2024, 3:00PMNuclear News
Nuclear was the only energy source to show a boost in public opinion over the past decade. (Graph: Jon A. Krosnick and Bo MacInnis, Climate Insights 2024: American Understanding of Climate Change; Washington, DC: Resources for the Future; 2024.)

A new report based on what its authors call “the definitive American public opinion surveys on climate change and the environment” has found a statistically significant increase in the percentage of survey respondents who think nuclear power is a good way to generate electricity, relative to a survey that asked the same question in 2013. That’s despite evidence that “Americans’ views on climate change have remained remarkably steady.” The new report, Climate Insights 2024: American Understanding of Climate Change, is the product of a 27-year polling partnership led by the Political Psychology Research Group at Stanford University and Resources for the Future (RFF), and it was released July 15.