July 19, 2024, 3:06PMNuclear NewsBenny Evangelista and Charlie Osolin Concept art showing an IFE power plant of the future. (Image: Eric Smith/LLNL)
It was a laser shot for the ages. By achieving fusion ignition on December 5, 2022, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory proved that recreating the “fire” that fuels the sun and the stars inside a laboratory on Earth was indeed scientifically possible.
Member delegates, their experts and interpreters, and representatives of the ITER Organization and the ITER domestic agencies convened for the 34th ITER Council. (Photo: ITER)
At the 34th ITER Council Meeting, held June 19–20, ITER director general Pietro Barabaschi reported on ITER’s progress and presented an updated baseline proposal that would “prioritize the start of substantial research operations as rapidly as possible.”