NRC chair voices support for Philippines under 123 Agreement

July 23, 2024, 12:01PMNuclear News


The United States is fully engaged in supporting the development and peaceful use of nuclear energy in the Philippines through its new 123 Agreement, Nuclear Regulatory Commission chair Christopher Hanson said during a visit to the nation last week.

“We’re going to see a real increase in the tempo of engagement from the U.S. on the nuclear safety aspects,” Hanson said during a media roundtable in Makati City.

New partnership: Hanson’s visit to the Philippines followed the entry into force on July 2 of the landmark civil nuclear cooperation agreement (known as a 123 Agreement) between Washington and Manila to utilize nuclear energy safely. It establishes the legal framework for significant nuclear cooperation with other countries—in areas such as technical exchanges, scientific research, and safeguards discussions—as long as the partner adheres to a set of strong nonproliferation requirements.

SATER returns the Philippines to nuclear research and training

September 2, 2022, 9:30AMANS Nuclear Cafe
The Philippine Research Reactor-1 building at the University of the Philippines. (Photo: PNRI)

The research reactor known as SATER (Subcritical Assembly for Training, Education, and Research), housed in at the Philippine Research Reactor-1 building at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City, has become operational. As recently reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the core of SATER was loaded with 44 fuel rods, bringing the Philippines its first operational nuclear reactor in 34 years. Through this event, the country has moved a big step closer to meeting the government’s goal of adding nuclear power to its energy resources. The reactor is expected to become fully operational by 2023.