Idaho successfully tests robot to help retrieve radioactive waste

February 20, 2025, 9:30AMNuclear News
Idaho Cleanup Project crews with the Calcine Disposition Project watch as robotics equipment is tested remotely inside a full-scale replica of a calcine bin set. (Photo: DOE)

A team with the Department of Energy’s Idaho Cleanup Project successfully tested robotic equipment being developed to retrieve radioactive calcine, a granular solid waste, at the Idaho National Laboratory Site, the DOE’s Office of Environmental Management has announced.

Savannah River reaches regulatory milestone on tank waste closure

February 11, 2025, 9:31AMRadwaste Solutions
The Savannah River Site’s F Tank Farm, where Tank 4 completed preliminary cease waste removal a year ahead of schedule. (Photo: DOE)

The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management said it has reached a regulatory milestone ahead of schedule in preparing radioactive waste tanks for closure at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. DOE-EM said it received concurrence in January from the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that SRS had successfully removed waste from the site’s Tank 4 and may now proceed to waste sampling and analysis of that tank ahead of its closure.

Robertson to stay on as head of DOE-EM

January 30, 2025, 7:03AMNuclear News


Candice Robertson will continue to lead the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management and will become office’s principal deputy assistant secretary, the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) reported on January 28. Robertson was appointed to the EM-1 position in June 2024, replacing William “Ike” White, who was nominated by President Biden to serve on the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.

Jeff Avery, who served as DOE-EM’s principal deputy assistant secretary, has moved to the National Nuclear Security Administration as the acting associate administrator for management and budget.

Roger Jerrell, who served in the EM office during the President Trump’s first administration, is returning to DOE-EM as a senior advisor. Jerrell most previously served as general counsel for UCOR of Oak Ridge, Tenn.

DOE-EM awards $37.5M to Vanderbilt University for nuclear cleanup support

January 17, 2025, 12:06PMRadwaste Solutions

The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management announced on January 16 that it has awarded a noncompetitive financial assistance agreement worth $37.5 million to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., to aid the department’s mission of cleaning up legacy nuclear waste.

GAO: NNSA needs to improve its waste management strategy

December 19, 2024, 12:00PMRadwaste Solutions

The National Nuclear Security Administration’s strategy for managing nuclear waste from nuclear weapons maintenance and modernization activities is not comprehensive and does not fully address all statutory requirements, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.

CLEAN SMART Act introduced to accelerate cleanup of DOE legacy sites

December 17, 2024, 7:00AMRadwaste Solutions


Legislation that aims to leverage the best available science and technology of U.S. national laboratories to support the cleanup of legacy nuclear waste has been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D., N.M.).

The Combining Laboratory Expertise to Accelerate Novel Solutions for Minimizing Accumulated Radioactive Toxins (CLEAN SMART) Act, introduced on December 12, would codify and fund the Department of Energy to accelerate the development, demonstration, and deployment of breakthrough technologies and innovations for nuclear waste cleanup.

Legacy waste: Currently, the DOE’s Office of Environmental Management is responsible for the remediation of 15 legacy sites across the United States that hold nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project and the Cold War era. According to Luján, the cost to decommission these remaining sites continues to grow and is estimated to be nearly $700 billion, for a completion date near the end of the century.

Groundwater demonstration begins on Oak Ridge disposal facility project

December 13, 2024, 7:14AMRadwaste Solutions
An aerial view of the Environmental Management Disposal Facility project site at Oak Ridge. (Photo: DOE)

The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and contractor United Cleanup Oak Ridge (UCOR) have finished fieldwork and have begun monitoring groundwater elevations for a study at the Environmental Management Disposal Facility (EMDF) project site in Tennessee.

Idaho’s IWTU surpasses tank waste treatment goal

December 2, 2024, 7:02AMRadwaste Solutions
IWTU operators monitor radiological operations during the current waste treatment campaign at the Idaho National Laboratory Site facility. (Photo: DOE)

As of last week, crews with Department of Energy cleanup contractor Idaho Environmental Coalition (IEC) processed more than 142,000 gallons of radioactive sodium-bearing tank waste at Idaho’s Integrated Waste Treatment Unit (IWTU) this year.

Japanese researchers test detection devices at West Valley

November 20, 2024, 3:15PMNuclear News
Japanese research scientists Sadao Momota (left) and Minoru Tanigaki conducted surveys at the West Valley Demonstration Project to test their radiation detectors. West Valley’s Main Plant Process Building, which is undergoing deconstruction, is shown in the background. (Photo: DOE)

Two research scientists from Japan’s Kyoto University and Kochi University of Technology visited the West Valley Demonstration Project in western New York state earlier this fall to test their novel radiation detectors, the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management announced on November 19.

DOE-EM awards $2.3B Portsmouth/Paducah contract

November 14, 2024, 9:30AMRadwaste Solutions
The DUF6 facility at the Paducah Site in Kentucky. (Photo: DOE)

The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management has awarded a $2.3 billion operations and site mission support services contract for the Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO) to Mission Conversion Services Alliance (MCSA), a limited liability company made up of Atkins Nuclear Secured, Westinghouse Government Services, and Jacobs Technology, with Swift & Staley and Akima Centerra Integrated Services as teaming subcontractors.

Oak Ridge community roundtable explores workforce challenges

November 7, 2024, 12:00PMNuclear News
OREM manager Jay Mullis (center) discusses the demographics of the current Oak Ridge workforce and the skills needed in the years ahead to advance cleanup at ORNL and the Y-12 National Security Complex. (Photo: DOE)

Federal and contractor officials, community leaders, and educators gathered in Knoxville, Tenn., on October 29 for a roundtable event focused on ensuring the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and its partners have the resources and infrastructure needed to support a robust, talented workforce in the years ahead.

DOE awards $3 billion West Valley D&D contract to BWXT JV

November 1, 2024, 9:30AMRadwaste Solutions
The West Valley Demonstration Project in western New York. (Photo: DOE)

The Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management announced it has awarded a 10-year, $3 billion contract to West Valley Cleanup Alliance (WVCA) for decommissioning and demolition work at the West Valley Demonstration Project in western New York. WVCA is a newly formed limited liability company made up of BWXT Technical Services Group, Jacobs Technology, and Geosyntec Consultant. Teaming subcontractors include Perma-Fix Environmental Services and North Wind Portage.

DOE plans removal of naval prototype reactor, opens public comment period

October 17, 2024, 12:00PMRadwaste Solutions
The S5G prototype, which was constructed to simulate submarine operations and could mimic ocean-like conditions, is positioned inside a subgrade basin. (Photo: IEC)

The Department of Energy is proposing to fully decommission the Submarine 5th Generation General Electric (S5G) prototype at the Naval Reactors Facility on the Idaho National Laboratory site. Along with the Environmental Protection Agency and the state of Idaho, the DOE has initiated a 30-day public comment period (ending November 14) on the planned end state for the facility and its defueled reactor vessel.

DOE consolidates Hanford’s management offices

October 7, 2024, 7:00AMRadwaste Solutions
The Hanford Field Office leadership team gathers around a new sign at the Stevens Center Complex in Richland, Wash., on October 1. (Photo: DOE)

Beginning last week, the two Department of Energy offices responsible for the environmental cleanup of the department’s Hanford Site have been combined under a new name: the Hanford Field Office. Previously, management of the 586-square-mile site near Richland, Wash., was split between the Richland Operations Office and the DOE Office of River Protection (ORP).

Oak Ridge’s Mercury Treatment Facility receives new tanks

September 25, 2024, 9:29AMRadwaste Solutions
Workers prepare to remove from a specialized transportation trailer the first of three sludge-settling tanks for Oak Ridge’s Mercury Treatment Facility. (Photo: DOE)

Workers with the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and its contractor UCOR have finished installing the first of three large sludge-settling tanks for the Mercury Treatment Facility at the site’s Y-12 National Security Complex. The tanks, each of which will be 38 feet tall and 15 feet wide with a capacity of 36,000 gallons, provide a visible sign of ongoing progress on the facility where much of the construction has so far been below ground.

ECA: Harris or Trump, DOE-EM needs “comprehensive review”

September 23, 2024, 3:00PMRadwaste Solutions

Regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office next year, the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management needs to take a close look at itself and “launch a comprehensive review of all aspects of the EM program,” according to a new report from the Energy Communities Alliance, which represents communities adjacent to or near DOE nuclear cleanup sites.

The 18-page ECA transition paper, Ensuring Long-Term Success: Recommendations for the Next Administration on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Mission, calls on the next administration to “take a fundamental look” at DOE-EM’s entire cleanup effort, including both sites that are active and those where work has been completed. How DOE-EM integrates with other DOE programs, including the National Nuclear Security Administration and the offices of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Legacy Management, should also be examined, according to the paper.

Demolition work continues near former Hanford processing facility

September 20, 2024, 12:00PMRadwaste Solutions
Crews demolished a former chemical storage area at the Hanford Site’s Reduction Oxidation Plant. (Photos: DOE)

Workers with the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management’s contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company recently demolished a former chemical storage area at the Reduction Oxidation Plant, one of five former plutonium production facilities at the Hanford Site.

NextEra Energy selected for WIPP solar power project

September 19, 2024, 12:03PMRadwaste Solutions
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in southeastern New Mexico. (Photo: DOE)

Juno Beach, Fla.–based NextEra Energy Resources Development has been selected to enter realty negotiations for a large-scale solar electricity generation project at the DOE’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico as part of the department’s Cleanup to Clean Energy initiative.