ANS president Eric Loewen visits The City College of New York

Thu, Oct 27, 2011, 11:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Eric Loewen, president of the American Nuclear Society, on October 13 visited the new ANS Student Section at The City College of New York (CCNY). Loewen presented talks on "Fukushima and the Role of Past Severe Accident Research" and "The American Nuclear Society President's Special Committee on Used Nuclear Fuel Management Options" to an audience of more than 50 faculty members and students. (Loewen's previous visit to CCNY, in February 2011, is detailed here).

The Pro-Nuclear Community goes Grassroots

Wed, Oct 12, 2011, 11:00AMANS Nuclear CafeSuzy Hobbs Baker

In recent weeks I have been excited to witness several genuine grassroots efforts in support of nuclear energy emerging on the scene. Several have already been covered on this forum, like the Rally for Vermont Yankee and the Webinar collaboration by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the American Nuclear Society. Both of these efforts proved to be very successful in bringing together nuclear supporters and gaining attention from the mainstream media.

ANS President Eric Loewen visits Colorado School of Mines

Thu, Sep 8, 2011, 11:00AMANS Nuclear CafeLaura Scheele

As part of a Colorado speaking tour, American Nuclear Society President Eric Loewen visited the ANS student section at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) on Wednesday, August 24. More than 30 students and two faculty members attended his talk, and later that evening 17 students and two faculty members were among the attendees at the Colorado ANS local section meeting.

ANS members reach out on Fukushima events

Wed, May 4, 2011, 11:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Many American Nuclear Society members and groups across the United States have been energetically involved in the media, in their communities, and on campus during the recent events at the Fukushima plant. These members and groups have provided their knowledge and expertise to improve the accuracy of public discussions about the Fukushima events during a time when it has been sorely needed. This effort continues around the country as ANS members provide accurate, scientifically-sound information in front of TV cameras, at campus symposia, on local radio, in newspapers and journals, and by many other ways.

ANS and Fukushima

Mon, Apr 4, 2011, 11:00AMANS Nuclear CafeJoe Colvin

In the days since Japan's earthquake and tsunami combined to create the situation at Fukushima, nuclear professionals across the country have been united in our deep concern over the events in Japan and have contributed countless hours working to ensure that information provided to the public and media was based on fact and reason rather than hysteria and misinformation. I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the many ANS members who stepped forward to support the efforts of the Society in this time of great need.

Chicago ANS gets National Engineers Week rolling

Tue, Feb 22, 2011, 3:20AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The Chicago local section of the American Nuclear Society launched  activities for National Engineers Week a day early on Saturday, February 19, by presenting a student engineering workshop. The event was hosted by the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry (MSI), the largest science museum in the western hemisphere. The workshop was part of a series in which high school science achievers learn about different science disciplines and career paths. The workshop included 26 high school students from across Chicago, an MSI education coordinator, and two adult MSI volunteers.

Chicago ANS Local Section kicks off National Nuclear Science Week with student workshop

Sun, Jan 23, 2011, 10:42PMANS Nuclear Cafe

On Saturday, January 22, the Chicago ANS Local Section launched the activities for National Nuclear Science week a day early by presenting a student nuclear science workshop, hosted by the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry (MSI).  Chicago MSI-the largest science museum in the western hemisphere-included the workshop as part of the Scientist at Work series, in which high school science achievers learn about different science disciplines and career paths.