ANS Friday Matinee - April 20, 2016

May 20, 2016, 3:45PMANS Nuclear Cafe

ANS Friday Nuclear Matinee

Our Friday Matinee for today is the latest of the excellent Vogtle Timeline videos produced by Georgia Power to document the construction progress of Vogtle Units 3 and 4.  The series stands as one of the most thorough video documentations of nuclear plant construction ever filmed, and this latest update is every bit as informative as its predecessors.

The Atomic City

May 11, 2016, 3:38PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Piqua Nuclear Power Facility as seen in June 1963.  Press photo in Will Davis' collection.

Piqua Nuclear Power Facility as seen in June 1963. Press photo in Will Davis' collection.

In 1959, a small community in Ohio completed a lobbying effort to bring a modern marvel to town-a nuclear power plant. Piqua, a town of less than 20,000 people, took its place on the broader news map, and set its sights on the stars. The journey would stop short of the citizens' dreams.

Another Japanese Plant Cleared to Restart

May 3, 2016, 9:14PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Ikata Nuclear Power Plant, Japan.   Courtesy Shikoku Electric Power Company.

Ikata Nuclear Power Plant, Japan. Courtesy Shikoku Electric Power Company.

Recently, the Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan announced that Shikoku Electric Power Company's Ikata Unit 3 had cleared the new, three-step process required to restart nuclear plants in Japan.  This latest announcement also came with the closely coupled announcement that Shikoku would permanently close and decommission another nuclear unit, more or less in trade.

Wildlife Flourishes 30 Years After Chernobyl

April 26, 2016, 5:51PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Will Davis recently wrote an article on the Cafe: Chernobyl Through the Mist of Decades with a look back, lessons learned,  and life now. But today, April 26, marks the 30 year anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. We encourage everyone to take time to remember Chernobyl, and to review some of the promising information that has been written about the area now, as the world moves forward.

ANS Nuclear Matinee - We Need A Mix

April 22, 2016, 3:05PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Today's video is brought to us by Third Way, and takes a closer look at the energy sources, and why we need to add nuclear into the energy mix.  Wind and solar are just not able to do it alone and needs nuclear to get the level of electricity we need without destroying our environment.  "So, let's play it smart and develop a mix of low-carbon solutions, because we won't get a second chance to stop climate change." Today,  #EarthDay (and everyday), let's remember to bring good things to our planet.

Nuclear Energy for Earth Day

April 22, 2016, 6:27AMANS Nuclear CafeBeth Piper

When Earth Day rolls around on April 22, it marks an opportunity for us to consider our relationship to the natural world, and how we can improve that relationship. The first Earth Day in 1970 signalled the first serious push by ecological activists to influence mainstream public opinion. From its initial beginnings in just the United States, Earth Day has grown until it's now observed in almost 200 countries.

Japan Seeks to Defuse Quake Fears

April 19, 2016, 2:13PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Sendai Nuclear Power Plant, courtesy Kyushu Electric Power Co.

Two significant earthquakes have struck Kumamoto Prefecture in Western Japan within a week, and the Japanese nuclear plant owners and their regulator (the Nuclear Regulation Authority, or NRA) have responded to some reignited fears over nuclear plants in this region by beginning to publish reports and data. The data show that at no point was any of the plants in danger.

Nuclear Energy for Puerto Rico

April 14, 2016, 2:39PMANS Nuclear Cafe

BONUS nuclear plant as it appears today;  photo courtesy US DOE

BONUS nuclear plant as it appears today (Photo courtesy US DOE)

Among the many different reactor concepts being investigated in the late 1950s and early 1960s was the idea that the steam produced by a boiling water reactor, which normally goes straight to the turbine building, could be superheated (or have further heat added once it was already steam) by nuclear energy. This would greatly increase the efficiency of the plant, as well as make dry steam at a high pressure that would allow the use of (less expensive) commercially available equipment in the steam plant. Two reactors were built to investigate the idea of performing both processes in essentially the same reactor-one in South Dakota and (perhaps incredibly to today's readers) another of a very different design on the island of Puerto Rico.

ANS Friday Nuclear Matinee - April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016, 4:45PMANS Nuclear Cafe

ANS Friday Nuclear Matinee

Our Friday Matinee this week looks at China's Shidao Bay nuclear plant.  This plant, widely touted as a Gen-IV design, is a bit unusual in that it employs two HTGR's (that's High Temperature Gas cooled Reactors) supplying steam to one turbine generator.  The video gives a good basic look at the plant's design and shows the steady progress being made toward fully operable, commercial HTGR's.