Vermont Weather Gets Colder – Vermont Yankee Politics Continue Hot

December 11, 2012, 7:00AMANS Nuclear CafeHoward Shaffer

Some long-awaited events related to the continued operation of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant took place toward the end of 2012, such as the trial of some members of the Shut It Down Affinity Group (known to the media as the "nuclear grannies") who have been arrested many times for blocking Vermont Yankee's gates.  Some unexpected events have occurred as well, such as a Public Service Board ruling and a brand new lawsuit by a long-term intervenor.

Looking forward to next 70 years of atomic fission

December 4, 2012, 11:00AMANS Nuclear CafeRod Adams

This past weekend the world quietly marked the 70th anniversary of the initial criticality of CP-1 (Critical Pile 1), the 55th anniversary of the initial criticality of the Shippingport nuclear power plant, and the decommissioning of the USS Enterprise, a 51 year-old nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Those events have put me into a reflective but incredibly optimistic mood.

The 133rd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers

December 3, 2012, 11:14PMANS Nuclear Cafe

The 133rd weekly Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is posted at Next Big Future.  Topics include the damaging effects of overplayed and unwarranted *fear* of low-level radiation; rocket science combined with nuclear science; compelling testimony in favor of continued operations of Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant; a pictorial look back at the Clinch River Breeder Reactor as small modular reactors are planned to take over the old site; something rotten in Denmark wind power; nuclear power technology advances in Russia and China...

ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee: DUFF Space Nuclear Reactor Prototype

November 30, 2012, 7:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

A joint Department of Energy and NASA team has demonstrated a simple, robust fission reactor prototype [note: see Comments for more accurate and complete description] intended for development for future space exploration missions. The DUFF (Demonstration Using Flattop Fissions) experiment represents the first demonstration in the United State-since 1965-of a space nuclear reactor system to produce electricity.