ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee: Large Hadron Rap!
The ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee presents loyal readers-and loyal viewers-with an all-time great video: "Large Hadron Rap"!
The ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee presents loyal readers-and loyal viewers-with an all-time great video: "Large Hadron Rap"!
I recently had the good fortune to visit Vogtle nuclear power plant, in Georgia, to see the ongoing construction of Units 3 and 4. The only comparable experience I've had was the first time I saw the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico. It made me think long and hard about how much planning, cooperation, and hard work we humans are capable of doing. You can't build a pyramid, or a cooling tower for that matter, without a lot of help.
There's a gap in Vermont's electrical supply. Or rather, there's a gap in Vermont's "committed electric resources"-that is, electricity contracts in place for Vermont utilities.
As I discussed in a June 20 ANS Nuclear Cafe post, a federal appeals court rejected the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's new nuclear Waste Confidence rule, and ordered the NRC to perform a more thorough evaluation that addresses potential risks and health and environmental impacts of very long term storage of nuclear waste at nuclear sites (until a final disposal option is developed).
America's first new commercial nuclear energy reactors in 30 years are currently under construction at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Burke County, Georgia, and the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station in Fairfield County, South Carolina.
Areva and Chinese partner pull out of bidding for Horizon
As a cancer researcher, I am constantly reminded of the horrific impact that breast cancer has on women and their families. This past week I received notification from my boss informing me and others that a work colleague's daughter had recently passed away from breast cancer at the age of 40-certainly this reminder was much closer to home than usual. It is difficult to imagine the pain and suffering my colleague and his wife are now experiencing, adding to what I am sure was a nerve-racking and exhausting period of consultations for the family and treatments for his daughter.
The 14th annual North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) drawing contest is now underway! The drawing contest teaches 4th and 5th grade students about the wonders of nuclear science and technology by engaging them creatively. This year's theme is Roddy Nuclear Builds Tomorrow-with an emphasis on the importance of new plant construction for the future of nuclear and growing energy demands.
The October 2012 issue of the technical journal Nuclear Science and Engineering is available electronically and in hard copy for American Nuclear Society member subscribers and others. Non-subscribers click here to learn how to subscribe to NSE and other ANS titles.
The 126th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers posted this weekend at the very new blog titled "Entreprenuclear," the enterprising product of Joel Riddle. Click here to see this episode of the Carnival.
Margaret Harding is blogging from the ANS-sponsored Indo-US Nuclear Safety Summit in Mumbai, India.
Margaret Harding is blogging from the ANS-sponsored Indo-US Nuclear Safety Summit in Mumbai, India.
A free college-level internet course surveying the theory, design, and operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is starting soon! This course will be taught by Larry Foulke, PhD, PE, former president of the American Nuclear Society.
Margaret Harding is blogging from the ANS-sponsored Indo-US Nuclear Safety Summit in Mumbai, India.
From the American Nuclear Society to teachers interested in the nuclear sciences
Note: The NRC public meeting on San Onofre steam generator issues has now adjourned. The webcast will soon be available in archived form at The twitter feed featuring participation by groups on all sides of the issue can be viewed HERE (tweets will eventually expire).
"There is no Democracy in the United States"