Two members named ANS Fellows

November 6, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Two members of the American Nuclear Society were named ANS Fellows on November 1 at the ANS Annual Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo. These awards were presented by ANS President Eric Loewen in recognition of the Fellows' significant contributions and achievements to nuclear science and technology.

Earthquake and tsunami signature banner

November 2, 2011, 3:00PMANS Nuclear Cafe

American Nuclear Society President Eric Loewen and ANS Vice-President/President-Elect Michael Corradini were on the Times Square Jumbotron in New York City with a banner signed by ANS members at the 2011 winter meeting. The banner expresses the support and encouragement of the ANS membership for the people of Japan as they continue to rebuild after Japan's earthquake and tsunami. Flanking the ANS officers are Loewen's son and daughter, Hans and Zatha.

Hall Talk at ANS Winter Meeting - Sunday

October 31, 2011, 12:59AMANS Nuclear CafeDan Yurman

Snow day

Your reporter has been tramping around chilly Washington, DC, beset by an unseasonable early snow storm on Saturday. At the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, aptly named this year, I'm collecting observations, rumors, and raw random data, throwing out the rumors and keeping the rest to post here. This will be a daily feature through Wednesday of this week.

ANS holds teacher workshop in Washington, DC

October 30, 2011, 6:07PMANS Nuclear Cafe

The American Nuclear Society's Public Education Program launched the ANS Winter 2011 Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo with a one-day teacher workshop on Saturday, October 29, in Washington, DC. The workshop-Detecting Radiation in Our Radioactive World-is designed for science educators (including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, physical science, life science, environmental, and general science teachers) at the high school and middle school levels. The workshop was held prior to the ANS Winter Conference, October 30-November 3, 2011.

The ANS Young Professionals Congress 2011 - follow on Twitter!

October 29, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafePeter Caracappa

 We are just a few days away from the 2011 Young Professionals Congress, taking place during the ANS Winter Meeting next week in Washington, DC. We have many exciting and informative sessions scheduled for the meeting-informational sessions on important current topics, workshops, and interactive skills sessions (to find out more, see Nuclear Cafe posts 9-21 and  8-30).

Radiation and Reason: A Visit to Tokyo and Fukushima

October 28, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeAkira Tokuhiro and Skye Anderson

I, Akira Tokuhiro, recently traveled to Japan to meet Wade Allison (professor emeritus of physics, Oxford University, UK) and David Wagner (Tokyo-based risk communication expert and consultant). A number of concerned scientists had expressed interest regarding the Fukushima accident. Specifically, there was concern regarding the significance and impact in the nuclear world and also the plight of the victims, especially the evacuees and the workers at the plant.

ANS president Eric Loewen visits The City College of New York

October 27, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Eric Loewen, president of the American Nuclear Society, on October 13 visited the new ANS Student Section at The City College of New York (CCNY). Loewen presented talks on "Fukushima and the Role of Past Severe Accident Research" and "The American Nuclear Society President's Special Committee on Used Nuclear Fuel Management Options" to an audience of more than 50 faculty members and students. (Loewen's previous visit to CCNY, in February 2011, is detailed here).

The Rally for Vermont Yankee: At the Plant Gates During the Refueling Outage

October 26, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeMeredith Angwin

The Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant is undergoing a refueling outage. For most plants, the situation would be business as usual.  The state of Vermont, however, believes it has the power to shut down Vermont Yankee in March 2012, even though the plant has a 20-year license extension from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. In order to continue operations at Vermont Yankee, Entergy (the plant's owner and operator) has sued the state.