Can California meet its Renewable Energy Portfolio? Part III

August 11, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeUlrich Decher

The first two parts of this series (here and here) presented historical trends in electricity generation in California, and the growing use of in-state natural gas and imports of electricity from grids in neighboring states. They also showed that the use of "Unbundled Renewable Energy Credits" could meet the 33 percent renewable portfolio on paper, but may not benefit consumers in California with actual delivery of electricity.

Turning Inspiration into Action

August 10, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeSuzy Hobbs

A recent article called "Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Power in Japan," written by Karen Street has gotten a lot of attention over the past week. It is a well written and comprehensive look at how humanitarian issues interface with energy issues. Shortly after the article was published in Friends Journal, Street was contacted by a personal friend (and long-time nuclear opponent) with the question, "How do I get involved?"