Nuclear power at sea

December 7, 2010, 7:00AMANS Nuclear CafeRod Adams

On Sunday, December 5, 2010, the Financial Times reported on a story (subscription required) that has been available in nuclear-energy focused corners of the Web for about three weeks: A consortium worthy of serious attention has begun a study of the viability of nuclear propulsion for oil tankers. The three-member consortium includes Lloyd's RegisterBMT Nigel Gee, and Hyperion Power Generation. Enterprises Shipping and Trading, a Greek company that manages a large fleet of modern, double hull tankers, is funding the study.

AECL research reactor gets landmark status

November 23, 2010, 7:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The international nuclear community designated the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited's (AECL) Zero Energy Deuterium 2 (ZED-2) research reactor a nuclear historical landmark, presented by the American Nuclear Society.  The award, given on November 2 during a technical conference in Ottawa, honored the reactor for its 50 years of operation and for its outstanding contributions to the global nuclear industry.

Audeen Fentiman testifies before the Blue Ribbon Commission

November 16, 2010, 10:09PMANS Nuclear Cafe

On November 15, Audeen Fentiman testified before the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (BRC).  The BRC was established by U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in January 2010 to provide recommendations for developing a safe, long-term solution to managing the nation's used nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. The BRC  will provide advice and make recommendations on issues including alternatives for the storage, processing, and disposal of civilian and defense spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste.

Three members named ANS Fellows

November 16, 2010, 7:48AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Three members of the American Nuclear Society were named ANS Fellows during last week's ANS Winter Conference and Technology Expo, as announced on November 16 by John (Jack) M. Tuohy, Jr., P.E., ANS executive director. These awards were presented in recognition of the Fellows' significant contributions and achievements to nuclear science and technology.

ANS Presidents on Times Square Jumbotron

November 16, 2010, 7:01AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The American Nuclear Society's Winter Meeting, titled "Nuclear Progress!" attracted more than 2000 registrants, a record for the Society, which was established in 1954. The Winter Meeting, held November 8-11 in Las Vegas, Nev., was the premier event for the nuclear science and technology community and focused on the latest developments in nuclear science and engineering.