Women and nuclear awareness

October 13, 2010, 3:22PMANS Nuclear CafeKelle Barfield

Clearly, our attempts to generate greater understanding of energy challenges exclude no member of the public. Young and old, Democrat and Republican, male and female-all must be the aim of public information about U.S. energy policy in general and nuclear energy in particular. Years of industry surveys, however, have quantified the large gender divide on acceptance of nuclear energy. For example, a survey last year by Ipsos Public Affairs showed that 54 percent of men support a stronger role for nuclear energy in the next few decades, while women's support was only 32 percent.

Nuclear Technology: The Rewards and Penalties of Being Special

September 30, 2010, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeTed Rockwell

Years ago, a newspaper columnist intrigued me with a statement that science cannot tell us anything about real people. To the columnist, science could talk only about "average people," which exist only in the imagination of the speaker. The scientifically average American, for example, has one testicle and one breast, 2.3 kids, and 0.6 dogs. Most of us don't know anyone like that.

NEUP funding boosts university-driven nuclear R&D

September 29, 2010, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeRick Michal

Look for the Department of Energy to keep on heavily promoting university-driven nuclear energy research and development projects for as long as Warren "Pete" Miller is assistant secretary for Nuclear Energy. Miller, an ANS member, has taken "a personal interest in the success" of the DOE's new Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) initiative, according to Mary McCune, NEUP's lead program manager.