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Critical Maintenance Helps Safeguard a Clean Energy Future

September 21, 2023, 12:06PMSponsored ContentGoodway Technologies

Net zero emission policies across the globe, and more specifically in the USA, have nuclear power plants in the crosshairs of efficiency and safe power generation. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), Nuclear Power currently provides 52% of the nation’s 100% clean electricity. However, shifting energy markets, among other economic factors, have already resulted in the early closure of 12 commercial reactors across the United States since 2013. These closures have put pressure on existing nuclear infrastructure, and the DOE has thus pledged a $6 Billion Program, named the Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) Program, to preserve the clean nuclear energy infrastructure of the United States.

Thorium for Power, Planet, Prosperity
Thorium Energy To Power the World

August 1, 2023, 6:03PMSponsored ContentThorium Energy Alliance
Thorium Energy Alliance Tours the INE Generation Facility, Talnique, El Salvador

15 years into an epic journey to realize the potential of the most abundant and safest nuclear fuel and critical material known to man. Thorium Energy Alliance (T.E.A.) has made world changing progress in reviving the many uses of thorium and its allied companion elements.

Westinghouse Parts Business MG Set Control Power Cabinets

June 1, 2023, 11:37AMSponsored ContentWestinghouse Parts Business
Next Generation MG Control Power Cabinets Installed

Westinghouse Parts Business (WPB) is proud of the first next generation Motor Generator (MG) Set System fully operational at Palo Verde Generating Station. The team completed a first-of-a-kind (FOAK) implementation and installation at the power plant operated by Arizona Public Service (APS), including the next generation MG Control Power Cabinets and new MG Sets. Additionally, Westinghouse installed the new ARCH (Advanced Rod Control Hybrid) system. These systems were installed in a single outage providing additional synergies and cost savings to operations.

A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence for the Nuclear Industry

June 1, 2023, 11:37AMSponsored ContentNextAxiom

Imagine if your employees had a Virtual Assistant that could create condition reports, work requests, or plan work orders simply by asking for it. Or better yet, what if the Virtual Assistant could create work packages and plan your employees’ day automatically without even having to ask? How much more productive would we be if we all had a Virtual Assistant to help perform our work and capture and share our activities as they occurred?

Invest in nuclear now

June 1, 2023, 11:36AMSponsored ContentNucleation Capital
Concept image by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture LLP.

Nucleation Capital is a new venture fund focused on investing in next-generation nuclear energy and deep decarbonization. We are pleased to introduce ourselves to the broader nuclear community under the ANS theme “Invested in Nuclear.” Investing is always a forward-looking endeavor and, from what seemed to be an uncertain future, we’re delighted to see the industry anticipating substantial new growth and working to support it.

Bolstering this new outlook are important trends that are worth highlighting. We’re all seeing amazing shifts in how nuclear power is discussed. In the last few years, Nuclear has garnered surprise support from Democratic governors seeking to protect existing plants and Republican governors repealing old nuclear bans and vying to get next-gen plants sited in their states. In key pieces of federal climate legislation, nuclear has seen equal treatment under ITCs and PTCs and billions allocated to help save older plants and accelerate commercialization of new plants.

Innovative Filtration System Shortens Schedule and Delivers Radwaste Savings

February 24, 2023, 2:34PMSponsored ContentAVANTech, LLC
BWR spent fuel pool dual SCF system with shields.

The return of low natural gas prices combined with the advent of high efficiency renewables has placed more pressure on nuclear power plant operators to reduce their operational and maintenance costs and to increase plant availability while continually meeting the increasing number of safety and regulatory requirements. Outage management is a key factor for good, safe, and economic nuclear power plant performance; it involves detailed planning and preparation as well as the application of proven advanced technologies for completing task activities. Outage tasks frequently require the use of pure, high clarity water. Traditional filtration technologies used for maintaining clarity have long been the bane of many nuclear plant operators. Poor water quality in the fuel pool and reactor cavity can cause high radiation exposure, and high turbidity can lead to the slow-down or complete stoppage of underwater work activities.

Delivering Massive Efficiency (and Bottom-Line) Gains Through Chemical Descaling

February 1, 2023, 2:11PMSponsored ContentGoodway Technologies Corporation
Goodway Technologies GDS-100 Scale Removal System

Power generation has many factors and key indicators to identify the “health” of a plant. Some macro-level indicators are vital to help identify challenges before they become problems; others are less sensitive yet just as important. Micro indicators such as condenser return temps or changes in pump pressures can be critical indicators of a problem that few understand, yet which results in enormous loss of efficiency. That problem is deposits on critical system tubing and piping caused by calcium carbonate or other mineral buildups. The bottom line? Scaling is a significant issue in power plants that can considerably impact efficiency and profitability.

Westinghouse Parts Business Overview, Parts Quality Program

January 3, 2023, 2:35PMSponsored ContentWestinghouse Parts Business


Safety and reliability have long been hallmarks of the commercial nuclear industry, which has averaged an annual capacity factor over 90% since 2012 and generates more than 775 GWh of clean energy each year (US EIA).

In an industry driven to continuously improve to maintain plant availability at high levels, equipment reliability remains a frequent subject of conversation between nuclear plant operators and suppliers. In September 2021, INPO released event report 21-4 titled “Improving Plant Reliability” and identified a steady trend in equipment-related events which resulted in lost generation of 38 million MWh between 2018 and 2022. These events were generally preventable and led INPO to make several recommendations to the industry, most notably one that challenged the industry to review and establish a “sustainable parts quality process”.

Reverse Engineering/Obsolescence (with I&C focus)

December 1, 2022, 3:57PMSponsored ContentWestinghouse Parts Business
Westinghouse employee completing visual inspection of I&C part

Obsolescence and the ability to obtain qualified replacement and spare parts are primary concerns in the nuclear industry. In fact, approximately 35% of installed equipment is obsolete.

Westinghouse Parts Business (WPB) has over 50 years of experience replacing and upgrading systems for operating nuclear power plants with access to original design information as the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

WPB provides innovative, cost-efficient solutions for Westinghouse and non-Westinghouse systems in order to increase reliability of I&C systems, including enhanced replacement components, repair and refurbishment services. Recently, WPB has supported numerous customers in obsolescence and Reverse Engineering (RE) services.

Modern surface assessment technologies address today’s inspection challenges in nuclear power plants

December 1, 2022, 3:57PMSponsored ContentCreaform USA Inc.

While nuclear power plants are some of the most highly regulated and safe worksites in the world, inspection challenges remain. According to estimates by industry experts, the over 400 reactors located across the globe are, on average, 30 years old, and getting older. Extending the nuclear fleet’s lifetime to 60 years or longer has become an imperative in many countries, with engineers and scientists looking for new methods and solutions to predict and maintain the structural integrity and reliability of on-site infrastructure. An unprecedented labor shortage, retiring inspection specialists, and legacy work methodologies are exacerbating the issues in conducting safety inspections efficiently, accurately, and cost-effectively.

Computer-guided work a new driver for compliance & cost reductions in nuclear

November 1, 2022, 2:26PMSponsored ContentNextAxiom Technology, Inc.

Computer-Guided Work

When it comes to computer-guided navigation, we look to our GPS app for seamless guidance. It provides granular, step-by-step directions while it tracks our position and progress towards our destination. It superimposes relevant information such as the location of restaurants and the lowest price gas stations on route. One of these days, it will even read us the menu of a selected restaurant on our path while placing an order as we drive towards it.

Control Source Term Reduction Using Specialty Macroporous Resins

November 1, 2022, 11:22AMSponsored ContentPurolite

Managing plant source term for refueling outage cleanup and full power service can be controlled with the aid of specially macroporous resins. These ion exchange resins are often a cost-effective media for containing impurities in nuclear coolant, minimizing the release of contaminants and ionic leakage, all while encountering impact from oxidative chemistry and radiation. Macroporous resins continue to meet increased expectations in the industry and are considered among the best-accepted practices for nuclear plant source term minimization in standalone and layered polishing vessels.

Preventative Maintenance for Improved Fuel Reliability & Performance

October 4, 2022, 12:02PMSponsored ContentDominion Engineering Inc.

The process of making fuel for our light-water nuclear plants is meticulously developed and executed. And as anyone who has gone through the receipt process once it arrives at the plant can attest, the initial quality examination is likewise a thorough and rigorous activity. We do a great job of making sure that high quality fuel is ready to go into the core.

Innovation in Fuel Reliability and Spent Fuel Cask Loading

February 18, 2022, 8:55AMSponsored ContentDominion Engineering, Inc.

Dominion Engineering, Inc. (DEI) has developed a number of innovative and cost effective tools and services designed to improve fuel reliability and spent fuel cask loading operations. This includes BNDETM fuel cleaning, which effectively removes debris from all reload fuel bundles without significantly impacting outage schedule. Smart-SipTM fuel sipping, a related activity, provides much higher fidelity leak detection capability than traditional vacuum canister sipping equipment, ensuring tight leaks are reliably identified and dispositioned during refueling outages and prior to spent fuel cask loading operations. Related industry experience is discussed further below.

Nuclear Fuel Performance Life Cycle Modeling with the End in Mind

February 1, 2022, 12:01PMSponsored ContentJoe Rashid, Senior Associate at Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
The cladding hoop stress distribution at cladding surfaces.

Decades of fuel performance data coupled with advanced analytics and multi-processor computing have enabled the development of ‘novel’ modeling & simulation tools that allow nuclear fuel engineers to predict behavior across the entire fuel cycle. With this new capability nuclear fuel designers and fuel reload managers are better equipped to predict performance and reliability. These tools are fundamental to communicating highfidelity safety margin assessments with the regulator, and, when applied in the early stage of reactor design, can achieve optimum safety system functionality. At the apex of the fuel performance codes development pyramid sit a triad of codes: SI’s Pegasus, DOE’s Bison, and CEA’s Alcyone, which share the commonality of three-dimensional modeling and simulation of nuclear fuel performance. Unique among the capabilities represented by these codes is the ability to bridge the encoded-technology gap between the frontend and the backend of the fuel cycle to eliminate sources of uncertainties in spent fuel safety evaluations. This capability is a distinguishing feature of the Pegasus code.

EnergySolutions Models Success in D&D

November 1, 2021, 12:03PMSponsored ContentJeremy Kartchner, freelance energy writer
EnergySolutions announced the stock transfer of Kewaunee from Dominion Energy in May 2021 and is in the process of approval by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.

Contrary to what some believe, the nuclear industry, far from fading into the past, is experiencing an ongoing evolution. New generations of nuclear power technologies move closer to reality, while traditional nuclear generators are reaching retirement and entering decommissioning. As research on Small Modular Reactors (SMR) advances, prototype production is in full swing with the potential for SMRs to eventually replace the current fleet. And while technology advances, so do markets seeking to deal with the challenge of climate change in the face of the retirement of the currently operating nuclear power plants in the U.S. In an exceptional recent win for nuclear power, the Illinois legislature approved $700 million in subsidies for the Byron and Dresden nuclear stations over the next five years. It remains to be seen if this will be an isolated move in today’s nuclear plant lifecycle.


Digitalization of Work: A Key to Viability for Nuclear Power

October 1, 2021, 11:18AMSponsored ContentNextAxiom Technology

Work itself can be digitalized

Almost every aspect of work within a nuclear plant can be digitalized—from your frontline maintenance to back-end support functions. Digitalized work improves productivity, efficiency, and safety while substantially reducing costs.

From a work performance perspective, an organization can be defined as a collection of processes, often governed by regulatory policies. These processes are implemented using paper-centric procedures, work instructions, forms and checklists, often touching many hands during preparation, performance, and record management. This perspective applies to both direct powerplant operations and maintenance as well as administrative and support functions.

Nuclear Station Beyond-Design-Basis Electrical Power Supply Coping System

September 1, 2021, 11:55AMSponsored ContentBenjamin P. Youman, BlackStarTech Strategic Implementation Director
Quad Cities Generating Station. Image: Exelon.

BlackStarTech® Innovation Group asked one simple question:

How do we further improve the response times of our FLEX strategies?

That question led to a second question:

Can we add defense in depth to U.S. FLEX response, enhance safety margins, and strategically provide critical power rapidly and reliably in under 30 minutes for up to 30 days?

The response and resultant innovative journey led to the development of a rapidly deployable and portable battery-powered energy delivery system transforming how the nuclear industry can provide critical DC and AC power to the most essential components and control systems. The BlackStarTech methodology utilizes compact and portable power supplies to further enhance essential equipment availability, as well as providing defense in depth to FLEX and B.5.b response. The portable battery power technology provides an alternative means of electrical power delivery solutions, expanding operator flexibility and optimizing station risk reduction strategies.