General Atomics SiGA Cladding Accident Tolerant Fuel Rods
General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) is charting a path to advance SiGA® silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic matrix composite cladding for nuclear fuel rods to provide enhanced safety, improved operational performance, and economics benefits for the existing Light Water Reactor (LWR) fleet as well as future advanced reactor systems.
Are Metal Projectile Scrapers a Safe Cleaning Option for Maintaining the Integrity of Surface Condenser Tubes?
Maintaining clean condenser tubes is vital for the reliable and efficient operation of power plants. Condenser tubes can accumulate a variety of deposits, ranging from soft organic materials to hardened mineral scales.
Fouling impacts condenser tubes in two significant ways: it reduces heat transfer efficiency and promotes under-deposit corrosion. Reduced heat transfer efficiency hampers steam condensation, leading to lower vacuum and less efficient steam turbine operation. The main types of fouling encountered include deposition or particulate, scaling or crystallization, microbiological fouling, debris or macrofouling, and corrosion.
Figure 1: The Reactor Vessel was first emptied of its internals.
For the Crystal River 3 accelerated decommissioning project, Orano Decommissioning Services (ODS) applied its patented Optimized Segmentation strategy to plan and execute the removal, packaging, off-site transportation, and disposal or onsite storage of all the reactor vessel and internals components in a total of only two Class A industrial type large containers, one Class C Type B large container, and two GTCC Rad Waste Canisters (excluding the head and the secondary waste).
Digital safety systems require fewer equipment racks, reducing the total data center footprint.
The fight against climate change demands urgent action, and nuclear power—with its proven ability to generate vast amounts of electricity with near-zero carbon emissions—is critical to solving the world’s clean energy dilemma.
Currently, there are more than 440 operational nuclear reactors worldwide, with dozens more under construction and many countries looking to nuclear power for their clean energy future. The global nuclear fleet encompasses a range of reactor designs, from boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressure water reactor (PWR) workhorses to innovative small modular reactors (SMRs).
The key to unlocking this carbon-free powerhouse? Modernizing existing nuclear plants with digital I&C systems.
Astral Neutronics CEO Talmon Firestone, Dr. Tom Wallace-Smith, and Dr. Mahmoud Bakr in the Winfrith Laboratory.
Chapman Nuclear, Inc. is a third generation nuclear company focused on power generation, shielding, and construction. For over 70 years, our family has served as champions and good stewards for the nuclear industry while on the cutting edge of innovation.
UCOR delivering cleanup to clean energy, nuclear production cycle successes in 2024
Event celebrating the transfer of strontium-90 to Zeno. From left, UCOR President and CEO Ken Rueter, DOE EM Senior Advisor Ike White, OREM Manager Jay Mullis, Zeno Power CEO Tyler Bernstein, and NASA Planetary Science Chief Technologist Leonhard Dudzinski.
For 80 years America has called upon East Tennessee to accomplish big missions… and Oak Ridge consistently answers that call.
As the lead cleanup contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM), United Cleanup Oak Ridge (UCOR) kicked off 2024 with a significant waste transportation success in delivering risk reduction and a notable cleanup-to-clean-energy outcome for the nuclear industry.
December 1, 2023, 7:59AMSponsored ContentWestinghouse Electric Company LLC Parts Business Surplus parts can be provided for mechanical, electrical and I&C applications.
Westinghouse Parts Business is excited to announce our partnership with The Park Company. The Park Company has demonstrated excellence in nuclear component obsolescence solutions for over 30 years with experience in part valuation and resale. The Westinghouse and The Park Company team provides industry leading design, testing and resale market experience.
Modern Fire Protection Equipment
Technology, Experience, and Efficiency in Fire Protection & Physical Security
Westinghouse is the world’s leading supplier of safe, innovative nuclear technology that generates nearly 50% of the world’s nuclear power. Our technology and engineering know-how provides our utility partners with a means to optimize plant maintenance spending, gain regulatory margin and maintain a compendium of data behind investment decision making. The following projects illustrate how utilities can benefit greatly from optimization and efficiency within their Physical Security and Fire Protection programs.
October is
Fire Prevention