DTC Operator Apprentice graduates include David Tolias, Scottie Tarver, Brandon Watkins, Johnaisha Patterson, Dustin Bates, Kyler McKie, Hudson Huckabee, Laura Burgess, Larry Tyler, Kevin Dickson, Matthew Darnall, John Bolin, Austin Harper, Jordan Floyd, and Mina Strickland. (Photo: DOE)
The Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina recently began onboarding 24 graduates from Denmark Technical College in Denmark, S.C., as part of SRS’s Production Operator Apprentice School.
A milestone for the largest decarbonization program in the Arab region
The Barakah nuclear power plant (Photo: Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation)
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation announced today a milestone for the United Arab Emirates with the fourth unit of the Barakah nuclear power plant entering commercial operation.
Tennessee officials and lawmakers joined Orano representatives to announce Orano’s selection of Oak Ridge as its preferred site for a uranium enrichment facility. (Photo: tn.gov)
On September 4, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced that Orano had selected Oak Ridge as its preferred site to build a “multibillion-dollar” uranium centrifuge enrichment facility. For Tennessee, the announcement underscores Oak Ridge’s draw for nuclear technology companies. For Orano and the nuclear power community, the announcement is another sign the nation is edging closer to adding front-end nuclear fuel cycle capacity.
Aerial view of Hallam nuclear power plant (toward right) and Sheldon Power Station (toward left). (Photo: U.S. AEC/Wiki Commons)
The Hallam nuclear power plant in Nebraska, about 25 miles southwest of Lincoln, was a 75-MWe sodium-cooled, graphite-moderated reactor operated by Consumers Public Power District of Nebraska (CPPD). It was co-located with the Sheldon Power Station, a conventional coal-fired plant. The facility had a shared control room and featured a shared turbo generator that could accept steam from either heat source.