ANS Nuclear Cafe

The ANS Nuclear Cafe is a blog owned and edited by the American Nuclear Society. Information contained on the ANS Nuclear Cafe has been provided by numerous sources. Therefore, the American Nuclear Society assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in posted articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Nuclear Society. The views expressed here are those of the individual authors. ANS takes no ownership of their views. The American Nuclear Society assumes no responsibility or liability for any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained on this site.

New, strict rule on plant water intake targets nuclear

July 27, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeJim Hopf

Indian Point

A recent Reuters news article describes how New York State will require a reduction in cooling water intake for power plants and other industrial facilities, to reduce fish kills by 90 percent. The article goes on to say that the state is planning to use this rule to force the Indian Point nuclear power plant to install a $2-billion closed-cycle cooling system.

Nuclear energy? Show me!

July 20, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeSuzy Hobbs

The author, Geiger counter in hand, at the Oconee nuclear power plant in 1999.

In high school one day I learned that nuclear energy is dangerous to people and the environment. After school that day I confronted my dad, a nuclear engineer, and luckily he was attentive enough to know that I am a visual learner and proceeded to "show" me the ways that nuclear is safe. The whole story can be found here, if you haven't already heard it.

Don't judge a book by its cover: Getting to the bottom of EIA monthly data

July 18, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafePaul Wilson

Earlier this month, a number of sources drew attention to the Energy Information Administration's report on energy (published in June), with headlines suggesting a landmark accomplishment: "Domestic Renewable Energy Production Surpasses Nuclear." Even Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee, got in on the act, proclaiming that "The real energy renaissance happening in America is from the flourishing of renewable energy."

Two antinuclear activists become pro-nuclear technology communicators

July 12, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear CafeRod Adams

Two British environmental writers who were bitterly opposed to nuclear energy development just a few years ago decided to do some homework. Their questioning attitude and fact seeking minds have led them to the inescapable conclusion that most of the arguments against nuclear energy repeatedly offered by the opposition have been pure fabrications. George Monbiot and Mark Lynas both bring assets to the battle for hearts and minds in the energy source debate that are hard to match - they are recent converts to a pro-nuclear technology position with deep credentials in the environmental community. In addition, they are professional communicators with stories to tell.

The passing of the gavel

July 6, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Following the ANS Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, June 30, Eric Loewen officially became ANS President and Joe Colvin transitioned to ANS Immediate Past President. The picture below marks the presentation of a symbolic gavel from the ANS President to the ANS Immediate Past President.

Your help for Japan is still needed

July 1, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

American Nuclear Society members and others, take a bow. Your contributions to the Japan Relief Fund have exceeded the $155,000 level. That's something to be proud of. There is still a need, however, for you to keep making donations to help our friends and colleagues, and their families, at the Fukushima Daiichi, Fukushima Daini, and Onagawa nuclear plants, all located on the damaged east coast of Japan.