D.C. Perspective
Nuclear loan guarantees and the "credit subsidy cost"
The ANS Nuclear Cafe is a blog owned and edited by the American Nuclear Society. Information contained on the ANS Nuclear Cafe has been provided by numerous sources. Therefore, the American Nuclear Society assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in posted articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Nuclear Society. The views expressed here are those of the individual authors. ANS takes no ownership of their views. The American Nuclear Society assumes no responsibility or liability for any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained on this site.
Nuclear loan guarantees and the "credit subsidy cost"
The 21th Carnival of Nuclear Energy blogs is up at Next Big Future. It is a roundup of featured content from the nation's pro-nuclear blogs.
If there's one lesson to be learned from recent elections, it's simply this: every vote counts. Critical elections on the local, state, and even national levels can be won or lost over a very few votes. The 2010 elections are already underway, and it's important that nuclear professionals do all that you can to participate and make your voice heard.
Years ago, a newspaper columnist intrigued me with a statement that science cannot tell us anything about real people. To the columnist, science could talk only about "average people," which exist only in the imagination of the speaker. The scientifically average American, for example, has one testicle and one breast, 2.3 kids, and 0.6 dogs. Most of us don't know anyone like that.
Look for the Department of Energy to keep on heavily promoting university-driven nuclear energy research and development projects for as long as Warren "Pete" Miller is assistant secretary for Nuclear Energy. Miller, an ANS member, has taken "a personal interest in the success" of the DOE's new Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) initiative, according to Mary McCune, NEUP's lead program manager.
ANS sponsors or cosponsors the following upcoming meetings:
The 20th Carnival of Nuclear Energy blogs is up at Idaho Samizdat It is a roundup of featured content from the nation's pro-nuclear blogs.
A six-pack of small reactors can be developed over time to meet a utility's growing needs.
It is sometimes a little hard for me to believe, but I have been involved in nuclear engineering education for more than 16 years. For many of those years, I was a student, climbing my way up to achieve a doctorate in nuclear engineering. Now I am an educator, which in many ways is just a different kind of student.
The September/October issue of Radwaste Solutions will soon be available electronically to ANS members. This issue includes the following three feature articles on environmental remediation:
This past summer, we watched political near-hysteria toward BP, the giant energy company. Oil from an uncapped well in the Gulf of Mexico was gushing on every newscast. Booms and vessels were at work trying to contain and capture the oil. Birds and animals were shown covered with slimy goo.
The 19th Carnival of Nuclear Energy blogs is up at Brain Wang's Next Big Future. It is a roundup of featured content from the nation's pro-nuclear blogs.
I am very honored to have been asked to write the first guest blog for ANS's newest venture-the Nuclear Cafe. This effort is a valuable new opportunity for ANS to provide a platform for credible, fact-based discussions of important nuclear issues, and I look forward to seeing it become an influential voice of reason on the Internet.
A roundup of interesting news from a growing group
Seoul wants to know why it is treated differently than India