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Sneak Preview: for a limited time, view the recently published 55th annual Nuclear News Buyers Guide!


Supplier Profile

ATS Industrial Automation, Inc. Nuclear (Canada)

730 Fountain St. N., Bldg. #3

Cambridge, Ontario, N3H 4R7


Certifications: ASME NQA-1; 10CFR50 App. B; 10CFR21 Program; CSA N285.0; CSA N286; CSA N299; CSA B51; ASME B31.1; ASME B31.3; ISO-9001:2015; ISO:13485:2016

Cleaning Equipment:


Computer Software:


Decommissioning Services:

Encapsulation, Radioactive Source

Fuel Channels

Fuel Element Consolidation (Spent Fuel):

Fuel Handling Equipment & Systems:

Fusion Reactor Components & Systems:

Inspection Services:

Isotope Separation Plants & Equipment

Isotopes, Stable (Enriched)

Maintenance & Repair Services:

Manipulators, Remote

Materials Handling Equipment:

Pipe & Tube Machinery & Equipment:

Radioactive Waste Handling & Treatment Equipment:


Reactor Service Tools & Devices:

Remote Control, Handling & Positioning Devices & Sys.:

Remote-Viewing Instruments & Systems:

Robotic Devices, Systems:

Solid Waste Reduction Equipment & Tools, Radioactive:

Tensioners, Stud, Hydraulic


Transfer Systems for Irradiation Samples:

Tritium Handling Equipment

Tritium Removal Equipment

Tube Extraction (Removal) Equipment

Video Services:

Waste Management Services: