Nuclear Merchant Ships: Five Fast Facts

January 25, 2018, 1:13PMANS Nuclear Cafe

NS Savannah, mid-1960's.  Photo taken by crew member Dan Campbell, courtesy NS Savannah Association, Inc.

NS Savannah, mid-1960's. Photo taken by crew member Dan Campbell, courtesy NS Savannah Association, Inc.

With the increasing concern these days about the pollutants that commercial ships traveling all over the world's oceans put into the air, there's a rumbling undertone starting again about moving to nuclear powered commercial (that is, non-military) ships.  There was a "First Nuclear Ship" era already, and it did give us some valuable lessons.

Friday Matinee: 3Q 2017 Vogtle Update

November 17, 2017, 2:00PMANS Nuclear Cafe


When you hear the friendly voice of Joe Washington, you know that it's time for another in the excellent series of "Vogtle Timeline" videos presented by Georgia Power.  This most recent update covers some important ground - namely, the change in construction arrangements following Westinghouse's bankruptcy and how the project goes on from that point.  Not only is physical progress at the plant site displayed, but community outreach and impact are also shown in this well produced video.

ANS President Hopeful for Future of Nuclear Energy

October 30, 2017, 7:31PMANS Nuclear Cafe

"There's no one I'd rather go into battle with," said ANS President Bob Coward to a packed Opening Plenary audience this morning, "than nuclear professionals," in reference to the stated purpose of ANS in advancing nuclear technologies.  Coward's very first remarks set the tone for a speech that was remarkably hopeful and bright given the recent blows that nuclear energy has suffered here in the United States.

National Clean Energy Week and Nuclear Energy

September 26, 2017, 5:55PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Perry Nuclear Plant in Ohio.  Nuclear plants create no emissions of their own; the cooling towers emit only water vapor.  Press photo in Will Davis collection.

Perry Nuclear Plant in Ohio. Nuclear plants create no emissions of their own; the cooling towers emit only water vapor. Press photo in Will Davis collection.

One of the things that's important to consider this week - National Clean Energy Week - is whether or not energy sources we depend upon are actually clean.  While we think of solar and wind energy as being pretty clean, we are also reminded that they are not reliable, and they do experience periods of time when they just don't work.  What we use to fill in that power gap is from sources we can control, independent of weather or time of day. These are sources we call "dispatchable" generating sources, because we can dispatch them and expect they'll answer the call to provide power.

Florida's Nuclear Plants Power Through Hurricane Irma

September 12, 2017, 4:04PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Florida Power and Light's St. Lucie nuclear plant; photo courtesy FPL

Hurricane Irma shocked the country this week with images of wind and water that haven't been seen in some time along the hurricane-wary coastlines of the United States. Although people in those regions always have preparation for these storms somewhere in their minds, the two Florida Power & Light (FPL) nuclear plants-both of which powered through the hurricane-had both a background of design and preparedness to stand on as well as some recent, last-minute preparations. An Everything Nuclear Podcast

September 1, 2017, 4:31PMANS Nuclear Cafe

In a world fraught with loud, anti-nuclear voices, including a recent satirical news show that had a bit on nuclear waste, I've been pondering ideas that would provide a media platform to help counter the attacks on nuclear. While I am still a penniless grad student who lacks the budget of a weekly HBO nightly show, I believe I may have found a compromise. Starting today, Friday, September 1, 2017, I will be launching the bi-weekly podcast RadioNuclear.

July 1959: Savannah Afloat!

July 31, 2017, 11:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

NS Savannah AtomThe last half of the 1950s was a time of great promise for the concept of atomic-powered commercial ships. The idea was given real political momentum (which it very much needed) in 1955 when President Eisenhower formally proposed construction of such a ship by the United States. In July 1956, Congress passed Public Law 848, authorizing the actual engineering and construction of the ship.