ANS Making Nuclear Visible in Paris Climate Talks

November 30, 2015, 9:21PMANS Nuclear Cafe

American Nuclear Society President Eugene S. Grecheck and Director of Communications and Outreach Tari Marshall will be in Paris on December 2-9 as observer delegates and to represent one of the lead organizations for Nuclear for Climate. "It is critical that nuclear energy be front and center so that delegates understand the essential role that nuclear will play in reaching climate goals," Grecheck said.

1st Dwight D. Eisenhower Awards Presented at ANS Winter Meeting

November 20, 2015, 8:51PMANS Nuclear Cafe

If you were unable to be at the Opening Plenary of the ANS Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., you missed the honoring of two pivotal leaders in nonproliferation efforts: former Secretary of State George Shultz and Dr. Sidney Drell. Both gentlemen were awarded the first Dwight D. Eisenhower Award by the Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy Division of the American Nuclear Society. Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower, presented the awards.

Hanford One

November 2, 2015, 3:00PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Although there have been dozens of unique nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants built and operated in the United States, it is perhaps true that the "most unique" of these in many ways was a nuclear power plant that, in a real sense, did not itself actually incorporate a nuclear reactor.  This plant was built and operated by the Washington Public Power Supply System, and was known as Hanford One.  The story behind it, and the unique reactor that provided steam for it, is at once complicated and fascinating.

Nuclear Science Week: Monday “Get to Know Nuclear"

October 19, 2015, 3:02PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Celebrate Nuclear Science WeekThis year, Nuclear Science Week takes place October 19-23. Always during the third week of October, it's a nationwide event that has been educating people about the importance of nuclear science and technology for the past five years. Many of the associated Nuclear Science Week events, taking place all week throughout the United States, are aimed toward young people to encourage an interest in nuclear science-related careers. This year, the first day's theme will be "Get To Know Nuclear"-a topic kids (and adults) of all ages would do well to learn.