Carving up Turkey’s nuclear energy market
The question is how big is the bird and will any of the proposed deals fly?
A message from General Atomics
Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cladding: Innovative Materials Enhance Fleet Safety and Performance
The question is how big is the bird and will any of the proposed deals fly?
The 117th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Next Big Future
Even before its successful landing earlier this week, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory was already sending back important scientific data-about the radiation exposure that astronauts might face during a mission to the Red Planet.
The American Nuclear Society's Utility Working Conference and Vendor Technology Expo wrapped up yesterday in Hollywood, Fla. The annual executive conference is attended by hundreds of professional nuclear operators, vendors, and regulators in a format that promotes the open sharing of ideas.
The July/August issue of Radwaste Solutions is available in hard copy and electronically for subscribers (click "subscribers" link in left column). This issue features articles on low-level radioactive waste management, in addition to coverage of the technology and policy of high-level radioactive waste management.
The nuclear-powered roving robotic laboratory Curiosity touched down early on August 6, and is beaming back images while undergoing system checks. The Curiosity landing has generated worldwide interest, including interest in its plutonium power source.
Worldwide energy needs will double by 2040.
The 116th Carnival is up at Idaho Samizdat.
Early on Monday morning (1:31AM Eastern Daylight Time), after having traveled 352 million miles, NASA's robotic rover Curiosity is scheduled to touch down inside the Gale Crater on the surface of Mars. Soon after, it will begin looking for clues about possible early forms of Martian life.
It's time to make plans to attend the American Nuclear Society's 2012 Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, this year held in San Diego, Calif., on November 11-15 at the Town and Country Resort & Conference Center.
The 115th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up
The probable confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson, announced on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, marked a great achievement in the history of science. The Higgs field, as proven by the existence of the Higgs boson, is basically the reason that matter has "mass" in our universe.
The July issue of Nuclear News magazine is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (enter ANS user name and password). The issue contains the following feature articles:
The Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia addresses scientific topics of broad and current interest that cut across the boundaries of traditional disciplines. "The Science of Science Communication" was a Sackler Colloquium interdisciplinary scientific meeting held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., on May 21-22, 2012. At this meeting, American Nuclear Society Past President Dr. Eric Loewen addressed the other "three R's" of [nuclear] education: Radiation, Reactors, and Residuals.
In this video interview, American Nuclear Society President Dr. Michael Corradini outlines some major goals and objectives for the Society during his upcoming term.
Following the American Nuclear Society Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, June 28, Michael Corradini officially became ANS President and Eric Loewen transitioned to ANS Immediate Past President. ANS President Corradini presented a commemorative gavel to the ANS Immediate Past President at the conclusion of Dr. Loewen's term.