Marking Fukushima at one year
Retrospective and prospective views
Retrospective and prospective views
The American Nuclear Society Special Committee on Fukushima has been conducting a comprehensive study of the events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the Great East Japan earthquake of 2011. The special committee was tasked with providing a clear and concise explanation of what happened during the Fukushima Daiichi accident, and offer recommendations based on lessons learned. A report from the special committee will be released at a press conference on Thursday, March 8, at 10AM EST. The press conference will be webcast at, and the report will be available for download at
The Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at NEI Nuclear Notes
This post is the collective voice of blogs with legendary names which emerge each week to tell the story of nuclear energy.
If you want to hear the voice of the nuclear renaissance, the Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs is where to find it.
Past editions have been hosted at Yes Vermont Yankee, Atomic Power Review, ANS Nuclear Cafe, Idaho Samizdat, NEI Nuclear Notes, Next Big Future, and CoolHandNuke, as well as several other popular nuclear energy blogs.
The publication of the Carnival each week is part of a commitment by the leading pro-nuclear bloggers in North America that we will speak with a collective voice on the issue of the value of nuclear energy. While we each have our own points of view, we agree that the promise of peaceful uses of the atom remains viable in our own time and for the future.
If you have a pro-nuclear energy blog, and would like to host an edition of the carnival, please contact Brian Wang at Next Big Future to get on the rotation.
This is a great collaborative effort that deserves your support. Please post a Tweet, a Facebook entry, or a link on your Web site or blog to support the carnival.
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Webcast event available from National Press Club
The University of Nevada Las Vegas Student Section of the American Nuclear Society will host the 2012 ANS Student Conference on April 12-15, 2012, at the UNLV Student Union.
The Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Next Big Future
Steven A. Arndt, Ph.D., P.E., cited as best engineer in federal service
Eric Loewen, president of the American Nuclear Society, kept up his rapid pace last week as he visited the ANS local section in Aiken, S.C., on February 15, and the one in Charlotte, N.C., on February 16. Loewen, as the featured speaker at the meetings of the two sections, presented his personal talk titled "Plutonium: Promise or Peril".
Discovery Channel seeks America's top inventors, machinists, and engineers to compete for a huge grand pr1ze
The Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Yes Vermont Yankee
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) Board of Directors has selected Robert C. Fine, JD, CAE as the Society's new Executive Director, ANS President Eric P. Loewen announced today. "We're in a new era in the nuclear science and technology community. Today's appointment of Bob Fine demonstrates our recognition that we are committed to be a part of this new direction," said Loewen.
The 90th weekly edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Atomic Power Review.
U.S. News & World Report, an online news publication, features a "Debate Club" section wherein a topic is posed in the form of a question and experts submit opinions (or op-ed) in support or opposition to the question.
Mark your calendars now for the 2012 ANS Student Conference! This year's conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nev., with the theme: Nuclear Science and Technology: Past, Present and Future. The ANS Nuclear Cafe will be carrying more details and developments in the days ahead.
The American Nuclear Society's Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information and the ANS Outreach Department will be sponsoring a one-day teacher workshop on Sunday, February 26, in Phoenix, Ariz. The workshop-Detecting Radiation in Our Radioactive World-is intended for science educators (including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, physical science, life science, environmental, and general science teachers) at the high school and middle school levels. The workshop will be held prior to WM2012, the international waste management conference that takes place annually in Phoenix.
A banner signed by American Nuclear Society members during the society's Winter Meeting in Washington, DC, signifies the support and encouragement of ANS membership for the people of Japan and the workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant who are rebuilding after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.
The 89th Carnival of Nucler Energy Bloggers is up at Idaho Samizdat
The Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future released its final report on Thursday, January 26. The report contains recommendations for a comprehensive U.S. strategy for managing spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.
Nuclear Science Day, January 25 2012, at the Illinois Institute of Technology, truly was a resounding success! A huge thank you to the students, teachers, organizers, sponsors and world-class nuclear engineers and scientists who made today's scientific celebration such a great event. And National Nuclear Science Week continues! A few photos from today: