82nd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs
The 82nd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up : Nuclear Clean Air Energy
The 82nd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up : Nuclear Clean Air Energy
On Monday, December 5, American Nuclear Society president Eric Loewen visited the ANS Eastern Carolinas Section.
The View from the Panel
The 81st edition is up at Idaho Samizdat.
On December 2 in 1942, Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, and their colleagues achieved the first man-made, sustained, controlled nuclear chain reaction-in a squash court beneath the football grandstand of the University of Chicago's Stagg Field. That event occurred 69 years ago today!
Shannon Bragg-Sitton of Idaho National Laboratory discusses nuclear applications for space missions, including the Mars Curiosity rover launched last Saturday, and the upcoming American Nuclear Society Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS) topical meeting, on March 21-23, in The Woodlands, Tex., held in conjunction with the March 19-23 Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference. Please check the links above for more info.
The 80th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at Next Big Future
One of the most exciting and important events at the American Nuclear Society's Winter Meeting in Washington, DC, this year was the "Capitol Hill Day" visit held on November 4. This event allowed society members the opportunity to go to Capitol Hill to meet with congress persons and staffs, and to offer unique expertise as the world's foremost experts in nuclear technologies.
Voices with legendary names emerge each week to tell the story of nuclear energy
Projects in Koodankulam and Jaitapur will be set back
The November/December issue of Radwaste Solutions is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (must enter ANS user name and password in Member Center).
The November issue of Nuclear News magazine, which contains a special section on waste management, is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (must enter ANS user name and password in Member Center). The special section contains the following stories:
NCEES is seeking engineering professionals to participate in a content review for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. The results of this survey will be used to update the test specifications for the exam, which is typically the first step in the process leading to professional engineering licensure.
By Howard Shaffer
As part of ongoing efforts to keep the United States and U.S. communities safe during emergencies, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The EAS test plays a key role in ensuring that the nation is prepared for all hazards, and that the U.S. public can receive critical and vital information should it ever be needed. The first nationwide test will be conducted Wednesday, November 9, at 2 p.m. eastern.
Two members of the American Nuclear Society were named ANS Fellows on November 1 at the ANS Annual Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo. These awards were presented by ANS President Eric Loewen in recognition of the Fellows' significant contributions and achievements to nuclear science and technology.
American Nuclear Society President Eric Loewen and ANS Vice-President/President-Elect Michael Corradini were on the Times Square Jumbotron in New York City with a banner signed by ANS members at the 2011 winter meeting. The banner expresses the support and encouragement of the ANS membership for the people of Japan as they continue to rebuild after Japan's earthquake and tsunami. Flanking the ANS officers are Loewen's son and daughter, Hans and Zatha.