Nominations for Seaborg Medal due June 1

April 25, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Established in 1983, the American Nuclear Society's Seaborg Medal recognizes an individual who has made outstanding scientific or engineering research contributions to the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Nominations for candidates for the award are invited from technical societies, heads of governments, and other appropriate individuals. The deadline for nomination to be received at ANS is June 1, 2011.

University of Chicago to hold public forum on Fukushima

April 20, 2011, 10:21PMANS Nuclear Cafe

The University of Chicago Alumni Association, in conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory and the Harris Energy Policy Institute, will hold a forum at 4:00 PM Central Time on Thursday, April 21, entitled "Beyond Fukushima: The Risks, Realities & Future of Nuclear Energy in the U.S."  The forum will be held in the atrium of the university's Gordon Center for Integrative Sciences in Chicago (click here for map) and can be viewed in real time online at University of Chicago-Live Facebook page.

Support the Japan Relief Fund!

April 18, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

It has been more than a month since the tragedy in Japan and the events at Fukushima have unfolded. So far, the Japan Relief Fund-established by the American Nuclear Society-has collected almost $50,000 in donations, but more is needed. That's where you come in. Every dollar of your generous contribution will go toward nuclear plant workers and their families in Japan who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

ANS president-elect Eric Loewen visits City College of New York

February 26, 2011, 7:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

American Nuclear Society president-elect Eric Loewen on February 17 visited the City College of New York (CCNY). Loewen presented a talk during the noon hour on "Nuclear Reactor Physics at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl" to an audience of about 40 engineering faculty members and students. Most students were from CCNY's mechanical or chemical engineering programs and have taken, or are currently taking, at least one of the college's nuclear engineering concentration courses: