For your reference: Nuclear News magazine

March 26, 2012, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The March "reference" issue of Nuclear News magazine is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (must enter ANS user name and password in Member Center). This issue-the 14th annual nuclear reference guide-includes:

  • Notes on the 2012 World List of Nuclear Power Plants
  • World List of Nuclear Power Plants
  • Nuclear Power Plants No Longer in Service
  • Abbreviations Used in this List
  • Power Reactors by Nation; Power Reactors by Type, Worldwide
  • Maps of Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Worldwide
  • U.S. Power Reactor License Renewal
  • New Power Reactor Projects in the United States; U.S. Power  Reactor Ownership/Operator Changes

There is also a special section titled Fukushima one year later that contains the following articles:

  • Decommissioning: The new goal of the Fukushima Daiichi road map, by Dick Kovan
  • In the United States, near-term changes and a wait for more data, by E. Michael Blake
  • IAEA mission endorses Japan's safety assessment process, by Gamini Seneviratne

Other news in the March issue:  the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approves licenses for Vogtle-3 and -4; the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future releases final report; government of Spain chooses site for spent fuel and high-level waste storage; Canadian government commits over $1 billion for Port Hope area cleanup; proposed revisions to low-level waste regulations put on hold while the NRC studies issues; Virginia governor postpones decision on uranium mining in the state; USEC's contract with Tenex for supply of low-enriched uranium takes effect; Kazakhstan is world leader in uranium production; NRC study of power reactor accidents finds "essentially zero" fatalities; new seismic model developed for reactors in central, eastern United States; steam releases reported at Byron, San Onofre; Watts Bar-2 startup could be delayed until 2014; first fully coupled accelerator-driven system begins operation in Belgium; two bids submitted for Fennovoima project in Finland; Russia's joint venture with Alstom receives first turbine order; Czech construction company joins Westinghouse for Temelin reactor bid; banks agree on financing for power reactor project in Belarus; the U.K.'s Oldbury plant ceases operation; report says dose limit of 20 mSv/yr is achievable in Japan; IAEA updating safeguards analytical services; and much more.

And, in case you missed it, the February and past issues of Nuclear News are available here. For example, the February issue contains the following feature stories:


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