"I&C" in Nuclear News

December 20, 2011, 7:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The December issue of Nuclear News magazine, which contains a special section on instrumentation and control, is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (must enter ANS user name and password in Member Center). The special section contains the following stories:

  • Duke upgrades to digital I&C at Oconee
  • The role of I&C technology in enabling the deployment of small modular reactors, by Dwight Clayton and Richard Wood
  • Digital I&C for research reactors

Other news in the December issue: Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff sends AP1000 final rule package to the commissioners and the Office of Management and Budget; U.S. EPR's digital I&C system gets first NRC approval; US-APWR design certification now scheduled for October 2014; NRC reschedules work on Turkey Point-6 and -7 into 2014; Entergy submits Grand Gulf license renewal application to the NRC; Comments on Fermi-3 draft EIS accepted through January 11.; Robinson-2 moves higher, Sequoyah-1 lower in NRC's ROP action matrix; stolen sodium diuranate traced to Areva's Trekkopje mine in Namibia; regulatory control of USEC's Portsmouth plant being returned to the Department of Energy; NRC issues final environmental assessment for Nuclear Fuel Services' fuel fabrication facility; NRC investigates yellowcake incident at Wyoming site; ORISE report shows shifts in career opportunities for nuclear engineering grads; University of Pittsburgh hosts Nuclear Night; Czech utility ?EZ invites vendor bids for new Temelin reactors; Taiwan's new energy policy calls for nuclear power phaseout; commercial start of Finland's Olkiluoto-3 may be delayed again; UAE's Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation requests approval for site preparation work at Braka; dome of China's first EPR, Taishan-1, is put in place; Russia applies for membership in OECD Nuclear Energy Agency; IAEA mission team issues preliminary report on Fukushima Daiichi; and much more.

Past issues of Nuclear News are available here.

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