We will open with a bang on Monday afternoon at the YPC plenary, and sessions will run all day Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday evening will feature the YPC social, and Thursday will include a visit to the Hill with representatives in the US Congress (for those that signed up at pre-registration).
We hope that those attending the ANS winter meeting will be able to participate in many of the YPC sessions-but of course, we understand if you are occasionally drawn away by some of the excellent sessions in the meeting proper. And we know how many people would like to participate, but won't be able to make it to Washington this time around.
So how to keep track of all the goings-on? The best way to follow the happenings, if you are in Washington or not, is through the #YPC2011 hash-tag on twitter. No, it won't be the same as being there, but you will be able to catch some of the highlights from the featured speakers and workshop sessions. We will also be soliciting twitter input to the "Challenges Facing the Young Generation in Nuclear" session on Wednesday afternoon.
Remember, #YPC2011 for all your Young Professionals Congress info! See you soon.

Peter Caracappa is a clinical assistant professor and radiation safety officer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in New York State. He is General Chair of the ANS NA-YGN Young Professionals Congress and is a regular contributor to the ANS Nuclear Cafe