Webinar with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko takes place TODAY

October 3, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe


The online webinar for nuclear bloggers-an unscripted question-and-answer session with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko- will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, from 11 AM-12 Noon Eastern Time.

The webinar registration link is:


For those unable to hook up by computer, the toll-free line to listen is: 888-469-3064 (passcode: 33572).

Full details are below.


A first-of-a-kind event for the Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Gregory Jaczko NRC March 2011The American Nuclear Society, in coordination with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), has announced a live online webinar for nuclear bloggers on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, from 11 AM-12 Noon Eastern Time.

The webinar will be an unscripted question-and-answer session with NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko (above).

Jaczko is participating in order to broaden the NRC's outreach with the nuclear social media community. A similar one-hour session will be held on October 6 with representatives of organizations who are critical of and/or oppose nuclear energy. (ANS will not be involved with the October 6 event.)

How to submit questions

Participants in the October 4 session will be able to submit questions ahead of time by using this NRC e-mail address: BlogMtg1.Resource@nrc.gov

Nuclear bloggers: Please mark your calendar for Oct. 4 from 11 a.m.-Noon EDT for an opportunity to submit questions to NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko and hear his responses.

The conference call webinar will be listen-only. We are soliciting questions both through a dedicated email account at the NRC in advance and taking emailed questions online via the webinar while the discussion is in progress. The session will be archived for later listening as a podcast available for download or listening on the NRC website. For those who would like to prime the pump, the email address to submit a question in advance is: BlogMtg1.Resource@NRC.gov

Free Registration

The webinar registration link is: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/208508233 

For those unable to hook up by computer, the toll-free line to listen is: 888-469-3064 (passcode: 33572 )

Audio will be available through the web link for those persons using speakers or headphones.

Post session Podcast & Blog Posts

While Jaczko will likely be unable to answer all of the questions submitted in the time available, Eliot Brenner, chief of NRC Public Affairs, said, "The agency will endeavor to address them online after the webinar via its blog at: http://public-blog.nrc-gateway.gov/"   The complete recorded session will be available as a Podcast from the NRC website.

Time will also be allocated to answering questions submitted by participants via an online form on the webinar website. Those without web access will be able to dial in to listen to the webinar via a toll-free telephone line, but will not be able to submit questions by phone.

Focus of discussion

The focus of the session will be on policy issues and the broad regulatory and safety objectives of the NRC. Questions that are most likely to be selected for the live session will be those that have broad public interest in terms of the NRC's mission.

"The NRC will answer any detailed technical questions about specific nuclear plant systems on its blog. Also, if we see a similar question submitted by several participants, we'll ask a composite question," Brenner said.

ANS Facilitator

Dan YurmanLaura Scheele, ANS manager for Communications & Policy, said that the NRC session will be facilitated by Dan Yurman (right), a nuclear blogger, on behalf of ANS.

He is a member of the American Nuclear Society and serves on the organization's Public Information Committee. Yurman will be on site at NRC headquarters for the session.

Scheele noted that support from the elected officers of ANS was essential in organizing the October 4 event. The officers include Eric Loewen, ANS president; Mike Corradini, vice-president /president elect, and Joe Colvin, immediate past president.

The announcement above is also available on the ANS website.

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