What's in the June 2011 issue of Nuclear News?

June 17, 2011, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The June issue of Nuclear News has been published and is available in hard copy and electronically to American Nuclear Society members (click here-log-in required).

The issue contains a 32-page special section on New Construction.  Feature articles include:

  • Renaissance watch: Is it still happening? by E. Michael Blake
  • Supplying the United Kingdom's new-build program, by Dick Kovan
  • The NNSA's MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility moves along, by Rick Michal
  • Mandatory hearings ahead for the first new reactor licenses, by E. Michael Blake

Other features include a report on the World Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2011 conference and a review of INPO's performance indicators for 2010 for the U.S. nuclear power industry.

Additional news items of note in the June issue:  TEPCO's plan to cover the Fukushima Daiichi-1 reactor building to prevent the continued release of radioactive material into the environment; the draft recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future; Exelon and Constellation announcing plans to merge; NRC commissioners question sufficiency of station blackout rule for battery power duration; Point Beach-1 and -2 approved for 17-percent power uprates; three reactors rise, three fall in the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process action matrix; NRC issues red finding for valve failure at Browns Ferry-1; Dominion announces plans to sell Kewaunee; GE Hitachi asks NRC to suspend design certification rulemaking for Toshiba ABWR; Areva CEO Besnainou criticizes reporting on MOX fuel; more capacity planned for uranium-bearing copper at Olympic Dam Project in Australia; MIT report says centralized storage is key, but siting problematic; India to establish independent nuclear regulatory agency; Japan's prime minister forces shutdown of Hamaoka nuclear plant; workers make first entry into Fukushima Daiichi-1 reactor building; Italy abandons new nuclear program; and much more.

Past issues of Nuclear News, including the May issue, are available here.

This post first appeared on the ANS Nuclear Cafe.

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