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Join over 800 ANS members on the ANS LinkedIn Group. The LinkedIn Group features discussions on topics of interest to nuclear professionals. There is also a newsfeed that includes video clips of news reports on nuclear-related topics.
Free Email Digest for the ANS Nuclear Cafe
The ANS Nuclear Cafe features perspectives from social media and thought leaders in the nuclear community who address topics of interest to ANS members and other nuclear professionals. Sign up today using the box in the upper right column to receive a daily free email summary.
Travel Mugs Available at June ANS Meeting
Nuclear energy may power your computer or mobile device, but what powers you during your adventures in social media? If caffeine is the answer, ANS has the solution: an insulated ANS Travel Mug branded with the ANS Nuclear Cafe and Nuclear News logos! The travel mug is a handy reminder that your nuclear friends are only a wifi connection away.
Limited quantities will be available at the upcoming ANS June meeting in Hollywood, Florida-plan now to pick one up free of shipping costs! Be advised that ANS travel mugs will be de rigueur at the Social Media gathering on June 28.