May issue of Nuclear News magazine

May 2, 2011, 6:11AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The hard-copy May issue of Nuclear News will soon be in the hands of American Nuclear Society members. It will also be available electronically to members.

The May issue features the following:

  • U.S. capacity factors: Staying around 90 percent, by E. Michael Blake
  • Warren Stern: Detecting nuclear threats, interview by Rick Michal
  • Chernobyl 25 years on: Time for a "giant" leap forward, by Dick Kovan

The Fukushima reactor complex, before March 11, 2011

Other items of note in the May issue include news about U.S. power reactors to be examined for vulnerabilities in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi accident; intervenor in Pilgrim's license renewal proceeding notes similarity to Fukushima Daiichi-1; Tepco gaining control of Fukushimi Daiichi reactors, but cold shutdown still far off; IAEA's Amano calls for high-level safety conference; Russian President Medvedev favors greater seismic siting restrictions; Italy imposes one-year moratorium on nuclear program; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejects UniStar Nuclear's "negation" plan for obtaining Calvert Cliffs-3 combined operating license (COL); Levy-1 and -2 COL application advances through NRC approval process; Toshiba to seek design approval next year for 4S small modular reactor; Babcock & Wilcox and TVA provide more details on their plans for the mPower reactor; new concrete separation delays restart of Crystal River-3; updates on license renewal proceedings for South Texas-1 and -2, Hope Creek/Salem; the final site-wide environmental impact statement approved for proposed transformation of the Y-12 National Security Complex; the Department of Homeland Security conducts Securing the Cities exercise in New York City; Canada's Bruce Power delays shipping used steam generators to Sweden for recycling; University of Saskatchewan receives funding for new research center; Sen. Diane Feinstein (D., Cal.) calls for more rapid transfer of used fuel from pools to dry cask storage; Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future reports on comments received from public; Sweden's waste management agency submits application to build used fuel repository; Curtiss-Wright seeks licenses to export equipment for AP1000 reactors being built in China; FermiLab's Tevetron produces possible new particle not predicted by Standard Model; Urenco USA enrichment plant passes NRC inspection; and USEC andTenex sign purchase agreement for supply of low-enriched uranium.

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