ANS is your nuclear resource during COVID-19

April 14, 2020, 2:54PMUpdated April 23, 2020, 9:12AMANS News

This story was updated on April 29 with details about the ANS Annual Meeting.

The American Nuclear Society remains committed to serving the needs of the nuclear community even as the COVID-19 pandemic affects how we all communicate. Read on to learn more about the timely content that ANS is delivering to fit the way you live and work today.

Meetings go virtual: Technical exchange can’t and won’t be stopped by a pandemic. The ANS Annual Meeting is moving online, and registration is now open! Mark your calendar for June 8-11, and visit to register today. ANS is preparing a new set of digital and video tools that can enable the robust technical exchange of an ANS meeting—papers, presentations, posters, and plenaries—while ensuring the health and safety of everyone involved during the pandemic. Earlier this month, students at NC State led the way by adapting the 2020 Student Conference content for online delivery; read about their successful Student Webinar Series here.

Newswire: Look no further for news on COVID’s impact on the nuclear community. ANS staff are tracking down the stories you need, and we are excited to premiere the ANS Newswire on our redesigned website. ANS Newswire will consolidate and amplify content from Nuclear News, ANS News, Radwaste Solutions, Nuclear Policy Wire, and ANS Nuclear Cafe to provide daily news coverage for and about the nuclear community.

ANS Webinars: Right now, when the need is greatest, ANS is ramping up its production of dynamic webinars featuring leaders who can speak to critical issues in the nuclear field. The Young Members Group is leading the effort with their Spotlight on National Labs webinar series. Visit to register for live webinars and join in the discussion. Read more about our webinar program here.

Educational outreach: The K–12 educational resources of Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World have already reached over 600,000 students in the classroom, and while schools may be closed right now, is open to the public. There’s never been a better time to encourage teachers and students in your community to check out Navigating Nuclear content and learn about nuclear science and technology.

All of this and more is waiting for you on ANS’s redesigned website. Check the Newswire often for the latest content and opportunities to connect to ANS and to your colleagues in the nuclear community.

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