Industry Update—March 2025
Here is a recap of industry happenings from the recent past:
BWRX-300 SMR deployment partnership developed
Several U.S. utility companies and supply chain partners have formed a coalition to accelerate deployment of GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy’s BWRX-300 small modular reactor. The coalition, which has applied for $800 million in funding from the Department of Energy’s Generation III+ SMR program, is led by the Tennessee Valley Authority and includes GEH, Bechtel, BWX Technologies, Duke Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Indiana Michigan Power, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Sargent & Lundy, Scot Forge, other utilities and advanced nuclear project developers, and the State of Tennessee. TVA previously selected the BWRX-300 SMR for possible deployment at the Clinch River site, near Oak Ridge, Tenn. If the new coalition is awarded the requested DOE funding, TVA intends to accelerate construction of the first SMR at this site by two years, planning for commercial operation by 2033.
TVA has also selected Bechtel as a construction partner to build the BWRX-300 SMR at Clinch River. The two companies have previously partnered on several nuclear energy projects through the years, including the construction of Watts Bar-2 and the restarting of Browns Ferry-1.
In other related news, GEH has announced that American Electric Power has selected the BWRX-300 for potential deployment at the site of the Rockport coal-fired power plant, in Spencer County, Ind. That deployment is also dependent on the DOE funding request.
In addition, GEH announced that it has reached an agreement with Duke Energy for investment in activities to advance the design and licensing of BWRX-300 technology.
Westinghouse Electric Company has signed a memorandum of understanding with the North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council to promote the deployment of Westinghouse technology for advanced nuclear projects in New Brunswick, Canada. The agreement focuses on exploring the use of Westinghouse’s AP300 SMR for grid power and dedicated industrial purposes, the use of the company’s eVinci microreactor for remote communities and industrial sites (such as mines), and support for global AP1000 projects.
The U.K. Atomic Energy Authority has awarded a contract valued at £800,000 ($986,000) to Amentum to develop a liquid lithium breeder system digital twin in support of the agency’s Lithium Breeding Tritium Innovation (LIBRTI) program. LIBRTI is focused on the development of fuel cycle technology for nuclear fusion. Amentum’s expertise in breeder systems, physics modeling, and system architecture enables it to develop a digital model that will advance the design, build, operation, and maintenance of the planned LIBRTI facility. The artificial intelligence company digiLab is to support this project by providing its Uncertainty Engine software to integrate machine learning and uncertainty quantification capabilities into the model. The digital twin will be developed to predict corrosion rates, tritium breeding efficiency, and purification system performance, with the goal being integration of two-way data flow to support a true digital twin after the LIBRTI fusion facility becomes operational.
U.K.-based clean energy technology developer Chiltern Vital Group (CVG) and Dutch nuclear energy developer and consultant ULC-Energy BV have signed a letter of intent to collaborate on delivering clean energy solutions for CVG’s business park properties. The beginning of their collaboration will focus on the Berkeley Science and Technology Park and the Yorkshire Energy Park, both in England, with the intention of eventually expanding across other sites in the United Kingdom and European Union. CVG purchased the Berkeley site in Gloucestershire in August 2024 with plans to build a low-carbon nuclear “super cluster” investment zone to encourage the deployment of Rolls-Royce SMR technology and other net-zero technologies at the location. ULC-Energy had signed an agreement with Rolls-Royce SMR in 2022 to collaborate on the deployment of SMRs in the Netherlands. One of the Yorkshire Energy Park’s major investors is Vital Energi, which is CVG’s energy infrastructure and decarbonized heat partner in the United Kingdom.
Électricité de France and its Italian subsidiary Edison, along with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), have signed an MOU for collaboration on industrial applications for SMRs. The companies intend to work together on advancing SMR technologies that are focused on thermohydraulic systems and passive safety systems, integral system operation, and electricity and heat cogeneration for industrial purposes. The MOU further provides for training activities and the exchange of information between researchers and doctoral students. The agreement builds on previous French-Italian nuclear initiatives, including a 2023 letter of intent between EDF, Edison, and Italy’s Ansaldo Energia and Ansaldo Nucleare on potential SMR development and a 2024 MOU between EDF, Edison, Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo Nucleare, and Federacciai to promote cooperation in the use of nuclear energy for the Italian steel industry. In July 2024, the Italian government included possible new nuclear capacity in its National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan that was submitted to the European Commission.
Westinghouse, Korean firms settle intellectual property dispute
Westinghouse Electric Company, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), and Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO, the parent company of KHNP) have agreed to settle their intellectual property disagreement and to collaborate on the deployment of new nuclear reactors around the world. Westinghouse had filed a case with the District Court for the District of Columbia in October 2022 to prevent KHNP and KEPCO from exporting the APR1400 reactor design—which incorporates elements Westinghouse claims ownership to—without Westinghouse’s permission. KHNP then filed countersuits calling for Westinghouse to withdraw the case. In September 2023, the court ruled in favor of KHNP and dismissed the case, though a final ruling by an arbitration panel is not expected until late 2025. The new global settlement agreement among the three companies—the terms of which are confidential—is expected to lead to the dismissal of all legal actions. The agreement also allows for future cooperation among the companies to advance new nuclear projects around the world.
Chicago-based Clean Core Thorium Energy has formed a strategic partnership with National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), India’s largest integrated power company, aimed at exploring the development and deployment of Clean Core’s ANEEL fuel in India. ANEEL (advanced nuclear energy for enriched life) is a patented nuclear fuel composed of thorium and small amounts of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) designed to improve the safety and cost-efficiency of pressurized heavy water reactors. The fuel can also aid in proliferation resistance, according to Clean Core. In addition to considering the development and deployment of ANEEL fuel in India, the Clean Core–NTPC partnership—subject to the approval of the U.S. and Indian governments—will also explore the possible indigenization for India of ANEEL manufacturing and ANEEL-HALEU local supply chain development.
India’s NTPC has established the wholly owned subsidiary NTPC Parmanu Urja Nigam Limited (NPUNL). The purpose of the new subsidiary is to plan and execute “an integrated program for harnessing and developing nuclear energy for generating electricity or other purposes on a commercial basis,” including building, owning, operating, and managing nuclear power plants and promoting research and development. NTPC has also signed an agreement with Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) to enable the transfer of the four-unit Mahi Banswara Rajasthan Atomic Power Project from NPCIL to the companies’ Anushakti Vidhyut Nigam (Ashvini) joint venture, which has been restructured by NTPC and NPCIL.
Wide-ranging Scottish-Canadian agreement on nuclear issues
The Advanced Nuclear Research Centre (ANRC) at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland has signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation with the Canadian organizations Candu Owners Group (COG) and University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE). Under the terms of the MOU, which has a five-year renewable term, the three organizations are to cooperate on nuclear engineering, science, and technology initiatives involving nuclear-related research and development, education and training, knowledge management, and operations support. ANRC serves as a hub for all nuclear activities at the University of Strathclyde. COG is a Toronto-based nonprofit corporation consisting of nuclear power plant operators. UNENE is a network of Canadian universities and industry, government, and international institutions.
New streamlined segmentation system for decommissioning
ATS Industrial Automation, part of ATS Corporation, has announced the launch of its MultiFlex nuclear segmentation system, which is “designed to redefine safety, efficiency, and precision in nuclear decommissioning” by “minimizing the size and number of segmentation tools required, streamlining setup, and simplifying operation.” According to the Ontario, Canada–based company, the new system adds levels of automation and adaptability to the reactor segmentation process while reducing project timelines, costs, and safety concerns. The key features of the product include multifunctional cutting capabilities and advanced design elements to reduce vibration, allowing for more stable cutting operations. Contamination control features include streamlined cable management and minimal contamination traps.