The NN World List of Nuclear Power Plants
The hard-copy March edition of Nuclear News will soon be in the hands of American Nuclear Society members. That edition will also be available electronically to members. The edition contains the 13th Annual Reference Issue, which includes a 34-page special section on the World List of Nuclear Power Plants. The special section includes:
- Notes on the 2011 World List of Nuclear Power Plants
- The World List of Nuclear Power Plants
- Power Reactors by Nation; Power Reactors by Type, Worldwide
- Abbreviations Used in the List
- Nuclear Power Plants No Longer in Service
- Maps of Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Worldwide
- U.S. Power Reactor License Renewal
- New Power Reactor Projects in the United States; U.S. Power Reactor Ownership/Operator Changes
In addition, the March issue features a Q&A article with Doug Kothe, director of the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL), a project announced by the Department of Energy in 2009 as part of its Energy Innovation Hub initiative. CASL's mission is to create a virtual environment for predictive simulation of light-water reactors.

Dome removed from the Hector reactor
Other items of note in the March issue include news about GE Hitachi's ESBWR, Westinghouse's AP1000, and Toshiba's ABWR nearing design certification; the NRC's pressing of TVA on Watts Bar-2 fire protection; the final environmental impact statement for Calvert Cliffs-3, which awaits additional information from UniStar; Shaw's temporary halting of module prototype work at a fabrication facility; the denial of one petition and the proposing of others in the license renewal proceeding for Vermont Yankee; Holtec's creation of a subsidiary to develop a small modular reactor design; the NRC's easing of Oconee inspections and increasing oversight of Robinson-2; the GAO's review of guidelines for securing smart grid systems; the NNSA's work in West Africa on border security; Brazil's and Argentina's signing of an agreement to build research reactors; GE Hitachi signing of supply agreements with two Polish companies; the withdrawal of major investors from Romania's Cernavoda-3 and -4 project; news of the political turmoil that erupted in Egypt as a nuclear tender was planned; Canada's Bruce Power's plan to ship decommissioned steam generators to a Swedish recycling facility; EDF's adding to its nuclear decommissioning fund; the NRC extending the time period for on-site storage of used nuclear fuel; a dome removed from a heavy-water test reactor at Savannah River Site; General Electric's closing on a $3-billion deal to acquire Dresser Inc.; Westinghouse signing of an agreements on fuel fabrication, AP1000 deployment in China; high-energy collisions at Large Hadron Collider are delayed until 2014; USEC looks to continue operations at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant; U.S., international partners establish the National Center for Radioecology; and the NRC issues notice to medical licensees on release of patients treated with iodine.
Past issues of Nuclear News, including the February issue, are available here.
This post first appeared on the ANS Nuclear Cafe.