ANS publishes new standards
The following standards from the American Nuclear Society were published in 2024 and are available in the ANS Store:
ANS-3.11-2024, Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities (revision of ANS-3.11-2015; R2020)
This standard provides the identification of which meteorological parameters should be measured relative to the specific monitoring program objectives, meteorological parameter accuracies, meteorological tower siting considerations, meteorological instrument mounting guidance, meteorological data monitoring and transmission methodologies, meteorological data reduction techniques, and quality assurance and completeness requirements.
ANS-8.28-2024, Administrative Practices for the Use of Nondestructive Assay Measurements for Nuclear Criticality Safety (new standard)
This standard provides administrative practices covering the interface between the criticality safety community and the nondestructive assay community, including in situ measurements and measurements of containerized materials.
ANS-19.13-2024, Initial Fuel Loading and Startup Physics Tests for First-of-a-Kind Advanced Reactors (new standard)
This standard will provide best practices for reactor startup of first-of-a-kind (FOAK) advanced reactors (ARs) to confirm basic safety, operational, and fundamental property data for technical and safety specifications. The standard will also provide guidance leveraging startup procedures to support software validation methods to retire the operational and regulatory risk associated with the validation performed during reactor design. Best practices for startup of heritage reactors and modern light water reactors will be assimilated into generic recommended startup procedures for future FOAK ARs. This standard will provide traceability between such recommended best practices and the identified key datasets. It will thus allow auditing the methodology of new FOAK ARs.