The Fulton Station project: Inflation kept this HTGR from seeing the light of day

October 23, 2024, 9:38AMNuclear NewsJeremy Hampshire
The once-proposed location of the Fulton HTGR, in relation to modern-day operating nuclear power plants.

Fulton Station was to be a two-unit high-temperature gas-cooled reactor that was originally planned to start commercial operation in 1981 for Unit 1 and in 1983 for Unit 2. Each reactor was to provide 1,160 MWe of power. The nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) and fuel were to be developed by General Atomics (GA), and engineering firm Stone & Webster was charged with handling the construction. The Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) had big plans for Fulton Station, but ultimately, the plant was never built.

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