Protecting Equipment Longevity and Performance

September 3, 2024, 9:31AMSponsored ContentGoodway Technologies

Maintaining clean condenser tubes is vital for the reliable and efficient operation of power plants. Condenser tubes can accumulate a variety of deposits, ranging from soft organic materials to hardened mineral scales.

Fouling impacts condenser tubes in two significant ways: it reduces heat transfer efficiency and promotes under-deposit corrosion. Reduced heat transfer efficiency hampers steam condensation, leading to lower vacuum and less efficient steam turbine operation. The main types of fouling encountered include deposition or particulate, scaling or crystallization, microbiological fouling, debris or macrofouling, and corrosion.

When dealing with harder deposits, such as calcium carbonate (calcite), mechanical projectile scrapers have proven to be highly effective. However, there is a common belief that metal parts moving against other metal parts cause wear, irrespective of the hardness of the metals involved. Goodway Technologies has addressed this concern through independent testing that looked to demonstrate their SSM projectile scrapers result in negligible material reduction, making them a safe and effective method for cleaning condenser tubes.


The procedure assessed the safety and effectiveness of projectile scrapers involved a controlled test conducted by an independent laboratory—Dayton T. Brown. The testing was designed to rigorously evaluate the impact of these scrapers on tube wall thickness after repeated use, thereby simulating real-world conditions. This included continuous testing over a single shift, ensuring consistency and reliability of results. The test consisted of the following materials supplied by Goodway Technologies:

2 pcs. of 90/10 Copper-Nickel (CN) Tube, 10’ long x 0.75” OD x 0.049” wall thickness

2 pcs. of 304 Stainless Steel (SS) Tube,
10’ long x 1” OD x 0.049” wall thickness

110 pcs. of SSM-075-18-6 Projectiles,
used on 90/10 Copper-Nickel (CN) Tube

110 pcs. of SSM-100-18-6 Projectile,
used on 304 Stainless Steel (SS) Tube

1 pc. Projectile Launching System:
BSL-50, Big Shot Condenser Tube Cleaning Gun

1 pc. Pumping System: BFP-3510-230-1, Surface Condenser Tube Cleaning System


The test data indicates that the maximum material reduction observed was 0.0010 inches in stainless steel tubes, with other tested tubes showing reductions of less than 0.0005 inches. Copper-nickel tubes exhibited the least amount of wear, with a reduction of only 0.0003 inches. The test also examined differences in tube wear when using new projectiles for each shot versus reusing the same projectile ten times. While some differences were noted, they were statistically insignificant, especially given the allowable tolerance of 0.003 inches for tube wall thickness.

This negligible material reduction is crucial for ensuring the long-term integrity of condenser tubes. The test showed that even after 100 shots, the material loss remained within the manufacturing tolerance of the tube walls.


In conclusion, the SSM projectile scrapers manufactured by Goodway Technologies provide a safe and effective solution for cleaning surface condenser tubes. The test results confirm that the material reduction in both Copper-Nickel and Stainless-Steel tubes is negligible, validating the hypothesis that these scrapers do not compromise the structural integrity of the tubes. This ensures the longevity and efficiency of the heat exchange system, making SSM projectile scrapers a reliable choice for maintaining optimal system performance.

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Click to view surface condenser cleaning systems from Goodway®